
Forum > Suggestions > Random Unique Arrmors
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Pukis2 [71]
2011-03-21 15:03:38 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

If you are lucky that day you can get something extra special or something.

Unique stats -/+ could be generated by the time showroom changes and never show up again, or it could be very very rare posibility to get the same, well coz its random

I think you got me.

Maybe keep the existing uniques, and add this extra thing i have written.


Cookie [32]
2011-03-21 15:04:11 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

How will this work with showroom ordering?

Pukis2 [72]
2011-03-21 15:48:27 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

You wont be able to order random uniques, becoz its random :) Random stats random reqs random name maybe

Cookie [39]
2011-03-21 15:55:15 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

What would be the point of stars then if you still have to showroom camp?

Pukis2 [72]
2011-03-21 16:14:00 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

the point of stars is to donate for free addictive game you play each day

The point of random unique arrmors is to make this game even more addictive and unpredictable

Belgarath [50]
2011-03-21 16:14:33 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

Cause it´s random crap?

Jans [71]
2011-03-21 16:25:44 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

Randomized bonus stats, I like it. But you're probably going to hate my spin on your idea.

For instance, take a Rhinohide. It gives:
+5 Str
+5 Dex
+5 Con
+5 Int

How about if those were maximum values? So a Rhinohide could give:
0 to +5 Str
0 to +5 Dex
0 to +5 Con
0 to +5 Int

So you'd have a few 'perfect' Rhinohides, which have the max bonus stats. But most would be 'imperfect' ones. You wouldnt know what you got until you bought it.

"Omg Jans that idea sucks!"

Yes, but there's also a lot of uniques with negative bonus. And those are subject to randomization too. That could mean Heraldic Feet, WITH +7 Str and +14 Con bonus, but WITHOUT the -10 Dex!

So there's a silver lining eh?

Cookie [43]
2011-03-21 16:27:22 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

Sounds scary with the amount of showroom camping there be vs the size of the player base. At the very least with this idea the showroom would have to be split into odds and evens again.

Jans [71]
2011-03-21 16:28:50 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

Or the showroom could have two of each per item. Same thing.

Pukis2 [72]
2011-03-21 16:53:29 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

From the start you mess up my ideas Jans. You take my idea and mess it up. Well I like it sometimes, sometimes i dont. But im really not in a mood to argue right now ;)

Jans [71]
2011-03-21 17:02:52 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

I'm sorry? :]

correzz [80]
2011-03-21 17:33:36 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

Well depending on the playerbase the camping might become even harder thats true :).
As for unique armors it just makes me want to say that renewing things and having a peek at WoW for ideas aint bad implenting these ideas in a game where you get to decide your own stats aint easy. What would make you "earn" this random drop? defeating some high ratio dude or being the numer 1/10 monthly Energyscorer? I dno.. :)

Lazarus [72]
2011-03-21 18:45:06 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

I think he means like a lucky bonus item with special stats. That might be cool but it should wear out quick, or only last for a few days or so. A power up so to speak maybe.

Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-03-21 18:48:11 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

So when I order something the stats will be random?


Ender [35]
2011-03-21 20:02:44 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

I had a thought similar to this floating around in the back of mind. Going along the lines of how item mods work in Diablo II, items would have some base stats which could vary a little bit.

For example, maybe each armor could have a (non-uniform) random 0-10% bonus to defense, or weapons could have the same sort thing with 0-10% increase to damage. I think this would make the equipment aspect of the game much more interesting. Maybe you could even trade these items or save them in a clan bank or something.

Ninja [75]
2011-03-21 20:05:18 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

that sounds bomb dig! i lurve diablo, you reckon you'll end up putting all the weapon and armour pics in? doesn't matter just gave me a good feeling because they were all mostly from diablo 1 & 2

Alan [91]
2011-03-21 21:04:53 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

Damn. there are like 4 threads about the dang pics. There will be none.

I think the random percent is lame. If I want to make a 'perfect' bot and put time into it (I'm on my 4th perfect bot so far) then I should be able to do it. If anything, Make more armors and weapons that can rival the best ones.

If you want, I could design some new weapons and armors to compete if not destroy the current best builds.

Cookie [75]
2011-03-21 21:06:40 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

I think alot of the weapons need stream lining and this idea is kinda meh!

