september 2014 bots

Clan Rankings

Bot Rankings

rank level botname username clan plats wins losses energy energy month
1 [71] Leader2 Leader2 <Eternal> 19 155,088 371 1,805,901 849,987 (x19.68)
2 [36] Rocketfart22 Mr Poo <Eternal> 3 34,000 19 952,307 780,220 (x18.07)
3 [100] Luthrin Luthrin <lHl Luthrin lHl> 4 31,006 221 795,035 776,025 (x17.96)
4 [155] Malach HaMavet Malach HaMavet <Eternal> 5 39,431 94 630,472 630,472 (x14.66)
5 [134] Esvrainzas Esvrainzas <Escapism> 23 305,477 379 8,889,003 619,953 (x14.35)
6 [134] Seraphim Ville <Eternal> 33 620,643 3,689 3,843,690 608,576 (x14.09)
7 [47] Romance Romance <Atreides> 1 17,727 66 605,624 605,624 (x17.29)
8 [55] hope1 hope1 <Peace> 34,517 2,724 1,631,787 601,478 (x13.92)
9 [67] Coffee Coffee <Peace> 5 102,021 3,682 1,212,690 591,205 (x13.69)
10 [102] Avant Garde Shoegazer <Eternal> 72 888,212 3,371 22,369,839 555,579 (x12.86)
11 [77] hate me now hater <Eternal> 6 106,380 1,330 2,200,316 546,542 (x12.65)
12 [72] AxeDevil 8lukes <Escapism> 17 253,125 790 6,546,039 395,905 (x9.16)
13 [83] chimpus chimpus <Eternal> 9 45,251 1,702 1,318,540 366,217 (x8.48)
14 [65] PRICELESS PRICELESS <Eternal> 4 116,469 592 1,532,854 329,004 (x7.62)
15 [361] Radylyt Lyrad <Escapism> 43 488,012 90 8,178,686 224,077 (x5.19)
16 [102] Indestructable Black Sabbath <Eternal> 4 47,412 3,727 916,302 223,307 (x5.17)
17 [77] Card1 Card1 <lHl Luthrin lHl> 6,328 2,427 335,757 170,194 (x3.94)
18 [101] platinum edge jaffar666 <Eternal> 2 42,473 3,100 167,279 167,279 (x8.77)
19 [52] 36 36 36 36 <lHl Luthrin lHl> 1 5,800 64 164,828 164,828 (x8.67)
20 [58] Jiro Jiro <Z Fighters> 1 6,954 10 182,374 164,139 (x3.83)
21 [298] Satanic Jesus Satanus Inaximasus <Rapture> 19 43,318 4,641 3,166,561 129,726 (x3.00)
22 [26] Esv Esv <Z Fighters> 18 2,693 1 129,605 128,145 (x3.92)
23 [86] Zyphere meh <Eternal> 4 21,480 1,074 611,652 115,052 (x2.66)
24 [45] Werewolf2 Werewolf2 <Escapism> 1 4,026 2 101,491 101,491 (x10.55)
25 [258] Malachi Nosferatu <Eternal> 36 255,434 538 7,603,352 100,891 (x2.34)
26 [62] XiS XiS XiS SiX SiX SiX <lHl Luthrin lHl> 1 4,404 332 299,917 99,430 (x2.30)
27 [30] sux sux <Eternal> 4 23,009 99 717,094 98,149 (x2.53)
28 [57] One 1 Ace of Clubs <lHl Luthrin lHl> 1 6,636 320 375,146 95,715 (x2.22)
29 [210] PigVomit PigVomit <Rapture> 3 15,435 1,671 104,799 94,341 (x2.18)
30 [29] Train Once More Once More Train <Eternal> 2 3,361 2 222,305 93,732 (x3.50)
31 [62] picnic picnic <lHl Luthrin lHl> 6,632 859 93,160 93,160 (x2.78)
