I think its somehow unfair that gold trophy is awarded both for 11th till 100th ranking in monthy energy cause if you see closely, same trophy is awarded to bot that actually played this month as to bot that didnt do shit.
Don't have exact suggestion for this matter, but posted on suggestions anyway. Feel free to move it if it doesnt fit here. I was thinking like "half platinum" for ranks 11-20 would be cool. Meaning, if you end up for 2 consecutive months at places 11-20th, at the end of that 1st month you would get half of platinum (no trophy awarded, just x0.5 platinum). Then if at the end of 2nd month again you end up on places 11th-20th, you would get other half needed to get full trophy and platinum + points would be awarded. If you dont end up on those places for 2 consecutive months (1st month u did, 2nd month no), platinum trophy would reset.
There could be implemented some timelock on those trophies to prevent farm of it. Like you can get one of those each 4 months or something like that, i have no idea. Just wanted to point out that its unfair to award same trophy for places 11-100th. Other suggestions, if you feel the same, are welcomed. Cheers