may 2016 bots

Clan Rankings

Bot Rankings

rank level botname username clan plats wins losses energy energy month
1 [38] Disintegration The Wilderness <Malicious Villainous> 4 119,073 165 2,301,806 1,024,535 (x23.03)
2 [175] crown clown shoyuken <Escapism> 87 1,893,055 103,270 15,644,883 842,550 (x18.87)
3 [100] MrZal2 MrZal2 <Malicious Villainous> 2 26,769 272 847,049 585,296 (x13.11)
4 [84] hate me now hater <Eternal> 34 496,672 3,329 12,332,022 536,627 (x12.02)
5 [73] AxeDevil 8lukes <Escapism> 30 407,655 984 12,340,773 433,470 (x9.71)
6 [54] MrZal4 MrZal4 <Malicious Villainous> 2 19,076 120 588,448 379,998 (x8.51)
7 [72] MrZal3 MrZal3 <Malicious Villainous> 2 20,777 478 643,348 360,686 (x8.08)
8 [32] Regera Regera <Malicious Villainous> 1 10,018 62 338,283 338,283 (x9.77)
9 [53] Rocketfart22 Mr Poo <Eternal> 19 186,717 432 5,982,443 294,250 (x6.59)
10 [55] Malicious Reaper Malicious Reaper <Malicious Villainous> 1 7,450 89 280,837 273,633 (x6.14)
11 [66] Oxyk Oxyk <Skynet> 3 25,927 289 366,422 271,209 (x6.08)
12 [135] Willy Wyrmhammer Willy Wyrmhammer <Malicious Villainous> 3 7,662 32 155,390 155,390 (x3.59)
13 [67] Han Solo Tonc28 <Reaper of souls> 2 28,954 251 776,533 113,724 (x2.55)
14 [390] Radylyt Lyrad <Escapism> 81 716,004 120 12,702,056 108,910 (x2.44)
15 [100] Luthrin Luthrin <Malicious Villainous> 6 44,053 850 270,324 107,466 (x2.41)
16 [48] Penelope McStompsalot <Escapism> 1 17,605 43 437,070 102,972 (x2.31)
17 [32] FearandLoathing FearandLoathing <Eternal> 2 7,683 66 432,900 97,734 (x2.43)
18 [130] IdrA DHW11IdrA <Drool> 3 173,707 223,257 91,852 91,852 (x2.11)
19 [81] 6l6l6 Malevolent <Malicious Villainous> 2 14,238 339 300,191 89,062 (x2.00)
20 [77] EnvoyoftheEnd ChaosEmperorDragon <Malicious Villainous> 3 29,462 544 256,905 85,742 (x1.92)
21 [109] 4you only <Rapture> 4 28,123 5,818 4,038,034 85,738 (x1.92)
22 [78] Tomato Tomato <Eternal> 50 587,694 6,644 16,403,855 85,159 (x1.91)
23 [33] MrZal5 MrZal5 <Malicious Villainous> 3 10,381 40 440,090 82,923 (x2.03)
24 [134] Esvrainzas Esvrainzas <Escapism> 59 495,804 592 14,599,447 79,284 (x1.78)
25 [44] hope2 hope2 <Hope> 10,627 3,321 1,667,414 72,482 (x1.64)
26 [45] MrZal1 MrZal1 <Malicious Villainous> 2 6,625 32 282,090 71,957 (x1.61)
27 [28] Butt Hole Pink <Malicious Villainous> 1 1,084 12 72,397 70,913 (x2.30)
28 [56] Skeeter21 Phoenix21 <Eternal> 2 3,698 43 336,998 68,761 (x1.54)
29 [81] RiggsonTHEONE RiggsonTHEONE <EKSDE> 2 11,505 560 68,256 68,256 (x1.68)
30 [104] The Angry Pigeon Pothead <Eternal> 21 493,393 2,910 3,812,119 68,017 (x1.52)
