I dunno if this works like it did in bots2 in that you can join, have it increase the treasury by like a billion times, fill it, then fuck off, but if so, that'd be great 'cuz I'm too lazy to fill it
I think it's at like, 80+ days right now anyway so I've got time before it explodes, but yeah
Uhm, basically, anyone with a spare high level bot who wants to dump kudos into my treasury I'd love you
You are basically at your max, even if a high level joins and quadruples your treasury and leaves, after the first night the "Shadow Theif" comes and takes any excess, so its pointless.
Unless you get someone that trains a lot and has no interest in leaving.
You are basically at your max, even if a high level joins and quadruples your treasury and leaves, after the first night the "Shadow Theif" comes and takes any excess, so its pointless.
Why is this a thing
The max treasury depends on the amount and level of members, so it raises when a high level member joins, but lowers again when he leaves. The 'shadow thief' steals any kind of surplus.
Why is this a thing
The main point of clan tax is to weed out inactive clans. The main point of the shadow thief is to close the loophole of temporarily inflating your max treasury to get around this, which goes against the spirit of clan tax.
And on a related note, I have a few ideas in my head of spendable clan perks that can be used to, among other things, increase your max treasury days. The main idea is that a clan that has been around for awhile, performed well, etc. will be able to increase their max treasury well beyond the default 90 day maximum.
I understand why we have a max treasury days, but why is that aspect taken hits when you have excess members? That's a very annoying system, one I think should be altered.
Serious question? It's a fun way to make clans work harder for it if they wish to have a large number of members. More fun than simply capping the number of members.
will be able to increase their max treasury well beyond the default 90 day maximum.
I do not see the point of such perks, especially now we have autodonate. Can't see this adding much value to the game.
PS I think we have different ideas of fun wiggin ...
it could let you have more members .. we could try the 100 member clan thing again :D
i think the current player base is way too low to have large clans.
The main idea is some sort of clan advancement/unlockables that carry over between months. Not everyone is into the unlockables/trophy scene and that's fine. I haven't thought much about the actual perks - I only mentioned a treasury cap perk to preempt a "90 days is too short for an established clan" response to my original response, but I instead seem to have derailed this thread. :)
Why do we want to cap tax anyhow? If a player wants to take his time to fill his treasury to infinity let him do it. It's not like the game is super active with players making clans. Let the old clan live as long as they can.
Unless they are hogging up room on your server..