It's pretty hard to answer this question:
- "helo, i c ur the highest lvl, can you tell me what to do with my bot?"
A little less vague, but still hard to answer, are the variants of:
"I'm a leveller, where should I put my stats?"
"What level should I redis?"
"How much CON should I have?"
You might have just as well asked me "Should I marry my high school sweetheart?" or "What should I major in? or "Should I have myself circumcised?"
I don't mind answering newbie and semi-newbie questions, of which I receive quite a few daily, but please, at least tell me what you want. Also, do your homework and browse the hints section of the forum, and use its search function. USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION.
Questions I don't mind going out of my way to answer would be stuff like:
"I'm trying to level this INT balanced bot, my stats are currently W,X,Y,Z, and I was thinking of aiming for xxxxx. Could you give me any advice?"
"I made a build, is there any way I can improve on it? * includes link *"
Stuff that don't warrant a reply are:
"What stats should I add? I'm level 49." <- Duh, like I can't see the 49 next to your name.
"What should I do to be the best in this game?" <- The obvious answer being "become neps" of course.
"Can you make me a build for the best level 100 bot."
And the like.
Also, including a link to your build in the build calculator increases the chance of whoever you're asking actually checking out your build, experimenting, and giving a thorough analysis. It takes like 30-60 seconds tops to punch it in. Do it, and include it in your mail. If you make it easy to help you, people will be more likely to help you. That's infallible logic.
That will be all, thank you and good night.