31 [228] Napoleon Tonc <Reaper of souls> 6 88,513 13,534 356,120 65,350 (x1.46)
32 [49] hope10 hope10 <Eternal> 30 432,045 870 12,398,642 64,679 (x1.45)
33 [160] Aftershock Aftershock <Malicious Villainous> 3 2,105 75 61,868 61,868 (x1.43)
34 [62] One 1 Ace of Clubs <Malicious Villainous> 2 12,928 617 313,594 59,652 (x1.34)
35 [70] Hurst Hurst <Atreides> 3 12,231 146 1,840,689 59,243 (x1.33)
36 [100] oju MyMy <Eternal> 3 14,668 106 290,010 58,887 (x1.32)
37 [55] Korlic Korlic <Reaper of souls> 1,727 142 187,983 58,743 (x1.32)
38 [91] Life and Death Earthy <Malicious Villainous> 1 5,829 759 222,120 58,451 (x1.31)
39 [270] diablek diablek <Reaper of souls> 13 58,521 1,438 127,269 57,874 (x1.30)
40 [241] mnor mnor <Rapture> 10 161,363 8,259 3,134,843 56,770 (x1.27)
41 [139] Wulfgar mrvain <Berzerker Barbarians> 3 41,853 13,255 4,334,519 56,510 (x1.27)
42 [366] Nebulus Fayde Myriad <Escapism> 81 428,798 50 6,524,171 54,344 (x1.22)
43 [46] Madawc Madawc <Reaper of souls> 1,308 181 182,003 54,326 (x1.22)
44 [59] Phobos Phobos <Malicious Villainous> 2 14,864 148 252,218 54,035 (x1.21)
45 [46] adlolhitlol adlolhitlol <Reaper of souls> 2 12,760 60 466,978 53,692 (x1.20)
46 [35] HenrikLindmark HenrikLindmark <Skynet> 1 1,668 87 80,395 53,653 (x1.74)
47 [55] Fembreck Fembreck <Berzerker Barbarians> 6,742 356 2,465,831 53,522 (x1.20)
48 [97] stingray stingray <EKSDE> 1 5,429 3,842 53,016 53,016 (x1.31)
49 [55] Wiley Wiley <Berzerker Barbarians> 3,606 191 2,415,768 52,870 (x1.18)
50 [54] hope16 hope16 <Peace> 1 15,957 1,080 1,920,721 52,590 (x1.18)
51 [160] spooky spooky <Platinium Squad> 1 21,392 6,558 1,053,803 51,418 (x1.15)
52 [130] SideZ Stefoon <Atreides> 5 27,203 792 2,571,455 51,402 (x1.15)
53 [41] Arse Arse <Eternal> 9 77,473 102 2,112,456 51,130 (x1.15)
54 [54] ACE 08 ACE 08 <Peace> 1 13,622 510 1,936,207 50,888 (x1.14)
55 [85] OD3 overdose14 <Escapism> 20 106,172 1,284 4,517,897 50,677 (x1.14)
56 [333] jezz jezz <Platinium Squad> 28 56,523 14,369 380,196 50,677 (x1.14)
57 [54] KING 06 KING 06 <Peace> 1 13,459 2,573 2,032,007 50,468 (x1.13)
58 [120] l Eternal l Luthurin <Malicious Villainous> 1 931 195 53,409 50,441 (x1.14)
59 [54] Boo19 Boo19 <Peace> 1 17,355 2,148 2,112,913 49,864 (x1.12)
60 [67] Coffee Coffee <Peace> 7 112,786 3,956 2,441,290 49,585 (x1.11)
61 [56] Pink Bot Pink Bot <Reservoir Dogs> 27,941 10,947 1,912,692 49,532 (x1.11)
62 [65] Megamo Megamo <Reaper of souls> 3,150 222 185,849 49,402 (x1.11)
63 [62] rix28 rix28 <duk> 1 2,966 1,304 748,890 49,380 (x1.11)
64 [62] rix33 rix33 <duk> 1 1,845 710 634,176 49,264 (x1.10)
