
Forum > Clans > looking to join
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Noddy [31]
2022-09-02 10:18:34
[2 years, 19 days ago]

looking for a clan to join

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-21 18:54:02
[1 year, 335 days ago]

Join the north. I heard they have health benefits there.

6 6 6 [104]
2022-10-21 18:58:30
[1 year, 335 days ago]

This is true

Sinister Shadows [391]
2022-10-22 06:43:09
[1 year, 334 days ago]

rumors runing around the this clan has alot of mentally unstable members join at your own risk

Juv0 [109]
2022-10-22 10:52:47
[1 year, 334 days ago]

hahaha they certainly have.

6 6 6 [104]
2022-10-23 11:27:27
[1 year, 333 days ago]

Because surely the only sound way to determine mental health is through gaming. Shame! Shame! Shame!

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-23 15:02:31
[1 year, 333 days ago]

Oh snap! Shots fired! Let us observe where this need and desire for conflict originated. Reading back it looks as though a member from apex named sinister shadows decide it was me mentally mature to throw stones… for absolutely nothing… isn’t the desire for drama a classification of mental illness, it’s like an over arching personality type that encompasses most of your relationships. Would you agree sinister?

Sinister Shadows [391]
2022-10-23 15:49:26
[1 year, 333 days ago]

i would agree 100% you have mental issues

6 6 6 [104]
2022-10-24 15:41:50
[1 year, 332 days ago]

Yeah, like mental health isn’t a real thing. Just a fictitious lie. Tell me sinister are you so quick to call gay people out in derogatory ways? In fact worse as such mental health is often not a choice rather dictated by one’s environment. Get off what ever fake facade your living in sinister. You’re a big mouth and you need to learn to shut it. That’s how I see it.

Sinister Shadows [391]
2022-10-24 17:30:16
[1 year, 332 days ago]

first off thank you for acknowledging your mental issues takes alot to admit it, and to answer your question no i dont do that to any gender or type someone would associate to, your just a special cookie and a like to rile you up a little see what shit you spew out =)

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-24 17:49:10
[1 year, 332 days ago]


Execute [407]
2022-10-24 18:19:18
[1 year, 332 days ago]

its only a game why u heff to be mad

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-25 06:16:56
[1 year, 331 days ago]

Hey sinister for whatever it’s worth… you’re welcome?

No one’s mad. Confused would be more accurate. Since I’ve been logging on to bots this passed week someone whom we shall call mentally stable, is using my personal email to send password change notifications. Clearly this is the actions of a mentally stable individual… then this individual comes into a clan recruitment forum where I simply attempt to recruit and again I am met with what one can only describe as mental stability… the irony of it all.. Sinister.. you have a level 390 bots.. awesome. What do you have in terms of real life? I’m willing to bet my standards of living, with regards to finances, education, family, health, pretty much everything far exceeds yours. Let’s just throw it all on the table and see who’s dick in real life is a actually bigger? I mean we have been at it for more than a decade probably almost two decades now. Let’s get to know each other for real!?

Sinister Shadows [391]
2022-10-25 07:12:32
[1 year, 331 days ago]

i was brought up clearly a better person in life not to brag about what i have and own, not everything sadly in life can be measured in posessions, but someone in your place/status wouldnt know that, as you're all about what you have and own. Money and status fyi isnt compareable since that can trickle down from the parents, same for cars and dwellings, so thats not a fair comparing point, but you would know that from the start since you are so wise =) but as a little tidbit im very content i own my dwelling i work for a very well known Bank, i drive a 2020 car, i have money saved up, have a great family, my niece was born 1 day before my birthday and my Nonna will be 97 in 2 months too, so im living the dream =) thanks for asking

Zach1 [300]
2022-10-25 09:54:22
[1 year, 331 days ago]

What do you have in terms of real life? I’m willing to bet my standards of living, with regards to finances, education, family, health, pretty much everything far exceeds yours.

Hahahaha ffs Luth why you so stupid, you are like the Canadian version of a redneck, stop replying to your own posts with different bots this doesn't mean you have friends.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 06:16:32
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Zachary do you think everyone reading this thread is that childish? We’ve been playing this game for nearly 20 years and you still argue like a high school bully.

