If you can send me a fully done sql file called install.sql [send to smalljase@gmail.com]
if you dont know what sql is, its fine just send me a text file in the following format but with all the weapons and armors filled in (tip look at enders unofficial site)
I just really cant be bothered to do the boring bit, love coding the sim but hate the monotonous data entry bit :P
I've done a couple of examples for each type
Thanks in advance, Gohan ;)
create table weapon (
weapid integer(11) auto_increment primary key,
name char(50),
mindmg integer(11),
maxdmg integer(11),
reqstr integer(11),
reqdex integer(11)
insert into weapon values ('','answerer','102','204','237','102');
create table armor (
armorid integer(11) auto_increment primary key,
type char(10),
name char(75),
reqstr int(11),
def int(11),
str int(11),
con int(11),
dex int(11),
intel int(11)
insert into armor values ('','helm','Onyx Spire','490','400','5','6','4','6');
insert into armor values ('','glove','Onyx Gauntlets','500','200','8','7','0','7');
insert into armor values ('','boot','Onyx Greaves','455','190','5','10','-5','3');
insert into armor values ('','body','Copper Soul','475','915','14','6','-8','5');
2011-04-06 03:26:00
[13 years, 233 days ago] |
2011-04-06 03:26:53
[13 years, 233 days ago] |
EDIT : first one to send it will get it, not everyone :P |
bluei [68] <Zero>
2011-04-06 07:02:00
[13 years, 233 days ago] |
So technically it's not free :p |
2011-04-06 15:46:44
[13 years, 233 days ago] |
its done, ah well |