
Player info

Isle of Man
Nosferatu of <Solo Act>
Joined clan:
2023-12-09 19:30:09 [1 year, 110 days ago]

Bot info

Night Fury
[180] [HoF ranking: 593]
12,005 [HoF ranking: 1,424]
694,450 [HoF ranking: 567]
Energy month:
40,380 (x1.00) [HoF ranking: 271]
2012-04-03 22:34:26 [12 years, 362 days ago]
Played time:
1 day, 3 hours, 9 minutes, 39 seconds
[21 seconds per day]
offline [last seen 4 days ago]
0 new messages

Energy history

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2012 3,452nd 318th 56th 53rd 82nd 726th 95th 268th 377th
2013 429th 178th 283rd 352nd 207th 199th 80th 184th 72nd 450th 299th 423rd
2014 161st 170th 276th 498th 397th 279th 517th 430th 212th 412th 214th 452nd
2015 440th 165th 510th 489th 471st 294th 408th 359th 161st 358th 353rd 367th
2016 208th 433rd 434th 410th 389th 177th 359th 404th 422nd 131st 164th 379th
2017 367th 460th 388th 435th 483rd 431st 496th 238th 420th 402nd 487th 361st
2018 363rd 364th 324th 431st 393rd 365th 431st 434th 389th 468th 136th 388th
2019 406th 362nd 350th 358th 192nd 362nd 439th 458th 374th 394th 427th 385th
2020 554th 425th 414th 482nd 334th 610th 576th 240th 407th 465th 455th 441st
2021 325th 345th 401st 302nd 261st 285th 251st 278th 184th 211th 264th 242nd
2022 267th 332nd 256th 304th 277th 226th 128th 175th 140th 227th 243rd 248th
2023 203rd 176th 259th 1,971st
2024 259th 402nd 435th 394th 386th 433rd 225th 121st 105th 413th 200th 243rd
2025 475th 492nd

Tournament history

(Legend: category / rank)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2015 2 / 9th 3 / 12th 3 / 11th 3 / 13th 3 / 12th
2023 4 / 9th
2024 4 / 27th 4 / 23rd 4 / 28th



Toothless has collected 127 of 318 trophies:







Platinum (4)

Gold (22)

gold Top 10 Clan (x18)
Member of top 10 clan. Awarded end of each month.
gold Tourney Clan Runner-Up (x1)
Scored clan points in 2nd place tournament clan.
gold Top 100 Energy Month (x6)
Top 100 monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
gold 10k Wins (x2)
Won 10,000 battles.
gold Thomas Jefferson (x2)
Lead a clan to top 10 as owner. Awarded end of each month.
gold X-Factor
Beat X-Factor.
gold Super Redis (x2)
Spent 35 redistribution points at once.
gold Level 175 (x1)
Reached level 175.
gold Level 150 (x2)
Reached level 150.
gold Super DEX
300 base dexterity.
gold Super Aggressive (x2)
Make it to level 50 with under 10 trains.
gold We Can Rebuild Him (x1)
Reset your bot.
Did a 1,000+ damage hit in battle.
gold X-Man
Beat X-Man.
gold El Terrores
Beat El Terrores.
gold Popular Leader
Found a clan and have it reach 20 members.
gold I'm Rich, Bitch
Amassed a fortune of 5,000,000 kudos.
gold Super STR
300 base strength.
Did a 700+ damage hit in battle.
gold 10.0 Ratio
Have a 10.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.
gold Hoarder
Hoard 40 unspent stat points.

Silver (29)

silver Top 25 Clan (x99)
Member of top 25 clan. Awarded end of each month.
silver Top 250 Energy Month (x35)
Top 250 monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
silver X-Telligence
Beat X-Telligence.
silver 1k Wins (x2)
Won 1,000 battles.
silver Level 125 (x2)
Reached level 125.
silver Triple Digits (x2)
Reached Level 100.
silver Pretty Aggressive (x2)
Make it to level 25 with under 10 trains.
silver Level 25 NaN (x2)
Make it to level 25 without losing a fight.
silver X-Terminal
Beat X-Terminal.
silver XTC
Beat XTC.
silver Major DEX
200 base dexterity.
silver X-Bot
Beat X-Bot.
silver Titan XL
Beat Titan XL.
silver Quick Fingers
Beat someone to an item in the showroom.
silver X-GF
Beat X-GF.
silver X-Terminator
Beat X-Terminator.
silver Trashed
Wear an item's durability down to 0.
silver Terror TX
Beat Terror TX.
silver Turbo X
Beat Turbo X.
silver 1k Trains (x1)
Trained 1,000 times.
silver Well Insured
Buy the maximum amount of insurance
silver Leader
Found a clan.
silver Snowflake
Equipped a unique item in every armor slot.
silver Master Thief
Take more than 1,000,000 kudos from another bot at once.
silver Can't Touch This
Win a fight without being damaged.
silver Seven Figures
Amassed a fortune of 1,000,000 kudos.
silver Major STR
200 base strength.
silver 5.0 Ratio
Have a 5.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.
silver Triple-Digit Damage
Did a 100+ damage hit in battle.