What’s especially funny is how magnetized I am on this game. Non stop attention since my brief arrival a week ago. Even more so, when you guys get called out about ACTUAL REAL life shit (after 20 years we have the right to talk about our real lives as far as I’m concerned) and all you can do is laugh it off and give credit to yourself for having bots friends and obviously my lack of bots friends… lol ok so you have more online friends. Cool. Surely this in itself is an indication of how we live our lives? No? Lol man I pay a fucking mortgage, Zachary. You live with your mom… chill out.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 06:25:20
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Oldtime I appreciate your reply, it’s sarcastic but also does sound like a nice life. Do tell me, why do you feel the need (you know being such a good person) to antagonize people about their mental health?

Juv0 [109]
2022-10-26 06:30:40
[1 year, 330 days ago]

damnnn alot of hostility....

Zach1 [300]
2022-10-26 06:32:57
[1 year, 330 days ago]

You are comparing your own life in terms of possessions/well-being to someone on an online game that you know absolutely nothing about, 20 years or 20 minutes doesn't change the fact you clearly know absolutely nothing about them, you have the right to say what you want no matter how stupid it is although I don't recall playing the game when I was 10 years old.

He's just winding you up because you get easily triggered and your responses are very funny, I don't live with my mum but I honestly wish I did.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 06:38:22
[1 year, 330 days ago]

That comparison started when your buddy decided to talk about other peoples mental health. Get your story straight.

Zach1 [300]
2022-10-26 06:45:08
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Which is in regard to the things you post on these forums, like as I mentioned replying to your own bots, or saying that bot names are our intellectual property. These are things we know about and have seen with our eyes first hand right here, other people's lives and possesions we haven't.

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 06:53:14
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Straight up if you need to compare and contrast one’s life with someone online, you seriously have some shit to prove online that you can’t do in real life. All you’re doing is opening up Pandora’s box and basically leaving it open for everyone to use against you. My suggestion, shut the fuck up. You’re doing dope in life? Cool, shut the fuck up. You’re having personal issues, sorry you’re going through that, it’ll pass, shut the fuck up. I understand that with playing a game online, it comes with the territory of shit talking, which is absolutely fine, it’s part of the experience, but if you can’t handle it, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Ask me about some shit in my life, I’ll be damned to post it on a fucking game forum. If I establish a friendship with someone here, then ONLY then I’ll share my personal shit, and I’ll be DAMNED to compare my life with someone I have absolute no history, knowledge, experiences with, because In reality you don’t have that freedom and access to that.

Someone said some shit that bothered you on a game forum, boo fucking hoo, grow the fuck up, play the game and keep it pushing.

Take this with a grain of salt, not trying to rile anyone up in particular…

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 07:09:28
[1 year, 330 days ago]

These folks need to stop playing moral police.

Bro, your entire argument literally dismantled itself… you make it sound pretty fucking open to suggestion so what’s your fucking problem? These two have been at my throat for some time as Zachary mentioned clearly. He’s recanting arguments from years ago. Admittedly being a piece of shit, and here comes the moral police (an American) of all things, telling people what they would and wouldn’t do online… your a fucking yanky idiot to even suggest that after 20 years of bickering, one might take to actual tangible arguments such as life style and how one actually participates in real fucking life. Somone how some way this yanky is demonizing somone willing to punch you in the face for real if you talk shit! Ever hear the quote from mike Tyson? People are getting to comfortable talking shit online because they don’t have to worry about getting punched in the face. Asking about your real life is my way of punching you in the face because REALITY check. I would fuck you all up hand to hand, full stop lol. Now if you find that offensive and far to familiar on a game forum then why the fuck are you even hear?

Zach1 [300]
2022-10-26 07:13:20
[1 year, 330 days ago]

HAHAHAHA there she goes!! along with grammar and spelling, thank you Tectonicz :')

Juv0 [110]
2022-10-26 07:14:21
[1 year, 330 days ago]

mike tyson: "Everyone has a game plan until they get punched in the mouth"

what a legend...