I support you alan!

Ender [35]
2011-03-21 21:12:11 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

"If I want to make a 'perfect' bot and put time into it (I'm on my 4th perfect bot so far) then I should be able to do it."

Why? Other than the fact that you want to.

I'd rather have a game where players can work continuously to differentiate themselves from the pack, not one where you're all using the same build and effectively rolling dice against one another.

Alan [91]
2011-03-21 21:14:55 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

Why do people play games? To be the best.

Cookie [76]
2011-03-21 21:17:33 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

Only way to not make it a 'roll of the dice' is to make it so players can adjust things during the fight, make it live.

Just the basic limitation of this game, something always will be the best.

Ender [35]
2011-03-21 21:18:44 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]


*to achieve, explore, socialize, and kill [1]

And variable equipment works as another means of furthering your bot for achievers...


Ender [35]
2011-03-21 21:20:06 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

There are ways besides interactivity of differentiating bots. For example, bots2 did it with level/ratio. Bots with higher values of these stats were more valuable to clans. Variable equipment would be another way of doing this.

Cookie [76]
2011-03-21 21:20:14 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

I play games for fun.

Alan [91]
2011-03-21 21:35:14 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

I took that Bartle Test.
I got Achiever.
The Achiever motto: "No goal unfinished!"
Best, first and most are the favorite adjectives of the Achiever. They love comparison not only against others, but also with themselves. They enjoy setting goals, surpassing previous performances and hitting new milestones. They tend to have lots of high scores, badges, trophies and other concrete evidence of their successful endeavors--and they love it if someone notices these. However many enjoy the quiet satisfaction of knowing they simply did better than most

Ender [35]
2011-03-21 21:46:25 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

I didn't take the test, but I always thought of myself as an explorer (despite what my bots2 status would tell you).

ForThePeople [92]
2011-03-21 21:52:18 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

If all unique items are randomized then you should be able to fix your armors

bluei [35]
2011-03-21 23:33:23 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

I like the idea of randomising the stats of uniques, as it adds to the difficulty of making a perfect bot. Perfect bots should be difficult to make rather than just something that anyone could make using a guide. But like ftp said it will be very annoying to have to replace perfect sets of armour. Idk about repairing armours, that would make them permanent more or less, but if the odds of finding a perfect item were very small I suppose it could work.

ActiveX [73]
Head Moderator
2011-03-22 04:54:48 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Ender [35]

2011-03-21 20:02:44
[8 hours ago]
I had a thought similar to this floating around in the back of mind. Going along the lines of how item mods work in Diablo II, items would have some base stats which could vary a little bit.

For example, maybe each armor could have a (non-uniform) random 0-10% bonus to defense, or weapons could have the same sort thing with 0-10% increase to damage. I think this would make the equipment aspect of the game much more interesting. Maybe you could even trade these items or save them in a clan bank or something.

WTF clan bank?!?!

I kinda like the idea of random enchants, breaks the perfect build system :)

I wouldn't trust wiggin though he's ev0l ... I still remember the shadow thief & sword of elusiveness ...

Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-03-22 05:05:58 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

I'm gonna get a lot of shit for saying this, but it's suggestions like this that get considered that confuse me and annoy me.

Like, how do you consider shit like this, but not actually balance suggestions, ie the dex topic?

Whatever, I don't know, I figure anything to buff fucking Strength bots and keep the game static, but oh wait I'll do 9% more damage than his Blasters because I managed to get the superior ones.

Yes, iMad

Like, raging.

Cookie [87]
2011-03-22 05:07:03 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

You do sound mad.

Ninja [77]
2011-03-22 05:07:55 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

if you have any poo, fling it now!

Jans [71]
2011-03-22 05:07:58 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

i keep postponing reading that topic :) Will do

Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-03-22 05:09:22 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]


But it's basically a re-post.

gr33n [72]
2011-03-22 05:20:46 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Quote: "I kinda like the idea of random enchants, breaks the perfect build system"

So, you have a few stars, you order an item (where you pay alot for to just have delivered) to find out the random stats on it turn out to be 'not so pretty'

So you end up selling it again and waiting xx days (after a new 2,5 million fee) to end up with your next try.


