
Forum > Hints > Balanced bot, where to go next?
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misery99 [91]
2011-09-12 08:05:44
[13 years, 75 days ago]


Is this leveling bot ok? Was wondering if i needed more con or generally where should i go next?

freakster [92]
2011-09-12 08:24:15
[13 years, 75 days ago]

my opinion and only take it as that as others will have different ideas

i have a lvling bot only 40 int

but con is fine till about lvl 140 then start adding a little to about 75

erm and try getting 350 str and 150 dex get urself excalibur weapons

at about 140

then after that add all dex till u reach 270 dex and get holy raptures

like i said my opinion but others will have better ones probably


Nosferatu [1]
2011-09-12 09:29:30
[13 years, 75 days ago]

I'f your JUST leveling, and not worried about losing then stick to the balanced build. Balanced rocks at training. Look to get to 55% Block or higher with your dex and shield. Your bot will thank you for it later.

misery99 [93]
2011-09-12 09:41:15
[13 years, 75 days ago]

don't really wanna move away from a balanced bot build. plus if i went all out str i wont get to upgrade weapons until excalibur. Yeap just focusing on training and will get shield when i can get that 55%+ block. still wondering if i should have more con

Nosferatu [1]
2011-09-12 10:35:13
[13 years, 75 days ago]

Oh my apologies, if you're just leveling, con isn't a huge factor.

Nosferatu [1]
2011-09-12 10:36:04
[13 years, 75 days ago]

You have more base con now than my lvl 130 does.

misery99 [99]
2011-09-13 04:49:11
[13 years, 74 days ago]

thanks for the answers! i got 56% block chance with grim shield now. Should I continue hitting the same trainbot?

Nosferatu [1]
2011-09-13 08:22:36
[13 years, 74 days ago]

The best advice I can give on training is take a few minutes to watch your XP gain (or use Emanuel script) and find the one you gain the most from. It will generally be the one you beat the most, but this isn't always the case.

Mainor II [145]
2011-09-14 18:12:00
[13 years, 72 days ago]

I'm guessing Nos meant most of the time, not the most. Obviously, in the latter case that would be infant...

Nosferatu [1]
2011-09-14 21:17:57
[13 years, 72 days ago]

Lol, I suppose that's a good way of taking it literally, but I'd assume that most people training go upwards, not downwards, on the train bots list.

Forum > Hints > Balanced bot, where to go next?
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