
Ender [1]
2015-10-11 23:30:51 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

Do you have a high-end bot with more than 400 strength? If so, then you're going to want to read this update closely! If not, then you're going to want to start leveling up. :)

11 new high-end armors have been added:

  • 3 are unique and 8 are non-unique.
  • 3 are body armors, 3 are helmets, 2 are gloves, and 3 are boots.

11 existing high-end armors have been modified:

  • 9 are unique and 2 are non-unique.
  • 3 are body armors, 3 are helmets, 3 are gloves, and 2 are boots.
  • On modified armors, only defense and stat modifiers (str, dex, con, int) have changed.
  • In particular, required strength has not changed for any armor.
  • Some armors were buffed slightly, others were nerfed slightly.
  • If currently own one of these armors, its stats were changed (i.e. the change applies to existing armors, not just new ones).

The absorb formula has changed:

  • At 1600 defense and lower, absorb is the same.
  • At 1601 defense and higher, absorb increases more slowly than before.
  • This was necessary to be able to add new high-end armors. Without doing this, bots would have neared max absorb too quickly.

Huge thanks to ReneDescartes for doing the heavy lifting of balancing all these changes. This update would not have happened without his diligence and hard work. Please share your thoughts on this update by responding to this thread. Your feedback will be important in determining whether more effort is spent on these kinds of itemization changes in the future.


Ecoueses [214]
2015-10-12 01:34:04 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

awesome! update it on bots unauthorized so we can try out new stuff :D

jezz [310]
2015-10-12 01:35:29 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

great job Ender! Another update, cool

TerrorInc [110]
2015-10-12 03:30:44 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

so this is what ive found so far

bone crushers

defense             216
durability           4000
req.skills           STR: 438
cost                  50,000 kudos

doom walkers

defense            236
durability          4000
req.skills          STR: 516
cost                 80,000 kudos

imperial sabatons

defense            216
durability          4000
req.skills          STR: 441
cost                 50,000 kudos

vanquisher crown

defense            474
durability          4000
req.skills          STR: 522
cost                 180,000 kudos

atlas gauntlets

defense            233
Durability          4000
req.skills          STR: 490
cost                 80,000 kudos

dread plate

defense            1065
durability          6000
req.skills          STR: 555
cost                 750,000 kudos

March of the Vanguard

defense            218                        9 to STR
durability          1600                      6 to DEX
req.skills          STR: 494                2 to CON
cost                 1,800,000 kudos    -4 to INT

Opal Brace (edited)

defense            200                       -3 to STR
durability          1600
req.skills          STR: 460                5 to CON
cost                 1,500,000 kudos     12 to INT




TerrorInc [110]
2015-10-12 05:56:44 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

Heavens Might

defense            1010                     6 to STR
durability          1600                     6 to DEX
req.skills           STR: 520              2 to CON
cost                  2,300,000 kudos    2 to INT


Deceits Visage

defense            435                          2 to STR
durability          1600                        8 to DEX
req.skills          STR: 458                  7 to CON
cost                 1,800,000 kudos      -8 to INT

Zach Alliance [198]
2015-10-12 06:37:51 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

Ooooh cool, thats some nice armour you have forged!

TheCause [384]
2015-10-12 07:21:30 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]


drabinoti [171]
2015-10-12 07:46:15 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

I think; therefore i made new armors for everyone.

Armor rating is the most fairly distributed thing in the world, for each one thinks he is so well-endowed with it that even those who are hardest to satisfy in all other matters are not in the habit of desiring more of it than they already have.

Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my armor rating so high that the offense cannot reach it.

It is only prudent never to place complete confidence in that kevlar set, by which we have even once been deceived.

Perfect armors like perfect men are very rare.

Gesstastic2 [88]
2015-10-12 09:35:16 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

Im glad to see new updates :-) That is all!

