All bots are at 100 lvl, all bots has dazzler stats: 239 STR 100 DEX 87 CON 10 INT
All bots needs camping (some of them already has duriel shields shaftstops trolls satans, almost all has manic craniums.weapons: answerers, equalizers, brainbashers)
Im going to camp them all, but it takes ALOT of time to camp 9 bots for the same arrmors/weapons so I figured I can place the details already.
Bots are:
Pirmas Pirmas 629/405 [1.55]
Antras Antras 722/408 [1.77]
Trecias Trecias 502/622 [0.81]
Ketvirtas Ketvirtas 512/419 [1.22]
penktas penktas 552/303 [1.82]
Sestas Sestas 511/361 [1.42]
Septintas Septintas 582/419 [1.39]
Astuntas Astuntas 546/378 [1.44]
XyX XyX 379/412 [0.92]
Bid in stars or pm this bot.