ActiveX [73]
Head Moderator
2011-03-22 05:22:26 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

I took FNIX's post into account:

Pukis2 [72]

2011-03-21 15:48:27
[13 hours ago]
You wont be able to order random uniques, becoz its random :) Random stats random reqs random name maybe

gr33n [72]
2011-03-22 05:26:52 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

The whole point most of us actually bought the stars (and this way helped it's development) is that they don't want to camp the showrooms.

I'm sure that amongst them, it are also the people that like to go for some 'perfect' build.

With improving stats on random armors (does not always have to be positive, can be negative influence, i know) those people still will get forced into camping the showroom.

No matter what way you look at it, I'm just not excited about it yet.

gr33n [72]
2011-03-22 05:54:47 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Not trying to shoot down the idea or anything, just adding several points of view of how people can look at it.

Ender [36]
2011-03-22 10:56:19 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Don't attack me for responding to this thread, but not another. I read all threads and just because I don't respond to one does not mean I haven't considered it. Consider the fact that there are 163 new forum posts since I went to bed last night and that I have maybe a few hours a day to spend on the game. If I spent all my time going back and forth on every little point that every person made, I'd never get anything done. I'm forced to be selective about what I respond to.

For the specific topic of general game balancing, I've stated that I will look into this after the release. It's a complex issue that I will want to spend some time doing simulation and extensive testing with before making any changes. I'm not going to just go into the database and start randomly nerfing things without verifying things myself.

For those with stars worried about having to camp, that's not my intention. But nor is my intention for everyone to be able to have perfect equipment super easily because that would defeat its purpose. Having a perfect weapon would be considered a really special thing that you would save for tournaments and stuff. Or maybe you would use it to obtain energy if it were the end of the month and you wanted that extra little boost.

Takusic [132]
2011-03-22 16:32:57 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

meh I don't like the idea, especially thinking about when durability is enabled.

neps [323]
2012-02-23 23:24:26 🔗
[13 years, 2 days ago]


Nosferatu [1]
2012-02-24 15:21:26 🔗
[13 years, 2 days ago]

Necro-bumping FTW!

Made2shred [58]
2012-02-25 22:55:10 🔗
[13 years, 1 day ago]

and you guys call me a spammer -.-

Nosferatu [1]
2012-02-25 23:20:28 🔗
[13 years, 0 days ago]

You are. Regardless of if you're being called a spammer by a spammer, it doesn't negate the fact of the matter, which is you are a spammer.

Made2shred [58]
2012-02-25 23:22:12 🔗
[13 years, 0 days ago]

I know, its just ironic :P

neps [324]
2012-02-25 23:38:13 🔗
[13 years, 0 days ago]

Bumping a thread for interest is not necessarily spam. :P

neps [324]
2012-02-25 23:39:48 🔗
[13 years, 0 days ago]

Spam looks like this:

"that is true"

"fair enough"

"yes, it's nice"

Made2shred [58]
2012-02-25 23:40:38 🔗
[13 years, 0 days ago]

that is true

Nosferatu [1]
2012-02-26 11:26:56 🔗
[13 years, 0 days ago]

Not to mention you apparently are just wanting to see your name appear on every section of the main Forum page.

Ender [1]
2012-02-26 18:48:16 🔗
[13 years, 0 days ago]

Ah, angry Ender of yesteryear who wasn't as used to criticism. :)

I still like the idea of adding small amounts of randomization to equipment because I think it would open up a lot of other new interesting angles to the game...more build differentiation, more of a game economy, maybe more ways to obtain equipment, and so on. However, there are so many other things that will come before this if it does come though, so don't expect to see it anytime soon.

Draoi [81]
2012-02-26 18:50:15 🔗
[13 years, 0 days ago]

I'm happy at this point to see something once a month :<

Ender [1]
2012-02-26 19:00:13 🔗
[13 years, 0 days ago]

I fear many people's expectations of update frequency have been skewed by last year's single and unemployed Ender. I do try to get on daily and interact with the community (but can't always) and do try to release updates as often as time allows.

Draoi [81]
2012-02-26 19:03:28 🔗
[13 years, 0 days ago]

Yeh yeh yeh, we all understand you have job and a girl now. Still sad when the news page is filled with the clan competition winner. :(

Forum > Suggestions > Random Unique Arrmors
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