Junko Enoshima [123]
2015-10-12 10:41:41 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

I think this is accurate, I don't know

Kevlar Casque was the only armor I found with less defense, the rest were increased. Onyx Spire took a 8 stat hit, I'm not sure if the extra 52 defense outweighs that, someone else do the math on that for me.

Copper Soul 950 Def (Up from 915)

Mystery Shroud 870 Def (Up from 850)

Kevlar Fortress 950 Def (Up from 940)

Onyx Spire 452 Def (Up from 400) 2 Con (Down from 6) 2 Int (Down from 6)

Opal Helm 390 Def (Up from 360)

Kevlar Casque 433 Def (Down from 439)

Onyx Gauntlets 225 Def (Up from 200)

Heraldic Hands 210 Def (Up from 200)

Opal Brace 200 Def (Up from 195) 12 Int (Up from 9)

Onyx Greaves 205 Def (Up from 190)

Opal Traeds 185 Def (Up from 170)

Junko Enoshima [123]
2015-10-12 10:46:31 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

On a second note, while checking the build calculator, yours has always (I think?) listed Kevlar Fortress as 950 Defense (current value) instead of the older 940. I don't know what that's about.

Seems like anyone running a full Kevlar set gets +4 defense (+10 Armor, -6 Helmet) I'm not sure if that makes a difference in regards to a % or rounding or whatever, I'd assume if anything its a buff.

Those that run 3 Kevlar + Her Feet, your stuff stays the same. I'd assume the new armors are worth it on the merit of absorb alone, though with the new formula affecting 1601 + (and I'm not able to find the formula, not sure if Ender posted it) it might just make up for what you lost

Number wise, according to the build calc, on full old Kevlar @ 1790 Defense I should have 84.62% Absorb, now on 1774 Defense (16 less) I have 83.83%.

I don't know what I'm doing or what I'm talking about, I just want to see important.

Pothead [103]
2015-10-12 13:51:57 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

Lmao at your last sentence, you seem important to me Mr. Enoshima :)

TheCause [384]
2015-10-12 14:33:46 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

STFU pothead, atleast he tries, fucking wanker

TheCause [384]
2015-10-12 14:39:44 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

im just curious, how this will change tourney results, conned bots are gonna have a harder time now(dont say str bots will win) but is its gonna be more interesting, have to play around with eq now

Esvrainzas [134]
2015-10-12 15:47:41 🔗
[9 years, 136 days ago]

someone else do the math on that for me

It was exactly what Rene did ;)

Pothead [103]
2015-10-12 16:28:47 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

Wow thecause i wasnt trying to be offensive, I was applauding his humour. Maybe you should take a break?

Zord [60]
2015-10-12 17:42:55 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

wow this thread is almost as toxic as LOL..

Scabara [55]
2015-10-12 18:09:02 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

Just a bit of confusion I think. Yay for updates!

Ender [1]
2015-10-12 22:41:02 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

awesome! update it on bots unauthorized so we can try out new stuff :D

I'll do this eventually, but not for a bit. I think there's some value in letting the community figure out the stats of new items a bit organically. Not that it's hard (and a lot of it is already posted in this thread), but I don't want to make things too easy. :)

On a second note, while checking the build calculator, yours has always (I think?) listed Kevlar Fortress as 950 Defense (current value) instead of the older 940. I don't know what that's about.

I looked into this because I was surprised at the possibility of any of the lists on having been wrong and unnoticed for the ~10 years they've been online. It sounds like you got things backwards - 940 is the newer value.

shoyuken [175]
2015-10-12 23:23:20 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

Isn't everything listed in the order menu?

Ender [1]
2015-10-13 00:26:51 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

Yeah, it's not hard to find the info. I think there's a difference though between having to dig through a relatively inconvenient layout vs. having everything immediately at your fingertips in sortable/filterable armor lists and build calcs. I remember the days of bots2 when only certain clans were in possession of full lists of unique armors. This kind of information was harder to come by back then and so there was more of a sense of exploration/discovery than I think exists today. This is my (potentially lame) effort at recreating that nostalgic feeling for a new generation.

