
Forum > Suggestions > rescalling dark energy buff
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shoyuken [144]
2012-03-18 17:09:17 🔗
[12 years, 356 days ago]

With the recent update to how the xE multiplier was removed, the effectiveness of the dark energy buff in particular has been significantly nerfed. I believe that the dark energy buff duration be boosted to 1000 fights.

In a hypothetical situation with unlimited number of bots with unlimited energy within an attackable range, spirit of the wolf buff works significantly better than the dark energy buff currently due to its duration being twice as long. If a fight takes 3seconds unbuffed, to gain 20 enery. Then if you do 3 fights on 1.5x battle speed, you gain 60 energy in 6 seconds. if you do 2 fights on 1.5x dark energy, you gain 60 energy in 6 seconds. There is an arguable minor difference that you have to pay attention and click more times, but the battle speed buff lasts 2x as many fights, in addition to which also contributes to your total wins which in turn increases your EPH. In the current state of the game, the only time I would expect that the current Dark Energy buff be used is when dumping energy. If the dark energy and battle speed buffs both lasted 1000 fights, then dark energy would be preferred for energizing, assuming that the energizer probably have max wins for the EPH calculation.

In the situation where there are a limited number of targets within an attackable range (aka being at a high level). There are a few situations where you may prefer dark energy buff (i.e. there are only 3 targets that are within attackable range, but they have a higher EPD(Energy per day) then what you can take from them on a daily basis), but on the most part you would prefer the battle speed buff.

neps [331]
2012-03-18 17:20:51 🔗
[12 years, 356 days ago]

I agree with this. If it was 1000 fights it would be:

Spirit of the Wolf is to Kodiac's Endless Intellect for Levelling

as is

Dark Energy is to Spirit of the Wolf for Energizing

neps [331]
2012-03-18 17:21:44 🔗
[12 years, 356 days ago]

^ i accidentally my post.

Ender [1]
2012-03-18 18:49:39 🔗
[12 years, 356 days ago]

Dark Energy buffs will have more use with the coming PvE changes.

Forum > Suggestions > rescalling dark energy buff
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