
Forum > Bugs > missing the fight link
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Shoegazer [90]
2013-01-02 15:27:17
[11 years, 137 days ago]

i keep getting the message that means ive clicked on the 'black' link instead of the proper fight link. i am paying close attention and for whatever reason i keep getting the message even though i know im clicking on the correct link. anyone else feel like their seeing that message more than typical?

Sith master [60]
2013-01-02 17:13:39
[11 years, 137 days ago]

i am to

Esvrainzas [134]
2013-01-02 17:23:21
[11 years, 137 days ago]

Sometimes happens to me but it's not that frequent.

Shoegazer [90]
2013-01-02 18:41:46
[11 years, 137 days ago]

this is annoying - i get that message like 25% of the time, there's no way i'm missing the link that much.

Leader2 [100]
2013-01-02 18:53:56
[11 years, 137 days ago]

This happened to me Alot last month I just thought I was hitting the Wrong link at least now I know I'm not going daft and I was hitting the right link

Shoegazer [90]
2013-01-02 18:59:11
[11 years, 137 days ago]

well im about to yarp a pellet because of it

User Name [275]
2013-01-02 21:20:38
[11 years, 137 days ago]

Stop clicking the wrong link!

Ender [1]
2013-01-03 00:14:20
[11 years, 137 days ago]

Odd, none of that code has changed recently and this is the first I'm hearing of this.

New Alan [50]
2013-01-03 08:37:08
[11 years, 136 days ago]

I know the problem. It's sometimes with Chrome.

Depending on where the code is to change your "link" to the random 5 digit number, it may get screwy.

If it's at the beginning of the page, before the fight happens, it may jump the gun and say you missed. Same thing if it's at the bottom.

I have this problem when I first design the fight/training page in one of my games. It takes a few minutes to find exactly where it needs to go.

Hope this helps :/

Forum > Bugs > missing the fight link
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