
Forum > Suggestions > Tournament un-register
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Off Tap [68]
2015-03-23 14:09:21
[9 years, 55 days ago]

To be able to have the ability to un-register from the tournament, and it costs twice the entry kudos amount to do so.

Generation X [113]
2015-03-23 16:55:24
[9 years, 54 days ago]

Or alternatively you could get back what you invested.

As far as I know there's no real penalty for actually being in the tournament is there? Other than you maybe placing last and it looks bad to you or something.

Off Tap [68]
2015-03-23 16:58:19
[9 years, 54 days ago]

There's a few reasons, one being that if you accidentally sign up with your score bot and you really don't want the exp.

But I do think there should be a penalty for pulling out.

On the other hand there could be a new trophy for un-registering called 'chickened out' or something..

Earl Grey [100]
2015-03-23 17:07:06
[9 years, 54 days ago]

Or it could be called pussy 👊

Generation X [113]
2015-03-23 17:24:12
[9 years, 54 days ago]

Oh, we have exp in tournaments now? I must have missed that memo. I suppose if it was for that then yes, there should be a un-register option.

The Chickened Out trophy sounds fun :) Quitter is already taken mind you hehe.

Nosferatu [278]
2015-03-23 18:16:44
[9 years, 54 days ago]

trophies are the only thing you get for tourney atm. xp and kudos aren't. It's additions are being talked about in the forums.

Forum > Suggestions > Tournament un-register
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