Off [38]
2022-10-26 07:15:39
[1 year, 330 days ago]

ohh now luth cause i mention your mental health you go off on me but when you insult Tec with "yankee doodle" thats alright considering he never insulted you

Satanus Inaximasus [342]
2022-10-26 07:19:28
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Juv0 i believe that quote was stolen by tyson but never that but what tyson ACTUALLY said was

Everyone HATH a plan until they get punched in the mouth

Off [38]
2022-10-26 07:19:58
[1 year, 330 days ago]

just int case you werent aware of your offensive meaning

Yankee Doodle was the then equivalent of today’s Wanker. Yank means to pull and doodle is obviously what is being pulled. Dandy, someone who dresses flamboyantly, was a euphemism for a poseur at least and most likely a homosexual. The hapless recipients of pommy wit were also described as failing this test as well. Sticking a feather in your hat does not make a fashion statement equivalent to the excesses of the so-called Macaronis who adopted European fashions in exaggerated ways. I would not like being called a yankee doodle dandy personally. It was a tremendous insult in its day but now through the miracle of marketing, a source of pride

Juv0 [110]
2022-10-26 07:21:20
[1 year, 330 days ago]

SJ! hahahha how many THYMES do i have to tell you sj thstop ith.

Plantronicz [2]
2022-10-26 07:23:02
[1 year, 330 days ago]

truth is luth apex don't like you because you dont agree with everything them bitches say and tec is their little puppet bitch.......

Plantronicz [2]
2022-10-26 07:23:03
[1 year, 330 days ago]

truth is luth apex don't like you because you dont agree with everything them bitches say and tec is their little puppet bitch.......

Satanus Inaximasus [342]
2022-10-26 07:26:50
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Juv0 its thimply the betht

Juv0 [110]
2022-10-26 07:27:14
[1 year, 330 days ago]

sj bether than all the rest

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 07:32:48
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Lol this guy really made a bot named "Plantronicz" to talk shit on an online game forum.

There's the mental illness in plain sight gents.

Satanus Inaximasus [342]
2022-10-26 07:35:27
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Tec i cant believe you made a new bot to write a message about how you really feel to then claim it wasnt you after DISGUSTING lol

Off [38]
2022-10-26 07:35:42
[1 year, 330 days ago]

SJ is the Hiroshima of cunts

mic drop
Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 07:36:32
[1 year, 330 days ago]

SJ, I cant believe I even subjected myself to do that...idk what I was thinking! Lol!

Satanus Inaximasus [342]
2022-10-26 07:40:19
[1 year, 330 days ago]

I know mate i was shocked but so glad you finally said what you believe im proud of you

how horrible is OT being. Im just an innocent by stander in all this for once

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 07:43:32
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Felt great to finally get that off my chest.

OT will be OT, and you'll continue being gods perfect asshole XD



Juv0 [110]
2022-10-26 07:44:26
[1 year, 330 days ago]

hahah tec fuck you right back BABYYYY

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 07:46:06
[1 year, 330 days ago]

LOLLLL my dude being a hell of a sport! Good shit!

I woke up today and chose violence. Im not gonna get ANY work done today >.<

Plantronicz [2]
2022-10-26 07:46:37
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Tec shut up you little bitch! I’ll rape all your bots :) and whoever else wants it.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 07:47:52
[1 year, 330 days ago]

There is some practicality to it all, I mean oldtime lives but 2 hours away. We could easily meet up. We can even record it. Who wouldn’t want to see that? He talks shit I talk shit… why not just settle it? Pussy

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 07:48:26
[1 year, 330 days ago]

You look like me, but you will never be me.

The color of your bot is slightly off, fail. You have the american flag on the bot, cool, just shows you want that USA FREDOM BABY!!! I can arrange a Miami hoe to marry you for papers so we can be neighbors. Let me know, cheap price for you only cos you're a little off the rails.

Satanus Inaximasus [342]
2022-10-26 07:48:35
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Oh i agree defo gods perfect arse hole the amount of shit that comes out of me lol

Off [38]
2022-10-26 07:57:51
[1 year, 330 days ago]

i would never meet up with you, it would ruin my awesome life, i would never be able to unsee what i would see or forget it, so ill hard pass on that, keep living your lavished lifestyle with all your materialistic possesions, you hold so dear and have a great day =)

Off [38]
2022-10-26 08:00:03
[1 year, 330 days ago]

P.S your so cute with the ill rape all your bots (Tec) thats prob the only thing you could maybe, possibly do right in this game, the reason why you dont play is cause you know you couldnt play cause you would be onlined 24/7 if you would be on =)

Off [38]
2022-10-26 08:00:43
[1 year, 330 days ago]

SJ is my dude, hes a shitstain but a good one right Daz =)

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 08:01:13
[1 year, 330 days ago]

I biggest sloppiest vagina I think I’ve ever seen. I’m 6’3 and fucking immaculate, don’t worry about what you’re going to see. Just don’t get punched in the face you shit talking pussyhole.

