The term 'Facebook rape' is when a friend or anyone for that matter, whilst in control of your account, changes or alters something to bring a hellstorm of embarrassment down upon you. 98% of the time, it will be through a Facebook status, for example ''Sphinx has just found out that his one night stander last night, was in fact a distant relative. And according to my discomfort this morning, she also apparently had crabs''
Some times, it will be a subtle but horrible profile change. I'm a bastard for changing my friends birthdays to the next day. They wont realize until they log on and see a tidal wave of 'happy birthday's, resulting in them sheepishly having to thank everyone, but state that it is actually not his/her birthday.
In a nutshell ; Facebook rape - 'Frape' for short. ''Damn, I've been fucking fraped again''
And yeah that's where I was going with that. If Facebook rape is a Frape, then a Google+ rape would have to be a Grape.