
Forum > Suggestions > Suggesting "reputation" board
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ScumOfTheBoard [1]
2012-08-21 17:34:26
[12 years, 96 days ago]

As Ender might already know, there are a lot of discussion boards that have a reputation system incorporated. Player can positively or negatively rate posts on the forum and the larger reputation a user has, the more reputation he can give back when rating posts. The reputation is called "rep power" and negative rating is called "neg".

No... forget it, there are 3 people on this board, no reason for this.

Nosferatu [155]
2012-08-21 21:38:47
[12 years, 96 days ago]

You sir, are lame.

Made2shred [146]
2012-08-21 21:45:34
[12 years, 96 days ago]

have you suffered a recent head injury?

neps [364]
2012-08-21 21:54:44
[12 years, 96 days ago]

Well, there's you, and there's me. Who's the other one?

neps [364]
2012-08-21 21:55:54
[12 years, 96 days ago]

Hey, there's four of us. Yay.

Made2shred [146]
2012-08-21 21:57:26
[12 years, 96 days ago]

4 of us! \o/

Trio [240]
2012-08-21 21:58:33
[12 years, 96 days ago]

5 here, Draoi 6, Rithy, 7..

Gpof2 [130]
2012-08-22 07:26:46
[12 years, 95 days ago]

Dibs on #7

Hero1 [90]
2012-08-22 10:18:02
[12 years, 95 days ago]

May I join ???? Pwetty pweese !!

Alan [71]
2012-08-23 00:21:06
[12 years, 95 days ago]

I gots #1! Cuz I am numbero one.

Nosferatu [155]
2012-08-23 08:23:29
[12 years, 94 days ago]

No Alan, you're clearly a "number 2" kind of guy.

neps [365]
2012-08-24 09:10:04
[12 years, 93 days ago]

Ironic, but NumberTwo is a #1 kinda guy.

Jans [87]
2012-08-25 02:17:30
[12 years, 93 days ago]

I'm doing a number two as we speak.

hayabassie [137]
2012-08-25 03:09:57
[12 years, 93 days ago]

you always were good at multitasking.

Forum > Suggestions > Suggesting "reputation" board
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