
Zalachorn [100]
2013-05-22 18:45:04 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]

Nearly ten years on this game and I've never been laid by anyone on here. Fucking ripoff this site is! I want my kudos back!


Jans [87]
2013-05-22 18:53:00 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]

Wanna go on a blind date? Im up for it. And im a cheap date.

Port Royal [176]
2013-05-22 18:54:34 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]

I'd be happy to dip my toe into a long distance relationship. I like virtual cuddles and lots of kisses and hugs over webcam

Intman [71]
2013-05-22 19:24:41 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]

you people scare me

Jans [87]
2013-05-22 19:27:41 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]


User Name [291]
2013-05-23 00:30:51 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]

Anal/Submission/Love making? Yes to all 3.

shadow_rith [70]
2013-05-23 00:56:43 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]


Blh [100]
2013-05-23 03:48:15 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]

see this

Cali [86]
2013-05-23 05:55:29 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]

people just not looking in the right places obviously

blh found what he was looking for ;)

now its your turn zal :P

Blh [100]
2013-05-23 06:42:45 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]

I was looking for an underaged googleimage of a girl with gauges and a mental image of her holding the shift key down angrily as she types.

Found it.

hayabassie [147]
2013-05-23 09:32:43 🔗
[11 years, 279 days ago]

I usually head to the nearest SAA meeting in town.

As Zal would say "60% of the time, it works everytime".

Zalachorn [100]
2013-05-23 17:53:21 🔗
[11 years, 278 days ago]

Wanna go on a blind date? Im up for it. And im a cheap date.

Sure, so what do we do, put blindfolds on and go at it?

I'd be happy to dip my toe into a long distance relationship. I like virtual cuddles and lots of kisses and hugs over webcam

Why don't I just have sex with my webcam?

you people scare me

I scare myself too. I've learned that I'm more afraid of myself than I am of me. I'm sure I'm probably more scared of you than you are of me too!


16, Female, at your back door

Anal/Submission/Love making? Yes to all 3.

Not the order I want those in but ok.



see this

I saw that.

people just not looking in the right places obviously

blh found what he was looking for ;)

now its your turn zal :P

Where am I supposed to look, in the pantry?

I was looking for an underaged googleimage of a girl with gauges and a mental image of her holding the shift key down angrily as she types.

Found it.

I congratulate you on your success.

I usually head to the nearest SAA meeting in town.

As Zal would say "60% of the time, it works everytime".

They banned me.

Still not laid yet people. FML.

User Name [291]
2013-05-23 19:23:31 🔗
[11 years, 278 days ago]

Where am I supposed to look, in the pantry?

You can typically find some good shit in the pantry. Don't hate, masturbate.

ForThePeople [122]
2013-05-24 03:39:35 🔗
[11 years, 278 days ago]

Zal ill be in calgary friday ;)

ForThePeopIe [1]
2013-05-24 04:39:29 🔗
[11 years, 278 days ago]

ill bring my black leather gimp suit

DarkNinjaMaster [75]
2013-05-25 02:14:39 🔗
[11 years, 277 days ago]

This is the best dating site I've ever been too. I've had some hot cyber action come through this site, and I've never been to a "real" dating site, so all in all, Bots4 win.

Number Two [34]
2013-05-25 02:46:16 🔗
[11 years, 277 days ago]

Bitches Online Taking Sex?

Im sorry Zal, you got it wrong

Jans [87]
2013-05-25 02:47:46 🔗
[11 years, 277 days ago]

What? I thought the B was for Boys..

User Name [292]
2013-05-25 15:09:34 🔗
[11 years, 277 days ago]

Me too, I quit!

Zalachorn [100]
2013-05-25 15:26:21 🔗
[11 years, 276 days ago]

Darnit FTP, I don't want to get super AIDS from you :(

@DNM You may have but I guess I'm just a loser. You 12M guys get all the bitches.

@Number2 I thought it meant Boys Online Talking Shit x 4. But I like yours and Jans idea too.

But really though, I thought this was a dating site, I mean, why the hell do we name all our bots about our penises and make profiles to attract the bitches then? And then give money to a guy that you wonder why he made a dating site to begin with? And that money goes to "star" which make you look sexier and important instead of the trailer trash with no stars? Seems exactly like a dating site to me.

Port Royal [182]
2013-05-25 15:44:07 🔗
[11 years, 276 days ago]

I mean, why the hell do we name all our bots about our penises

Actually really true, just a few examples:

  • DarkNinjaMaster (His penis has special powers)
  • ForThePeopIe (Shares his around)
  • Blh (The sound you make when you see his penis)
  • OneTarget (His penis hits the target every time)
  • Fake One (Strap on)
  • Mayonaise (Too easy isn't it? :P)

Esvrainzas [134]
2013-05-25 15:48:58 🔗
[11 years, 276 days ago]

And Esvrainzas? :P

Zalachorn [100]
2013-05-25 15:50:08 🔗
[11 years, 276 days ago]

Esv rain za sperms?

Jans [87]
2013-05-25 17:58:30 🔗
[11 years, 276 days ago]

Let's compare ascii penises!


Zalachorn [100]
2013-05-25 20:17:18 🔗
[11 years, 276 days ago]


Mine is 6 = long. White penis :(

DarkNinjaMaster [75]
2013-05-25 22:38:39 🔗
[11 years, 276 days ago]

Jans... Always trying to get us to take it out, I've fallen for that before, he never calls back...

Jans [87]
2013-05-26 02:29:18 🔗
[11 years, 276 days ago]

still have the pics though

2013-05-27 17:54:59 🔗
[11 years, 274 days ago]

hi zal

OneTarget [160]
2013-05-27 18:46:18 🔗
[11 years, 274 days ago]

OneTarget (His penis hits the target every time)

thats made my day haha

OneTarget [160]
2013-05-27 18:59:58 🔗
[11 years, 274 days ago]

and btw