Anyway, I don't want to get too far off-topic with my ramblings of days of yore. I'll still add everything to BU relatively soon for those that want it there.

Source Code [47]
2015-10-13 01:42:58 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

sweet, thanks ender

TheCause [384]
2015-10-13 13:29:46 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

love the updates, bought them all already, still nothing to look forward too :) will play around ofcourse with all the items.

Maybe Rene helps you develop some new weapons/shields as well :)

Anyway great job and thanks for thinking for the trainers :)

Xerex [390]
2015-10-13 13:49:54 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

What is the new absorb formula past 1600 armour defense?

TheCause [384]
2015-10-13 13:55:29 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

have one request though, update your build calculator as well?

might be helpfull as now it is kinda usreless

still very happy with additions

Xerex [390]
2015-10-13 15:20:50 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

At first glance this feels very underwhelming...

Old absorb ~460 str - no freaking

Results against trainbot 750: win ratio of 97.45 yield a xp/hour of 11714 million xp pr hour
Results against trainbot 1000: win ratio of 80.77 yield a xp/hour of 16937 million xp pr hour
Results against trainbot 1200: win ratio of 44.03 yield a xp/hour of 15743 million xp pr hour

New absorb ~460str - no freaking:

Results against trainbot 750: win ratio of 94.69 yield a xp/hour of 11597 million xp pr hour
Results against trainbot 1000: win ratio of 71.96 yield a xp/hour of 16243 million xp pr hour
Results against trainbot 1200: win ratio of 34.54 yield a xp/hour of 14683 million xp pr hour

All based on my build with best white armours. Looking at uniques around these strength levels, with win ratio and absorb nerf in mind I don't see those doing anything positive in xp/hour rate.

It is frustating having spend so much time on a bot optimised for xp/hour with a grand total of 40 rediss points unable to adjust.

Of course I can allways look forward to lvl 405 in a couple of years when I can get 555 strength

New absorb total fantasy rediss to 555 str all from int, with absorb based on various function fit [90,26;91,39]

Results against trainbot 750: win ratio of 99.48 yield a xp/hour of [11768;11817] million xp pr hour
Results against trainbot 1000: win ratio of 91.84 yield a xp/hour of [17303;17763] million xp pr hour
Results against trainbot 1200: win ratio of 62.27 yield a xp/hour of [16448;17557] million xp pr hour

Again didn't test any uniques, I suppose 522 str and skipping the last body armour could be interesting, but I'm not gonna bother when absorb is based on guesswork

Ecoueses [216]
2015-10-13 15:28:45 🔗
[9 years, 135 days ago]

Yeah, i've changed my mind from going for TA to raising strength, seems like better armours are benefiting absorb greatly. However, i believe everything will be much clearer when BU calc is updated.

Also, are you using some kind of fight simulator or doing battles by yourself?

Ender [1]
2015-10-14 23:39:03 🔗
[9 years, 133 days ago]

What is the new absorb formula past 1600 armour defense?

I'll share it eventually, but want to hold off on immediately making it public knowledge for the same reasons as I mentioned in my last post.

have one request though, update your build calculator as well?

See my most recent reply.

Myriad [366]
2015-10-26 08:07:26 🔗
[9 years, 122 days ago]

Thanks for the update Ender; it's always refreshing to see new gear being added to the game. Although Brad did initiate the notion of new gear and created all the item stats/reqs, I would like to take some credit for a few of the names :p

However Xerex does have a point, despite the negative tone. Bots above 350 rarely level more than 2 times a month, so a change like this should be accompanied by giving the higher players some extra redis points imo. Nothing too dramatic, but something like 20 redis points would be helpful in reducing the amount of grinding required to finally equip some of these items.

I would like to think that new shields and weapons are not far away as well (some new shield names and possible formulae are currently in the mix), so we can't just use up all our redis points to equip new armour.

