
Forum > Miscellaneous > so..
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Rith [109]
2012-09-20 00:15:40
[12 years, 69 days ago]

me and few friends have made a band..hence a lot of my absence..mixing some songs, doing originals, getting them copy righted then sendnig them in to try and make something of them..plus projects in webdesign ive got goin..fixing my good desktop while using a family laptop...and graduating collage this coming march...planning my wedding,..so been busy but got alot of things going for me right now.. :D

Glad to see people still havinga bit of fun and ender back around. rawr and moo!

Crab Whistler [63]
2012-09-20 10:39:25
[12 years, 68 days ago]

moo! :D

matvei [135]
2012-09-20 11:50:13
[12 years, 68 days ago]


Leader2 [100]
2012-09-20 12:22:31
[12 years, 68 days ago]

MOO :p

matvei [135]
2012-09-20 13:01:26
[12 years, 68 days ago]


Zal [133]
2012-09-20 13:23:59
[12 years, 68 days ago]


Ints8 [75]
2012-09-20 16:26:58
[12 years, 68 days ago]


Leader2 [100]
2012-09-20 16:48:19
[12 years, 68 days ago]


shadow_rith [126]
2012-09-20 16:53:53
[12 years, 68 days ago]


Quinny [55]
2012-09-20 16:57:06
[12 years, 68 days ago]

Oink Oink :)

Leader2 [100]
2012-09-20 16:57:09
[12 years, 68 days ago]


User Name [224]
2012-09-20 17:07:54
[12 years, 68 days ago]


Leader2 [100]
2012-09-20 17:10:28
[12 years, 68 days ago]


User Name [224]
2012-09-20 17:16:57
[12 years, 68 days ago]

Stupid winking tongue sticking out smiley.


Leader2 [100]
2012-09-20 17:18:03
[12 years, 68 days ago]

Yepp :3

User Name [224]
2012-09-20 17:18:56
[12 years, 68 days ago]

I have no idea what :3 is.....

Leader2 [100]
2012-09-20 17:19:29
[12 years, 68 days ago]

Search it then and find it out :3

User Name [224]
2012-09-20 17:20:59
[12 years, 68 days ago]

It's supposed to be a coy internet smiley face, resembling something like a cat, cuteness in nature. I personally think it looks like a ballsack mouth.

Leader2 [100]
2012-09-20 17:22:06
[12 years, 68 days ago]

Yepp or someone with a big nose

Crab Whistler [63]
2012-09-23 07:03:42
[12 years, 65 days ago]


Just for you Jans ;p

Jans [87]
2012-09-23 07:37:16
[12 years, 65 days ago]

Hey if you want to come across like a drooling retard, that's totally up to you..

SG5 [45]
2012-09-23 11:13:01
[12 years, 65 days ago]

Thank you for being so understanding with my problem.

      _________   _...._      
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 `'-) / .'     '.             

SerahFarron [121]
2012-09-23 11:14:18
[12 years, 65 days ago]

funny how none of this is about the original post.

ActiveX [169]
Head Moderator
2012-09-23 11:15:11
[12 years, 65 days ago]

just what is that benny?

Jans [87]
2012-09-23 11:16:26
[12 years, 65 days ago]

;p in ascii? :)

SerahFarron [122]
2012-09-23 11:17:37
[12 years, 65 days ago]


SG5 [45]
2012-09-23 11:17:48
[12 years, 65 days ago]

Yup ;) I canĀ“t help myself.

ActiveX [169]
Head Moderator
2012-09-23 11:18:12
[12 years, 65 days ago]

really? I could see a goblet & maybe a prawn. but a retard? no.

SerahFarron [122]
2012-09-23 11:19:28
[12 years, 65 days ago]

Remind me not to make fucking post anymore.


ActiveX [169]
Head Moderator
2012-09-23 11:20:35
[12 years, 65 days ago]

lighten up rith, it's misc. so anything goes.

Jans [87]
2012-09-23 11:22:27
[12 years, 65 days ago]

Sorry for not even reading the OP ^_^

Any recordings of your band online?

Forum > Miscellaneous > so..
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