32 [150] Talisker Samuli <Eternal> 12 182,275 2,361 5,148,349 91,272 (x2.11)
33 [80] 6l6l6 Malevolent <lHl Luthrin lHl> 1 7,999 141 90,278 90,278 (x2.31)
34 [28] Hall of Fame HoF <Eternal> 1 2,440 4 87,154 87,154 (x3.89)
35 [59] Highscore Highscore <lHl Luthrin lHl> 2,470 130 214,850 85,311 (x1.97)
36 [130] Cali Cali <Escapism> 11 115,018 1,038 4,018,621 84,435 (x1.95)
37 [38] Bank1 INGHomeBank <The Reason> 1 16,561 194 1,162,679 82,783 (x1.92)
38 [130] Gpof2 Gpof2 <Eternal> 22 213,741 2,807 7,019,136 81,663 (x1.89)
39 [68] Gauranteed Satisfaction <Atreides> 1 2,494 19 78,984 78,984 (x1.83)
40 [236] PeachCobbler PeachCobbler <Eternal> 7 14,589 275 133,658 78,526 (x1.82)
41 [51] Ozzie Ozzie <Z Fighters> 1 1,649 15 93,851 77,445 (x1.83)
42 [110] Grand Trainer fif5 <Eternal> 3 65,368 1,373 1,221,374 77,282 (x1.79)
43 [42] Machinae Prime Player Five <Eternal> 3 7,356 68 256,390 76,042 (x1.76)
44 [126] teh TaterTot Sully <Atreides> 6 94,380 1,336 3,258,649 75,628 (x1.75)
45 [231] mnor mnor <Rapture> 10 140,436 8,025 2,060,005 72,596 (x1.68)
46 [100] John AllenMuhammad Serial Killers19 <Model Citizens> 3 2,482 0 198,319 71,754 (x1.66)
47 [207] Made2shred Made2shred <Atreides> 6 33,510 24,165 71,047 71,047 (x1.66)
48 [53] NAJVECIII NAJVECIII <Eternal> 7 20,627 74 615,584 69,926 (x1.62)
49 [50] zeep zeep <Platinium Squad> 1,749 21 229,529 69,299 (x1.61)
50 [48] Ratio Killer X Award <lHl Luthrin lHl> 1 3,018 68 198,419 68,240 (x1.59)
51 [122] Ephedra overdose7 <The Reason> 14,314 3,381 2,564,827 63,952 (x1.48)
52 [83] rootz reet <Platinium Squad> 1 9,842 2,273 273,142 63,755 (x1.48)
53 [54] ACE 08 ACE 08 <Peace> 1 10,846 478 970,492 63,692 (x1.47)
54 [95] Juv0 Juv0 <Z Fighters> 1 2,786 362 80,926 63,403 (x1.47)
55 [54] ACE 09 ACE 09 <Peace> 1 11,205 505 962,576 63,087 (x1.46)
56 [32] Gaius Antonius <The Reason> 2 21,887 31 418,307 62,889 (x1.48)
57 [57] Incurable Sabbath <Eternal> 2 29,714 802 604,752 62,015 (x1.44)
58 [53] OD1 overdose12 <The Reason> 2 34,819 201 567,367 61,857 (x1.43)
59 [25] Red Eyes Black Blue Eyes White <Escapism> 1 1,076 0 61,751 61,751 (x2.54)
60 [59] Hasj overdose5 <The Reason> 2 52,745 572 403,714 61,695 (x1.43)
61 [120] Boondock Saints Boondock Saints <Atreides> 3 58,748 327 2,135,161 61,425 (x1.42)
62 [150] Lord Megatron Vector Alpha <Atreides> 4 2,644 30 409,219 61,181 (x1.42)
63 [57] vip20 vip20 <VIP> 1 1,025 8 119,495 59,276 (x1.37)
64 [100] Derrick ToddLee Serial Killers18 <Model Citizens> 3 2,074 0 191,326 58,286 (x1.35)
65 [30] l8l lLl <lHl Luthrin lHl> 1 2,378 41 191,167 56,168 (x2.01)
