
Forum > Hints > Quick Trains..
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Sean87 [101]
2011-06-13 08:48:58
[12 years, 329 days ago]

well i have this thing after every train i take a mouthful of my beverage.. After about 100-150 trains.. things start to go a bit faster...

WARNING: Beverage may contain alcohol...

dragonrose [37]
Head Moderator
2011-06-13 08:53:45
[12 years, 329 days ago]

I suggest that the later trains are not actually quicker, but your concept of time is altered by said beverages.

Sean87 [101]
2011-06-13 08:55:03
[12 years, 329 days ago]

I would agree.. but therefor the alter of time in the mind still calculates to quicker trains inside ones head

dragonrose [37]
Head Moderator
2011-06-13 08:57:56
[12 years, 329 days ago]

I'm pretty sure that AquaRegia can knock up a script to slow the game to the speed of your brain ;)

Sean87 [101]
2011-06-13 09:02:09
[12 years, 329 days ago]

lol.. thanks.. i think ...


Sean87 [101]
2011-06-13 09:02:25
[12 years, 329 days ago]


1110001111101010101 [100]
2011-06-13 16:24:30
[12 years, 329 days ago]

Careful. You might end up with a drunken redis.

The Principle [35]
2011-06-13 19:32:04
[12 years, 329 days ago]
I suggest that the later trains are not actually quicker, but your concept of time is altered by said beverages.

I suggest that his internal perception of time is valid, if he feels like things are going a bit faster you can't prove that time isn't actually moving faster, for him that is.

Rabbi [66]
2011-06-13 19:34:02
[12 years, 329 days ago]

maybe he is just moving slower altering his perception of the amount of time past? i do this when stoned occasionally =)


Level 100 [116]
2011-06-14 09:33:37
[12 years, 328 days ago]

Sounds like a pretty standard special relativity problem to me. I think it most likely the OP failed to mention the unusually high relative velocity between him and his computer.

Intsecuris [107]
2011-06-14 14:02:49
[12 years, 328 days ago]

Or he´s wasted.

Forum > Hints > Quick Trains..
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