
Forum > Suggestions > XP Bar
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GessGuitar1 [49]
2011-03-19 17:01:39
[13 years, 50 days ago]

Hey ender Could you replace this:

Your bot gains 6,066 experience points (156,606 xp to next level).

With the experience bar you placed in the workshop it would be kinda cool to build on to the HUD of the game...

ignacio [82]
2011-03-19 17:03:56
[13 years, 50 days ago]

nice idea i second this :)

GessGuitar1 [49]
2011-03-19 17:05:32
[13 years, 50 days ago]

thank you anyone else?

Ender [35]
2011-03-19 17:30:24
[13 years, 50 days ago]

I like this idea too. I was thinking of trying to expand the bot info next to the game logo into a sort of HUD that would include a smaller version of the workshop exp bar.

Emanuel [78]
2011-03-19 17:31:36
[13 years, 50 days ago]

Integrate my script ^^

GessGuitar1 [49]
2011-03-19 23:23:21
[13 years, 50 days ago]

what about a sort of HUD on the right side of the page so it would finish the frame of the site too. no wider than the menu bar on the left side.

Forum > Suggestions > XP Bar
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