Plantronicz [2]
2022-10-26 08:03:12
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Try it you little bitch I’ll rape all of you :)

Off [38]
2022-10-26 08:04:33
[1 year, 330 days ago]

you should really consider seeing an anger therapist my dude you have alot of bottled rage and a goodlooking guy complexe, they would help you out alot man, get over the hump of realizing your just a normal dude skinny AF and u have daddy issue prob where the anger stems from, its really not healthy i hope this message reaches you in time before its too late !

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 08:10:48
[1 year, 330 days ago]

6’3 225lbs. Boxed for 7 years. Bench PR 315lbs, squat PR 405lbs, deadlift PR 455lbs.

Does everybody see this floppy pussy in the wind uttering sloppy pussy sounds? Bro are you a therapist? Your only obligation here to to back your shut up. I’m 2 hours away, I sub contract so I have the option to take the day off just for the privilege to put somone like you in your place right here on these forums. Now you’re backing out, that’s cool, now maybe shit your mouth and keep my name out of it. Pussy

Off [38]
2022-10-26 08:14:32
[1 year, 330 days ago]

so you the man speaking about his heritage lessons learned achievcements and what not with kids and houses, this is the pinnacle of your parenting, flaunting on the forums of a dead text based game, your shape your size and wanted to drive to fight ppl, is this what your taught your children , this is very saddening hopefully u raised them with a do as i say not as i do or else they will have been collateral damage to your poor upbringing but at least youll have all the materialistic possesions you claim to have.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 08:16:01
[1 year, 330 days ago]

And guess what mother fucker, I’m in the top 1% of the world that can achieve those numbers, I’m far from average. Just meet up and find out or keep your mouth shut

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 08:18:10
[1 year, 330 days ago]

See this fools strategy?? You show him $100 dollar bill! He will say, yeah but if you buy a coffee everyday for two weeks that $100 bill is gone!?!?! Who give a fuck idiot! I’m showing you a hundred dollar bill and your getting all subjective about moral policing and shit.

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 08:23:43
[1 year, 330 days ago]

6’3 225lbs. Boxed for 7 years. Bench PR 315lbs, squat PR 405lbs, deadlift PR 455lbs.

Are those your stats on Fight Night, sick bro, what console do you use?

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 08:28:11
[1 year, 330 days ago]

You’re new to this, if you didn’t stick your neck out, you’d know I’ve posted videos of my boxing on bots and have had many players on my Facebook. Ask them you stupid yanky

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 08:30:33
[1 year, 330 days ago]

I have to ask your "friends" what console you use to put that weak stat on fight night for? Thats weird.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 08:32:00
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Yeah it’s call the “real life” console. Ever hear of it tubby?

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 08:36:28
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Real life console? Like a Oculus Rift? Damn I didnt know they made Fight Night for that. Thats awesome, send me a copy.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 08:38:40
[1 year, 330 days ago]

This console isn’t so easy as sending a copy. You gotta work for it. Kind of like getting laid, and no not with the oculus.

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 08:41:35
[1 year, 330 days ago]

You work to get laid? Damn dude thats a problem, i would think with your stature on Oculus Fight Night, you'd be drowning in the pussy on the Oculus. So showing off your magic the gathering decks dont work for you?! Fuck man, you really need to reevaluate your life a little.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 08:43:34
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Somone needs to reevaluate somthing, that’s for sure.