Bronze (73)

bronze Top 1,000 Energy Month (x104)
Top 1,000 monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
bronze Tourney Cat. 4 Top 10 (x1)
Came in 4th-10th place in tournament category 4.
bronze Tourney Clan Top 10 (x1)
Scored clan points in 4th-10th place tournament clan.
bronze Lost Treasure Seeker
Viewed all bots associated with your email address.
bronze Top 100 Energy (x19)
Top 100 energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
bronze Top 100 Clan (x21)
Member of top 100 clan. Awarded end of each month.
bronze Tourney Cat. 2 Top 10 (x1)
Came in 4th-10th place in tournament category 2.
bronze Top 100 Level (x18)
Top 100 level in game. Awarded end of each month.
bronze Top 100 DEX (x15)
Top 100 base dexterity in game. Awarded end of each month.
bronze 10 Trains (x2)
Trained 10 times.
bronze 10 Losses (x2)
Lost 10 battles.
bronze 100 Wins (x2)
Won 100 battles.
bronze Level 75 (x2)
Reached level 75.
bronze Level 50 (x2)
Reached level 50.
bronze 10 Wins (x2)
Won 10 battles.
bronze Level 25 (x2)
Reached level 25.
bronze Mildly Aggressive (x2)
Make it to level 10 with under 10 trains.
bronze Level 10 NaN (x2)
Make it to level 10 without losing a fight.
bronze Double Digits (x2)
Reached level 10.
bronze Herp Derp
Equip the worst weapon in the game.
bronze Minor CON
100 base constitution.
bronze Changed Your Mind
Spent a redistribution point.
bronze Minor DEX
100 base dexterity.
bronze Follower
Join a clan.
bronze Public Socializer
Make a post on the public forums.
bronze Quitter
Quit a clan.
bronze Giver
Donate to a clan.
bronze X-TerminA
Beat X-TerminA.
bronze X-Machine
Beat X-Machine.
bronze TVR Demon
Beat TVR Demon.
bronze Kamikaze FX
Beat Kamikaze FX.
bronze TX-666
Beat TX-666.
bronze TX-Guard
Beat TX-Guard.
bronze Terminatrix
Beat Terminatrix.
bronze Terminator 2002
Beat Terminator 2002.
bronze Terminator 2000
Beat Terminator 2000.
bronze T202
Beat T202.
bronze T101
Beat T101.
bronze T50.5
Beat T50.5.
bronze Infant
Beat Infant.
bronze On The Defense
Equipped a weapon and a shield.
bronze Lost In Space
Got lost in space.
bronze Yeller
Set your bot's battle cry, victory message, and defeat message.
bronze Beautiful Bot
Set your bot's profile image.
bronze Beautiful You
Set your profile image.
bronze Messenger
Send a botmail.
bronze 100 Losses (x1)
Lost 100 battles.
bronze Flexibility
Bought a redistribution point.
bronze 100 Trains (x1)
Trained 100 times.
bronze Unique Body
Equipped a unique body armor.
bronze Super GX
Beat Super GX.
bronze Unique Helmet
Equipped a unique helmet.
bronze X-Professional
Beat X-Professional.
bronze Unique Gloves
Equipped unique gloves.
bronze Insured
Buy insurance.
bronze 2.0 Ratio
Have a 2.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.
bronze 1.0 Ratio
Have a 1.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.
bronze Suit Up
Equipped an item in every slot.
bronze Represent
Select your country in your profile.
bronze Unique Boots
Equipped unique boots.
bronze Thief
Take more than 100,000 kudos from another bot at once.
bronze Six Figures
Amassed a fortune of 100,000 kudos.
bronze Dickhead
Attack another bot while it is online.
bronze Five Figures
Amassed a fortune of 10,000 kudos.
bronze Minor STR
100 base strength.
bronze Four Figures
Amassed a fortune of 1,000 kudos.
bronze Double-Digit Damage
Did a 10+ damage hit in battle.
bronze On The Offense
Equipped two weapons.
bronze Three Figures
Amassed a fortune of 100 kudos.
bronze Skin Of Your Teeth
Win a fight with less than 5 HP remaining.
bronze Trainmate
Beat Trainmate.
bronze Verified Email
Registered and verified an email address.
bronze Beautiful Color
Change your bot's color


Shadows are faded memories of what once was. Night Fury has been reset 1 time:

when level wins losses ratio trains played message
2012-09-18 00:52:52
[12 years, 195 days ago]
150 10,202 685 14.89 8,542 4 days, 19 hours, 19 minutes, 57 seconds Build Design Change.