
Forum > Complaints > Decency
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Coco [131]
2012-09-07 12:18:54
[12 years, 80 days ago]

Can you guys like not attack when others are online? Nos this is to you

Skeith [44]
2012-09-07 12:19:33
[12 years, 80 days ago]

Nope. Get over it.

Skeith [44]
2012-09-07 12:21:36
[12 years, 80 days ago]

Aside from the fact that this is like the millionth time someone has complained about this, if you are having issues with a person, take it up with them. There is no need to bring it to the public.

Nosferatu [155]
2012-09-07 12:23:59
[12 years, 80 days ago]

An entire thread directed at me, how thoughtful.

Skeith [44]
2012-09-07 12:25:01
[12 years, 80 days ago]

This is a PvP game. Why bitch about being attacked?

Coco [131]
2012-09-07 12:29:26
[12 years, 80 days ago]

I was online and clearly doing stuff, I dont care if you attack me while im offline.

Number Two [74]
2012-09-07 12:39:25
[12 years, 80 days ago]

try to have dex bot ready to counter attack all the time :D

Coco [131]
2012-09-07 12:43:15
[12 years, 80 days ago]

Nah I have respect and don't attack anyone that's online, a rule from bots2 i thought was continued here

Skeith [46]
2012-09-07 12:45:00
[12 years, 80 days ago]

The rules are different, this isn't the same game.

Coco [131]
2012-09-07 12:46:51
[12 years, 80 days ago]

Still people should be decent enough to not do it

Skeith [46]
2012-09-07 12:48:45
[12 years, 80 days ago]

[Bronze]Dickhead: Attack another bot while it is online.

There is even a trophy for it.

Coco [131]
2012-09-07 12:51:09
[12 years, 80 days ago]

I got mine by accident :L was attacking then they came online or Id never have that trophy

Skeith [46]
2012-09-07 12:52:13
[12 years, 80 days ago]

This is a game. Just enjoy it.

Nosferatu [155]
2012-09-07 13:15:59
[12 years, 80 days ago]

There are no rules in war.

Diamond Lakota [1]
2012-09-07 13:21:32
[12 years, 80 days ago]

online attacks are fair, but most people don't do it as a common courtesy

Skeith [48]
2012-09-07 13:22:28
[12 years, 80 days ago]

most people

User Name [187]
2012-09-07 13:30:41
[12 years, 80 days ago]

Unless of course someone sees another someone going for level 100 NaN, then all bets are off?

Leader2 [100]
2012-09-07 13:33:30
[12 years, 80 days ago]

most of the time yehh but if it was you nos going for a 100 NaN and someone stopped you, you would be pissed off id be pissed off too but surely you wouldnt do it? as you know how it feels for someone to stop you

Coco [131]
2012-09-07 13:35:27
[12 years, 80 days ago]

online attacks are fair, but most people don't do it as a common courtesy


What war? :L There is no war

Skeith [49]
2012-09-07 13:36:21
[12 years, 80 days ago]

Lol, I heard there is. :X

Leader2 [100]
2012-09-07 13:36:43
[12 years, 80 days ago]

we aint exactly challenging for no1 no more so why attacked understand if escapism was leading and eternal was desperate

User Name [187]
2012-09-07 13:38:05
[12 years, 80 days ago]

I care not for the 100 NaN trophy. Yeah it's a nice plat to have but no I don't act like a little spoiled bitch philosopher and rape the fuck out of anyone else attempting it.

As far as war, Eternal is at war every month. You don't like the way the game is played, fuck off.

User Name [187]
2012-09-07 13:38:32
[12 years, 80 days ago]

I don't like him.

User Name [187]
2012-09-07 13:38:43
[12 years, 80 days ago]

He smells funny.

Skeith [49]
2012-09-07 13:38:53
[12 years, 80 days ago]

You don't like the way the game is played, fuck off.

+1 Approval.

Coco [131]
2012-09-07 13:44:01
[12 years, 80 days ago]

Why don't you like me? :L I understand it from neps and draoi, I 'insulted' them but I've never insulted you

User Name [187]
2012-09-07 13:44:40
[12 years, 80 days ago]

I told you, you smell funny.

Skeith [49]
2012-09-07 13:44:45
[12 years, 80 days ago]

You're telling us how to play our game. That's insulting enough.

Coco [131]
2012-09-07 13:46:50
[12 years, 80 days ago]

I actually smell nice :) most of the time anyway

neps [367]
2012-09-07 15:08:02
[12 years, 80 days ago]

Someone is onlining you, good idea, make a thread about it. That'll shame them! Maybe after you make a thread they'll stop. Because everyone knows how that turns out.

Crab Whistler [63]
2012-09-07 15:26:45
[12 years, 80 days ago]

< There are no rules in war.

There is no wars in Bots4.

User Name [192]
2012-09-07 15:34:12
[12 years, 80 days ago]

There is no "Diplomacy", meaning everyone essentially is "at war" with everyone else.

SG4 [86]
2012-09-07 15:36:57
[12 years, 80 days ago]

No, I meant that in wars, people will most likely die/get hurt badly.

Version Sixteen [87]
2012-09-07 15:38:08
[12 years, 80 days ago]

Well you get raped....

neps [367]
2012-09-07 15:39:19
[12 years, 80 days ago]

A Escapism member made a "Eternal vs Escapism official discussion thread," basically, they were declaring war on Eternal. To attempt to take the throne is to make war with the king, naturally.

SG4 [86]
2012-09-07 15:41:09
[12 years, 79 days ago]

That sounds very nice indeed. Still not like a war tho.

Version Sixteen [87]
2012-09-07 15:44:11
[12 years, 79 days ago]

war /wôr/

A state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.

Engage in a war.

States nothing about people dying. Weird.

User Name [193]
2012-09-07 15:47:04
[12 years, 79 days ago]

A state of armed conflict (bots armed with weapons suffice)

between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state. (bots4 will be considered the world, while individual clans will be considered nations.)

SG4 [86]
2012-09-07 15:47:47
[12 years, 79 days ago]

Guess they missed that part. Go figures.

User Name [193]
2012-09-07 15:48:55
[12 years, 79 days ago]

And Eternalopolis will reign fire down onto Escapismstan until they are no more.

SG4 [86]
2012-09-07 15:52:12
[12 years, 79 days ago]

I will go so far as to call it a text-based contest.


Mtn Dew [52]
2012-09-07 16:04:13
[12 years, 79 days ago]


This made me giggle.

dragonrose [51]
Head Moderator
2012-09-07 16:06:08
[12 years, 79 days ago]

There are no rules against onlining.

Sure it's annoying, but whining about it only makes the target on your back larger :P

SG4 [87]
2012-09-07 16:10:39
[12 years, 79 days ago]

Nice going getting it back on topic hun :)

Forum > Complaints > Decency
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