
Forum > Announcements > Kernel outage
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Ender [1]
2013-09-17 06:26:01 🔗
[11 years, 198 days ago]

The entire site was offline for a little over 2 hours:

PingdomAlert UP: ( is UP again at 2013-09-17 06:16:39, after 2h 17m of downtime.

This was a first. The game has been unplayable on the order of hours in the past a few times, but never before has the entire site gone offline. This time the actual VPS itself crashed and as best I can tell, it's because I'm running an outdated Kernel version.

Anyway, the game's server is obviously long overdue for some updates, so there will probably be some more downtime (scheduled, this time!) in the future to apply these. Stay tuned and sorry for the inconvenience.

Forum > Announcements > Kernel outage
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