weapons have been upgrade a while( although options for new weapons for high level remain open) armors have never been changed before, maybe some new upgraded kevlar and onyx set ??
i mean there isint something else to aim for, maybe making training on scorpion x a little easier?
suggestion for high leverl players ofcourse, i mean we can add con str and dex to improve but damage intake remains the same, as there is only a max of full kevlar which prevents this :) but the game goes much faster now because of buffs, so new armor and even new weapons should be a logical option
follow up,.
im maxed out pretty much at 514 base str and 548 base dex, i can equip pretty much everything, something new is highly appreciated
high level players back me up :)
There probably should be some higher level armours, but it's targeted at maybe 10 active people. Other developments should be a priority imo
yeah ofcourse it shouldnt be a high priorty but that 10% is more online the then majority of the game :)
as a example, i dont think all you bots combined would achieve this: 175 days, 7 hours, 40 minutes, 51 seconds
have another 20 more easy with over 50-100 days
well maybe andy has :) dedicated player hehe but not too many
Ed has stated that he plans to set up a system to implement new armors/weapons. Then they will be "balanced".
As much as I would love new gear, the reality is that it just won't happen, not in the next few years at least. Given how much time has passed without tournaments being implemented, I can't imagine how much longer we'd have to wait for new gear, which requires balancing and testing before implementation.
Furthermore, as Fishwick stated, there are only a few players who these changes would affect, and Ender has stated before that he thinks the main focus of the game should be on the monthly energy race rather than high level bots.
i do think this is needed we do need more armours/weapons etc i would be bored of getting the top level then not being able to go for no other item