
Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-08-30 04:47:55 🔗
[5 years, 190 days ago]

So I pop on every 50-150 days to check how the progress of the game is going on and I must say it's great how things have changed over the last few years haha

Anybody got an update on anything ender as done in the last couple years?

Luthrin [101]
2019-08-30 09:07:05 🔗
[5 years, 190 days ago]

WTF have you contributed to the game you silly little fag?

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-08-30 09:25:05 🔗
[5 years, 190 days ago]

Sweet fuck all and most probably never will you stupid little cunt go hang your self fucking prick

Wonga [153]
2019-08-30 10:30:40 🔗
[5 years, 190 days ago]

SJ You are completly loser. Why u still log here? If U dont like why still bitchin around...

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-08-30 10:58:49 🔗
[5 years, 190 days ago]

such cuteness coming from a retard lol

As stated I only come in too see what ender hasnt done to the game.

I will always bitch about the game cause I use to enjoy it and would like to see improvement

Arkuden [348]
2019-08-30 13:15:39 🔗
[5 years, 190 days ago]

hmm... lets think back for a minute... well, Ender fixed a treasury bug. Okay thats all i got in the 2+ years ive been playing the game again. What a great achievement!

Still waiting on the PvE system to be put to the test, that would bring great excitement into the game if high level bots could score some energy.

Gpof2 [131]
2019-08-31 01:57:19 🔗
[5 years, 189 days ago]

3 bots > level 300 are in top 10, so that sounds kind of funny atm :P

Arkuden [348]
2019-08-31 02:19:09 🔗
[5 years, 189 days ago]

That's only because the game has died out in the ass and the energy race is as poor as its ever been, if it were a normal month of scoring none of us would be in the top 10 :P

Gpof2 [131]
2019-08-31 07:33:49 🔗
[5 years, 189 days ago]

Eh, plenty of months have had similar scores. And Myriad for example has been scoring on his leveler since the start.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to argue against some PvE system, I'm perfectly aware that the amount of effort needed to build the resources to take a top 10 at those levels even on a slow month is a daunting task. Just stating that the comment was ironic given the current energy month scores.

Luthrin [101]
2019-09-03 08:56:43 🔗
[5 years, 186 days ago]

Dam fucking straight you contributed sweet fuck all to the game SJ, the same could be said towards real life too you slutty hoe!

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-09-03 09:10:21 🔗
[5 years, 186 days ago]

Lol luth isnt there a bridge you ca hang your self on? Bleach you could drink? Or atleast slice your wrists

Luth [250]
2019-09-03 09:35:28 🔗
[5 years, 186 days ago]

Only after i stretch your inward pussy wrinkles.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-09-03 11:45:35 🔗
[5 years, 186 days ago]

Cant wait cya in 10 lol

Dorian [1]
2019-09-03 16:31:50 🔗
[5 years, 186 days ago]

Only way for make SJ shut up od completly ignore his posts and bmails. That's my opinion.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-09-03 18:42:13 🔗
[5 years, 186 days ago]

Lol now I only bmail a hand full of people. And these people either agree with me about the state of the game or actually enjoy my bullshit so why would they ignore me?

And also you've done exactly why in your opinion is what not to do fucking moron lol

Ender [1]
2019-09-09 12:02:06 🔗
[5 years, 180 days ago]

Knock it off with the homophobic comments, threats of violence, and telling people to kill themselves. That kind of stuff has no place in this game (...and ideally in this world, but I can't control that).

It's fine to bash me and the lack of game updates, but the way this thread has gone is not okay, so I'm locking it.