Alright, I lost a bit my will to play the game, that is, building bots and that. If I play, it will just to score and help my clan. With this said, I have alot of stuff that I don't need.
Of course I prefer bids in cash but I'll accept stars too for the bots (I value 5 USD per star).
Stars: 59 in total. I'll sell each per 5 USD.
- RATIO WHORES: I use these to get lvl 100 in less than 30min and to get Nan and Insanely Agressive plats:
Travassos requires 1-2 stars to be used
Brito requires 1-2 stars to be used
Leitao requires 1-2 stars to be used
Mota requires 5 stars to be used
One curious fact: their names are from great portuguese runners.
gtoszpinoy planned to be a lvl 200 holy rapture with 100 base int. it has freaking and int armours in stash.
March has answerers stats but needs to be camped. can serve as energy dumper. it has low trophy points but lots of easy trophies can be won (like train bots trophies).
Lamborghini it has 2 trains. I intented to level and make him the highest bot with 2 trains. It also has a cool name.
drolhtaed9: my rapture spy.
Clan Black Jewels lvl 40ish bots have war clubs. lvl 71 has equalizer. they can serve as dumpers.
E22 E27 E28 E29 wins dumpers. excepting E22, they are optimized to have the less con and dex possible.
Clan Esvrainzas stuff I claned my whores (E00, E03-E20, E50). Almost all of them can be used as kudos whores so they have have multiple uses: kudos whores, wins dumpers, energy whores if claned.
small neps I paid 175 USD for it. Yes, it's a lot for one bot. However, everyone wants to rape it. Since this bot is still very useful and my clan mates have plans for it, I'm not willing to sell it by less than 175 USD.