Satanus Inaximasus [327]
2015-10-31 05:02:19 🔗
[9 years, 117 days ago]

Tbh i disagree with you Pat, About the 20 redis points why should the high levels be given redis points and nobody else?

Nobody should have any redis points at all we should of added str just incase new items ever came

as the saying is you made your bed now lay in it :)

TheCause [385]
2015-10-31 06:55:36 🔗
[9 years, 117 days ago]

i agree on this, no need to add rediss points.

you high levels decided on a build and pumped con, i did not, i added stats for training purposes.

now you complain you can cant buy the good stuff?

just deal with it

Pothead [103]
2015-10-31 19:22:16 🔗
[9 years, 116 days ago]

Cool, I think you should get double distribution points at all levels!

Gpof2 [130]
2015-10-31 20:46:11 🔗
[9 years, 116 days ago]

Maybe increased purchasable redis points at higher levels. Raise it from 5 to 6 after level 200 etc.

Myriad [366]
2015-11-01 02:28:59 🔗
[9 years, 116 days ago]

@ SJ - read my post again. Higher level bots cannot just level 5x a month and acquire the stats for new gear unless they added it already.

It's easy to say, 'well, bad luck, you should have added str/dex beforehand', but the reality is that we all have our own goals. Otto, you added str/dex so you could train faster, but I added con to give myself the best chance in tournies. In truth, no one could have predicted new gear would have ever been implemented again, considering that no new gear has been implemented since the last batch of weapons was introduced into bots2 in like 2009.

For me, I honestly don't have an issue getting a few more levels to equip the new gear, but I do feel it is unfair for some who have added stats for other purposes eg. Xerex, who cannot simply redis at will. Had this gear been implemented 2 yrs ago, no one would be complaining, but considering the rates at which xp scales at higher levels, it would actually be quicker to level a new bot to 300 with optimal stats than to get an extra 5-10 levels to equip new gear.

Satanus Inaximasus [327]
2015-11-01 04:27:23 🔗
[9 years, 116 days ago]

Im in the same position mate i cant level 5 times a month as iv only 40int im lucky to level twice tbh and its going to be hard for me to get the new items also but i think it would be shit to have 20 redis points given to us

I do like the idea of the more redis points to buy as you get high level 1-200 =5 201-300 = 6 301-400 7 etc

TheCause [385]
2015-11-01 06:20:46 🔗
[9 years, 116 days ago]

I did add str and dex to level faster, i still stand by SJ of not increasing to 20 points.

i do agree with the raise off rediss points you can buy, maybe even raising the limit you get every 10 levels to 3, so you could have ten rediss points every 10 levels.

Satanus Inaximasus [327]
2015-11-01 06:22:38 🔗
[9 years, 116 days ago]

need to specify, 10 rediss points if the SJ calculation would implemented

Pothead [103]
2015-11-01 22:54:40 🔗
[9 years, 115 days ago]

I dont understand how this can be fair and seems like people wanting changes to the game to suit their own needs again, so while we are at it ... As I dont have as much time on my hands i would like 2x wins per click because my wins are high?

What about the current best built bot for lvl 300+ ...tournament wise i dont see how it is fair as it gives others an easier opportunity to recreate/better that build and all this after 5 years of building/training, but I'm pissed as a fart and pretty emotional right now, so fuck the world.

Ecoueses [232]
2015-11-02 02:19:50 🔗
[9 years, 115 days ago]

chill dood. it's not like this is vote thread anyway.

naenae [124]
2015-11-06 08:02:59 🔗
[9 years, 111 days ago]


Slifer Sky Dragon [236]
2015-11-06 10:14:48 🔗
[9 years, 111 days ago]

Are new weapons next?

Tails [141]
2015-11-15 14:11:52 🔗
[9 years, 102 days ago]

+1 to new weapons

Ecoueses [285]
2016-04-11 07:50:46 🔗
[8 years, 319 days ago]

I'll still add everything to BU relatively soon for those that want it there.

181 days ago.

endar pls.