Zach1 [300]
2022-10-26 08:45:04
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Jesus this is still going, the tank must be running out of rage by now :)

Please don't hurt me Luth you big strong man, I have always liked you.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 08:46:58
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Bro I handed you 6 free stars before I left. You’re a piece of work my guy. You’d think you could show a little more respect especially for your elders

Zach1 [300]
2022-10-26 08:50:32
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Hey I don't remember this, but I will happily take them now.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 08:51:28
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Don’t play forgetful. I’ll find it and screenshot it

Zach1 [300]
2022-10-26 08:53:47
[1 year, 330 days ago]

If you did then thank you very much and I'm grateful kind sir, but this doesn't change the fact you are very funny when angry.

Plantronicz [2]
2022-10-26 08:54:35
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Moral of the story You are all a bunch of bitches in apex and I’m gonna rape all off you very soon :) starting with bitchtonicz

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 08:56:08
[1 year, 330 days ago]


Zach1 [300]
2022-10-26 08:57:40
[1 year, 330 days ago]

How rude, what have my bots ever done to you?

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 09:00:59
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Bitchtonicz, thats a dope name, might be my next project, thanks foe the idea Luth.

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 09:01:00
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Bitchtonicz, thats a dope name, might be my next project, thanks foe the idea Luth.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 09:04:22
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Tec, would you kindly name a few of your bots?

PeeT [150]
2022-10-26 09:06:09
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Hey, i want 6 free stars too!

Plantronicz [2]
2022-10-26 09:06:35
[1 year, 330 days ago]

tectonicz....maybe crocubot..... maybe hypnoticz....

Juv0 [110]
2022-10-26 09:07:31
[1 year, 330 days ago]

lol same peet!!

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 09:09:35
[1 year, 330 days ago]

He should be raped if you ask me. Seeing as he’s so metaphorically correct, he should be raped! Rape dat ass!

Off [38]
2022-10-26 13:05:15
[1 year, 330 days ago]

No one asked you, nor do they care what u think. Luth u really remind me of a Beyblade, you literally wind it up, let it loose and watch it bounce all over the place XD

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 13:21:59
[1 year, 330 days ago]


Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 13:22:26
[1 year, 330 days ago]


Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 13:23:23
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Oh my teheeehehehe

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 13:29:39
[1 year, 330 days ago]

And you never left! Lol

Juv0 [110]
2022-10-26 13:53:36
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Can I ask luth why you’ve attacked my bots?

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 14:06:27
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Is there a problem?

Juv0 [110]
2022-10-26 14:07:00
[1 year, 330 days ago]

yeah what did i do to you :(

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 14:08:34
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Yo back the fuck up

Juv0 [110]
2022-10-26 14:09:20
[1 year, 330 days ago]

what do you mean??

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 14:09:58
[1 year, 330 days ago]


Juv0 [110]
2022-10-26 14:10:31
[1 year, 330 days ago]

why are you attacking me? i havent done anything to you?

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 14:12:05
[1 year, 330 days ago]

I didn’t do a thing to you.

Juv0 [110]
2022-10-26 14:12:35
[1 year, 330 days ago]

your attacking my bot?!

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 14:12:58
[1 year, 330 days ago]


Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 14:27:45
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Nuts i tell you...

Boondoxx [351]
2022-10-26 14:52:05
[1 year, 330 days ago]

I'm going be honest this is possibly the best forum posts I've seen since FTP fucked over rapture in bots2 lol

Zizu [130]
2022-10-26 17:09:09
[1 year, 330 days ago]

This thread is pure gold and should be pinned

Off [38]
2022-10-26 19:05:28
[1 year, 330 days ago]

no thats a horrible idea cause then his ego will be too big, adding to his herculean strengh, his brad pitt looks and his material posessions, hell now have a pinned thread about himself, imagine how proud and how much he would flaunt it, we dont need more fuel to be added to this shitty flame already lit.

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 19:21:53
[1 year, 330 days ago]

Not just that, don’t forget to mention your are a bitch boy beta male that can’t actually stand up for yourself in real life. Just a cock sucking maggot as far as I’m concerned.

Tectonicz [250]
2022-10-26 20:15:17
[1 year, 330 days ago]

This guy is a serious keyboard warrior, relax you e-thug lmaoooo

Luthrin [104]
2022-10-26 21:01:29
[1 year, 329 days ago]

Shut up tubby

Boondoxx [351]
2022-10-27 04:34:53
[1 year, 329 days ago]

I also vote for pinning it ender does nothing good by him pinning it he can redeem himself

Forum > Clans > looking to join
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