Hey guys,
I liked the idea of competitions and thought the level competition that shoyuken ran was very fun. I'd like run a competition of my own, to see what everyone thinks of it.
Goal: Collect as many trophie points as you can within 1 month.
Prize: Pretty much same as shoyuken's competition just for fun.
When: Saturday the 1st of June 00:00:01 (server time) - Friday the 31st of June 23:59:59 (server time)
- Bot must be made at the exact time or after 1st of June 00:00:01 (server time)
- Bot must have either the word six or the number 6 in it somewhere.
- I am making it fairly open to most other game features, there is NO restriction on fighting, training or using ratio whores. The aim is purely to see who can get the most trophie points in 1 month.
Please post your thoughts :)