I agree with both suggestions.
Why should the fight outcomes not be added to your totals? Because they weren't in Bots2? This is Bots5, I mean 4. Because higher level bots don't want losses? Go play a game where if you lose it doesn't count then.
And if I won a cat I'd LOVE to see screens of data showing me how badly I pwnd, also if I'd lost I'd like SOME indication of how badly. "Awesome I came fifth, maybe I only need to a little more work to be first! Oh no wait, I lost to the guys above me by 90:10, and they barely defeated each other, maybe I need a different build altogether."
I don't like the first suggestion. It's dumb to me.
It's dumb to record wins and losses on your bot? Shit, seems I wasted a small portion of the last seven years of my life.
The 2nd is equally ignorant. You see the results of who won, and what place your bot came in so you can roughly guess who beat you.
Do we know what results will be posted? Pretty sure no, for all we know all we'll get is one screen telling us the cat winners. Calling him ignorant for suggesting something in a discussion about something of which we have next to no details is slightly redundant don't you think? We are ALL ignorant about the tourny here. Just post that you don't want this because you don't want people to see how badly you are whipping their asses.
What's next, you going to want to know the build of the bot that beat you?
Yeah, because any of us need the tourny to tell us what our opponents builds are likely to be or probably were.
Your first suggestion will put off bots entering.
No offense but that's like saying some bots are put off from ever fighting because they are afraid of getting +1 loss, and that's fine, they can still play and compete in the level competition, training bots don't give losses.
mate the whole point of the PvP aspect is pitting yourself against opponants & seeing how you fare
Cmon, the whole PVP aspect in this game is a clicking race that has barely any interaction with your opponents or hell, even your own bot. Now we will be getting more directly combatative PVP and if I win I might not even get to see how badly I pwnd (or lost)? Sad.
That just won't happen if you know you'll lose :P
That's simply not true, if I knew I had a 0.0001 chance of getting a tournament win, I'd go for it, a thousand losses be damned.
Also, I don't see how knowing how you fared last month or the month before could dictate if you know whether you will win or lose this month. In fact I'd say that knowing more about who beat you and by how much will make competition even feircer, and give people more incentive to get stronger and reenter.
Meh, there doesn't really seem a point to the first suggestion,
The point is the wins and losses are added to your bot, if you want a meta purpose then this game is about recording your bots achievements, of which individual wins and losses is a huge part.
Second suggestion certainly not, the majority of higher levels don't want losses (especially Myriad, Lyrad, etc), so they just wouldn't enter the tournament.
*puts on monacle and brit accent* "Certainly not, this suggestion is quite out of the question aye wot wot". It's cool that the majority of high level bots voted for you to speak for them and make their decisions.
thats the point of the first suggestion it would be nice to know if anybody below me as won me thats the reasoning for that suggestion
Oh, I stand corrected.
Man, writing posts at 4am after staying up for 30 hours is kinda weird, my apologies if this makes no sense.
If you don't want to risk losing, don't play. IMO the risk of losses and knowing details of how well you did would make tournaments MUCH more exciting and satisfying.
I honestly can't think of any kind of tournament where at the end, you don't know who beat who by how much, or where how many times you won or lost isn't counted against your permanent record.
Crap, I just realised that if tournament wins and losses are recorded like normal fights, people who need to windump will stack the crap outta their level range with shit bots to maximise their wins. Fuck it then, man I hate whore dumping pussies :/
Also, damn SJ, that grammar, wonΓ’β°Β beat.