scorpion x


platinum Scorpion X
Beat Scorpion X.


Scorpion X
Beat Scorpion X.
Number in existence:

Recently collected

logo rank level botname username clan plats unlocked
1 [331] Unyielding Luth
39 2024-06-30 09:05:42
[26 days ago]
2 [331] Malachi Nosferatu <Solo Act> 51 2024-06-02 01:52:43
[54 days ago]
3 [402] Godfather The Doggett <Ship of Theseus> 98 2024-06-02 01:49:24
[54 days ago]
4 [382] Zach01 Zach01
<Apex> 93 2023-11-12 16:36:06
[257 days ago]
5 [130] Little Neps little neps
<Lusitania> 119 2022-12-28 23:22:28
[1 year, 210 days ago]
6 [364] Gifted Gifted
45 2022-03-26 23:42:02
[2 years, 123 days ago]
7 [365] freakster battleminion <Gedankenexperiment> 109 2021-02-16 09:05:48
[3 years, 161 days ago]
8 [400] diablek diablek
47 2020-10-29 22:44:45
[3 years, 271 days ago]
9 [370] violent ken violent ken
36 2020-02-19 10:24:32
[4 years, 159 days ago]
10 [385] Boo Bazza
159 2019-08-12 07:47:32
[4 years, 350 days ago]
11 [387] Arkuden Arkuden
137 2019-08-04 08:39:49
[4 years, 358 days ago]
12 [374] Napoleon Tonc
<Strung Out> 27 2019-05-09 10:39:45
[5 years, 80 days ago]
13 [300] mnor mnor
<Rapture> 20 2019-05-03 04:09:41
[5 years, 86 days ago]
14 [416] Execute Execute
<Apex> 153 2017-09-16 00:22:08
[6 years, 315 days ago]
15 [300] Ouroboros Serpentine <Zero> 336 2017-05-24 06:44:53
[7 years, 65 days ago]
16 [300] Dynamitecop Dynamitecop
71 2016-09-21 17:48:43
[7 years, 310 days ago]
17 [400] Sinister Shadows Sinister Shadows
72 2015-04-24 10:19:26
[9 years, 96 days ago]
18 [350] Bot Name User Name
<Storage> 40 2015-03-03 15:04:31
[9 years, 148 days ago]
19 [342] Satanic Jesus Satanus Inaximasus
<Rapture> 24 2015-02-21 15:20:28
[9 years, 158 days ago]
20 [412] Radylyt Lyrad
<Lusitania> 200 2014-08-11 10:28:33
[9 years, 352 days ago]