maniacally+++ aggressive


platinum Maniacally+++ Aggressive (x0)
Make it to level 300 with under 10 trains.


Maniacally+++ Aggressive
Make it to level 300 with under 10 trains.
Number in existence:

Recently collected

logo rank level botname username clan plats unlocked
1 [253] Demon Of Judgement Asmodeus
<Lusitania> 44 2024-09-27 19:26:29
[11 days ago]
2 [340] PeeTBoT2 PeeT2
97 2024-09-14 17:41:32
[24 days ago]
3 [343] Vanquisher Vanquisher <Apex> 84 2024-09-06 12:50:32
[32 days ago]
4 [320] PED80 PED80 20 2024-08-07 08:53:54
[63 days ago]
5 [281] ziaodix ziaodix 42 2024-07-16 14:30:59
[84 days ago]
6 [300] Zach2 Zach2 20 2024-06-20 13:19:11
[110 days ago]
7 [311] Malach HaMavet Malach HaMavet <Ship of Theseus> 37 2024-06-14 16:17:44
[116 days ago]
8 [324] Meatball Meatball <Ship of Theseus> 44 2024-06-03 13:56:52
[127 days ago]
9 [65] Version B Version B
<Apex> 43 2024-05-30 16:18:54
[131 days ago]
10 [300] Naruto1 Naruto 55 2023-12-22 10:28:22
[292 days ago]
11 [310] PED96 PED96
20 2023-12-21 14:54:28
[292 days ago]
12 [30] Torn Pride Tucks
96 2023-12-09 03:16:21
[305 days ago]
13 [310] venenatis rs03
19 2023-11-18 14:04:53
[325 days ago]
14 [382] Zach01 Zach01
<Apex> 93 2023-10-26 08:30:46
[349 days ago]
15 [402] Godfather The Doggett <Ship of Theseus> 98 2023-04-12 04:38:34
[1 year, 181 days ago]
16 [312] PED90 PED90
21 2023-01-17 17:17:40
[1 year, 265 days ago]
17 [1] Zizu Zizu
125 2022-12-05 07:44:51
[1 year, 309 days ago]
18 [311] PED94 PED94
20 2022-12-04 18:57:41
[1 year, 309 days ago]
19 [300] Crazy Red Crazy Red 42 2022-11-22 18:47:07
[1 year, 321 days ago]
20 [306] Blh Blh
40 2022-07-17 10:35:26
[2 years, 85 days ago]

Most times collected

logo rank level botname username clan plats times
1 [150] crap PeeT
<Apex> 191 5
2 [41] Off Off
<Apex> 170 4
3 [30] Torn Pride Tucks
96 3
4 [300] Ouroboros Serpentine <Zero> 336 3
5 [65] Vegas Vegas
<Apex> 127 3
6 [365] freakster battleminion <Gedankenexperiment> 109 3
7 [340] PeeTBoT2 PeeT2
97 2
8 [34] Saint Saint <Apex> 137 2
9 [355] Destruct Destruct
<Seventh Circle> 102 2
10 [385] Boo Bazza
159 2
11 [418] Execute Execute
<Apex> 154 2
12 [247] Experimental Experimental
112 2
13 [253] Demon Of Judgement Asmodeus
<Lusitania> 44 1
14 [343] Vanquisher Vanquisher <Apex> 84 1
15 [320] PED80 PED80 20 1
16 [281] ziaodix ziaodix 42 1
17 [300] Zach2 Zach2 20 1
18 [311] Malach HaMavet Malach HaMavet <Ship of Theseus> 37 1
19 [324] Meatball Meatball <Ship of Theseus> 44 1
20 [65] Version B Version B
<Apex> 43 1