
Jans [32]
2010-12-21 02:41:47
[13 years, 146 days ago]

Minor issue, but it would be nice if 'Back to fight list' would take you back to the higher level range you selected, instead of your own level bracket.

Ender [6]
2010-12-21 02:46:21
[13 years, 146 days ago]

The main difficulty with this is remembering the index page you came from. Sure I could just stuff it in the database, but there should be a cleaner way to store the information in the URL of the current fight page.

Once the different indexes for clans are in (war, hostile, etc.) and I have a better idea of what the URL structure for those all look like, I'll try adding this in.

Jans [32]
2010-12-21 02:48:42
[13 years, 146 days ago]

but but.. you know the opponent's level, right?

Ender [6]
2010-12-21 09:21:08
[13 years, 146 days ago]

Hm, true. That would just leave knowing whether you were looking at the level/war/hostile index.

Would it be bad though if your opponent leveled while fighting and then "back to list" took you to a higher level than before?

Jans [34]
2010-12-21 09:44:43
[13 years, 146 days ago]

"That would just leave knowing whether you were looking at the level/war/hostile index."

Ah yea, hadn't considered that. But for war/hostile situations, you'll have to calculate clanscore too, so it's a variable you'll eventually need anyway.

"Would it be bad though if your opponent leveled while fighting and then "back to list" took you to a higher level than before? "

Hm, i wouldn't care about that. Happens only once in a while..

Ender [6]
2010-12-21 09:51:16
[13 years, 146 days ago]

Yeah, I guess you would actually need to know whether it was war/hostile to calculate CS. This raises the same issue of diplo changing while you're fighting, but that would be rare probably. Anyway, I'll work something out.