
Forum > Questions > multiple login?
Reply To Thread (login)
kingluffy [34]
2015-01-28 16:51:30
[9 years, 102 days ago]

ive researched it and cant seem to find it but how do i actually log in with multiple bots? is there a script? please help thanks

PigVomit [225]
2015-01-28 17:04:13
[9 years, 102 days ago]

Savena [96]
2015-01-28 17:05:50
[9 years, 102 days ago]

If you have firefox and chrome you can login with 1 each is what I have found.

kingluffy [34]
2015-01-28 17:11:10
[9 years, 102 days ago]

vomit the link didnt work and i read that too but how do you do it??

Esvrainzas [134]
2015-01-28 18:11:24
[9 years, 102 days ago]

I use IE to multiple login. I go to 'File' and select 'New session' to open a new window and login with a different bot.

Lyrad [370]
2015-01-28 18:16:23
[9 years, 102 days ago]

I use mozilla firefox with it's multifox add-on enabled. just search it through google "mozilla add-on multifox".

Nosferatu [275]
2015-01-28 19:42:18
[9 years, 102 days ago]

I use chrome canary and chrome and open an incognito browser with both (chrome and canary will install separately). This gives me 4.

Ender [1]
2015-01-28 20:29:38
[9 years, 102 days ago]

I fixed your link PigVomit. Underscores are used to denote italics with Markdown formatting, so you (annoyingly) have to escape them. I wrote those instructions almost 10 years ago though, so your mileage my vary with them.

Anyway, as mentioned in this thread, there are many ways to do multi-login. What you ultimately need are separate browser sessions. Here are some ways of doing that:

  • Different computers
  • Different browsers
  • Same browser, different versions
  • Same browser, different modes (e.g. normal vs. incognito/private)
  • Same browser, different profiles (these entities may be named differently in different browsers)

Savena [99]
2015-01-29 03:25:29
[9 years, 102 days ago]

Lyrad's suggestion works wonders, super easy to use would recommend.

kingluffy [35]
2015-01-30 00:01:57
[9 years, 101 days ago]

Thank you all very helpful

Forum > Questions > multiple login?
Reply To Thread (login)