66 [96] Gateway Gateaway <Platinium Squad> 1 2,515 65 297,413 56,134 (x1.30)
67 [115] Riae Riae <Eternal> 9 133,035 1,471 772,493 55,808 (x1.29)
68 [70] neps II neps0 <Platinium Squad> 1 5,879 1,042 370,126 55,657 (x1.29)
69 [61] wussy wussy <Platinium Squad> 1 1,675 70 155,951 55,634 (x1.29)
70 [57] Qbix Qbix <Platinium Squad> 1 1,518 48 232,144 55,211 (x1.28)
71 [225] Aradalia Aradalia <Rapture> 9 50,344 8,213 477,181 54,746 (x1.27)
72 [58] vip11 vip11 <VIP> 1 1,000 38 170,943 54,464 (x1.26)
73 [44] The Man TheMan <Platinium Squad> 4 43,032 51 54,261 54,261 (x1.26)
74 [58] vip08 vip08 <VIP> 1 1,001 38 227,319 53,736 (x1.24)
75 [58] vip07 vip07 <VIP> 1 1,001 115 234,237 53,692 (x1.24)
76 [58] vip05 vip05 <VIP> 1 1,228 12 240,879 53,645 (x1.24)
77 [59] vip06 vip06 <VIP> 1 1,263 14 244,700 53,538 (x1.24)
78 [57] vip01 vip01 <VIP> 1 1,001 165 231,441 53,254 (x1.23)
79 [105] Crystal Meth Overdose4 <The Reason> 10,253 2,536 2,207,032 53,019 (x1.23)
80 [54] boo17 boo17 <Peace> 1 16,792 1,772 1,206,763 52,983 (x1.23)
81 [40] Urahoe urahoe <Eternal> 1 1,152 65 120,998 52,971 (x1.26)
82 [43] NinjaGaiden axegoufudie <Bikol> 1 1,577 17 52,783 52,783 (x2.93)
83 [71] Hell Heaven <The Reason> 1 24,448 243 436,160 52,718 (x1.22)
84 [110] Lord Bowler Lord Bowler <Atreides> 3 813 231 73,769 52,429 (x1.21)
85 [99] Earl Grey Earl Grey <The Reason> 6 69,433 2,248 339,447 52,077 (x1.21)
86 [110] St Amand Luc <lHl Luthrin lHl> 2 2,724 310 191,624 52,050 (x1.20)
87 [60] Arcade Player Ten <Atreides> 8 30,138 469 1,128,665 51,911 (x1.20)
88 [58] vip09 vip09 <VIP> 1 1,064 12 233,683 51,786 (x1.20)
89 [240] olli olli <Z Fighters> 7 104,419 23,496 51,602 51,602 (x2.84)
90 [200] Honored Matres Honored Matres <The Lonely Island> 10 3,131 1 51,519 51,519 (x3.58)
91 [66] Toon Method <Clarks Cafe> 1 7,947 4,461 181,305 51,489 (x1.19)
92 [54] hope19 hope19 <Z Fighters> 1 4,573 1,545 51,004 51,004 (x1.19)
93 [54] hope15 hope15 <Z Fighters> 1 4,210 86 50,851 50,851 (x1.19)
94 [150] Dark Lord Malachi <The Lonely Island> 4 11,944 1,452 976,924 50,760 (x1.18)
95 [80] ChrisDjMoyles comedyDave <Atreides> 1,992 278 106,255 50,525 (x1.17)
96 [120] Shock Wave Shock Wave <Atreides> 3 1,241 41 61,869 50,349 (x1.17)
97 [155] Nightcrawler Nightcrawler <The Lonely Island> 4 4,915 24 1,106,184 49,749 (x1.15)
98 [90] LittleCause LittleCause <The Reason> 1 55,567 4,429 3,727,694 49,727 (x1.15)
99 [54] hope17 hope17 <Peace> 1 10,890 724 872,174 49,404 (x1.14)
100 [93] OD2 overdose13 <The Reason> 1 3,252 476 733,741 49,143 (x1.14)