65 [62] rix31 rix31 <duk> 1 1,795 691 648,457 49,231 (x1.10)
66 [62] rix39 rix39 <duk> 1 2,023 700 623,191 49,200 (x1.10)
67 [62] rix35 rix35 <duk> 1 1,598 643 613,713 49,006 (x1.10)
68 [150] Talisker Samuli <Escapism> 35 242,492 2,511 1,620,507 48,993 (x1.10)
69 [61] Zord Zord <Escapism> 18 85,543 586 3,582,679 48,911 (x1.10)
70 [256] Ciuc Ciuc <Escapism> 18 89,731 18,914 2,190,266 48,882 (x1.10)
71 [62] rix38 rix38 <duk> 1 1,877 589 620,610 48,864 (x1.09)
72 [54] hope17 hope17 <Peace> 1 14,674 732 1,872,267 48,848 (x1.09)
73 [70] Mr 0range Mr 0range <Eternal> 29 199,788 3,161 7,491,704 48,746 (x1.09)
74 [70] Bad Label Bad Label <Platinium Squad> 1 5,359 115 1,037,527 48,718 (x1.09)
75 [62] rix30 rix30 <duk> 1 2,021 739 674,071 48,664 (x1.09)
76 [62] rix36 rix36 <duk> 1 1,762 706 620,096 48,628 (x1.09)
77 [105] Zargos GoliathLTD <The Fallen Ones> 2 1,335 226 233,337 48,608 (x1.09)
78 [62] rix40 rix40 <duk> 1 1,899 614 620,921 48,600 (x1.09)
79 [62] rix32 rix32 <duk> 1 2,400 926 642,872 48,590 (x1.09)
80 [75] Stealer Stealer <Platinium Squad> 1 3,129 98 621,578 48,552 (x1.09)
81 [62] rix34 rix34 <duk> 1 1,818 716 623,386 48,464 (x1.09)
82 [62] rix37 rix37 <duk> 1 1,365 526 619,759 48,425 (x1.08)
83 [50] adlolhitlol2 adlolhitlol2 <Reaper of souls> 1 10,834 4 435,811 48,410 (x1.08)
84 [62] rix29 rix29 <duk> 1 1,645 712 741,320 48,407 (x1.08)
85 [62] rix26 rix26 <duk> 1 2,287 1,114 734,885 48,392 (x1.08)
86 [68] Ailee Lee YeJin <Eternal> 2 560 39 65,751 48,209 (x1.08)
87 [56] keglu3 keglu3 <Skynet> 1,064 46 57,889 48,107 (x1.08)
88 [61] wussy wussy <Platinium Squad> 1 9,726 264 1,223,124 47,960 (x1.07)
89 [208] Triumph Triumph <Escapism> 6 51,812 7,200 445,784 47,926 (x1.07)
90 [47] Ciuc2 Ciuc2 <Escapism> 13 92,134 129 4,021,590 47,808 (x1.07)
91 [110] Clan Bot Peace <Platinium Squad> 1 780 212 919,278 47,736 (x1.07)
92 [85] weep weep <Platinium Squad> 4,882 248 1,194,866 47,703 (x1.07)
93 [130] notnops nops <Drool> 2 55,135 7,020 1,321,211 47,596 (x1.07)
94 [86] skinhead skin <Platinium Squad> 1 9,356 417 1,119,984 47,575 (x1.07)
95 [120] looker gif <Platinium Squad> 1 2,450 727 923,827 47,556 (x1.07)
96 [58] Qbix Qbix <Platinium Squad> 1 4,249 103 1,179,063 47,540 (x1.06)
97 [120] rh4 rh4 <Platinium Squad> 1 6,077 1,808 1,139,859 47,450 (x1.06)
98 [60] little smeker little smeker <Shadows Of Death> 8,633 697 872,769 47,405 (x1.06)
99 [35] adlolhitlol3 adlolhitlol3 <Reaper of souls> 2 9,537 4 396,142 47,341 (x1.26)
100 [70] neps II neps0 <Platinium Squad> 1 11,835 1,816 1,387,766 47,340 (x1.06)