Aaron v3

Player info

Aaron v3
United Kingdom
Rapturian of <Rapture>
Joined clan:
2011-07-12 04:41:15 [13 years, 262 days ago]

Bot info

Demonic Slammer
[106] [HoF ranking: 5,074]
40,421 [HoF ranking: 451]
8,270,558 [HoF ranking: 17]
Energy month:
37,980 (x1.00) [HoF ranking: 264]
2011-03-08 18:59:13 [14 years, 22 days ago]
Played time:
16 days, 10 hours, 31 minutes, 56 seconds
[4 minutes, 36 seconds per day]
offline [last seen 9 years, 28 days ago]
0 new messages

Energy history

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2011 125th 18th 203rd 31st 68th 61st
2012 2,342nd 2,477th 2,228th 3,131st 2,910th 44th 17th 16th 53rd 78th 302nd 292nd
2013 303rd 505th 72nd 86th 52nd 163rd 218th 285th 35th 89th 331st 318th
2014 339th 351st 321st 341st 224th 323rd 382nd 314th 964th 952nd 360th 252nd
2015 157th 919th 414th 363rd 304th 985th 89th 187th 153rd 216th 187th 1,015th
2016 253rd 158th 140th 277th 219th 874th 217th 303rd 750th 227th 775th 748th
2017 846th 933rd 931st 327th 333rd 260th 366th 282nd 268th 255th 341st 217th
2018 224th 230th 221st 287th 247th 208th 276th 284th 1,153rd 323rd 297th 211th
2019 245th 1,118th 197th 220th 249th 209th 286th 321st 230th 1,135th 276th 248th
2020 418th 1,153rd 286th 352nd 208th 469th 430th 1,693rd 1,647th 339th 1,901st 296th
2021 196th 216th 267th 170th 149th 179th 122nd 157th 584th 145th 838th 156th
2022 189th 712th 178th 228th 191st 145th 157th 723rd 171st 844th 180th 173rd
2023 146th 98th 751st 103rd 178th 158th 132nd 227th 174th 227th 270th 297th
2024 334th 278th 286th 250th 221st 264th 308th 286th 197th 223rd 263rd 290th
2025 304th 2,129th

Tournament history

Aaron v3 is not a joiner. They have never participated in a tournament!



Aaron v3 has collected 89 of 318 trophies:







Platinum (3)

Gold (8)

Silver (18)

silver Top 25 Energy (x22)
Top 25 energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
silver Top 25 Clan (x46)
Member of top 25 clan. Awarded end of each month.
silver Top 250 Energy Month (x60)
Top 250 monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
silver Triple Digits (x1)
Reached Level 100.
silver X-Telligence
Beat X-Telligence.
silver Turbo X
Beat Turbo X.
silver Master Thief
Take more than 1,000,000 kudos from another bot at once.
silver Major STR
200 base strength.
silver 1k Losses (x1)
Lost 1,000 battles.
silver Seven Figures
Amassed a fortune of 1,000,000 kudos.
silver 1k Trains (x1)
Trained 1,000 times.
silver Quick Fingers
Beat someone to an item in the showroom.
silver Trashed
Wear an item's durability down to 0.
silver Triple-Digit Damage
Did a 100+ damage hit in battle.
silver Snowflake
Equipped a unique item in every armor slot.
silver 1k Wins (x1)
Won 1,000 battles.
silver Can't Touch This
Win a fight without being damaged.
silver 5.0 Ratio
Have a 5.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.

Bronze (60)

bronze Top 1,000 Energy Month (x74)
Top 1,000 monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
bronze Top 100 Energy (x139)
Top 100 energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
bronze Top 100 Clan (x2)
Member of top 100 clan. Awarded end of each month.
bronze Top 100 Wins (x22)
Top 100 wins in game. Awarded end of each month.
bronze Lost In Space
Got lost in space.
bronze Beautiful You
Set your profile image.
bronze Represent
Select your country in your profile.
bronze Level 75 (x1)
Reached level 75.
bronze On The Defense
Equipped a weapon and a shield.
bronze X-Professional
Beat X-Professional.
bronze Super GX
Beat Super GX.
bronze TX-666
Beat TX-666.
bronze Kamikaze FX
Beat Kamikaze FX.
bronze TVR Demon
Beat TVR Demon.
bronze Giver
Donate to a clan.
bronze X-Machine
Beat X-Machine.
bronze Thief
Take more than 100,000 kudos from another bot at once.
bronze X-TerminA
Beat X-TerminA.
bronze 100 Losses (x1)
Lost 100 battles.
bronze Level 50 (x1)
Reached level 50.
bronze Public Socializer
Make a post on the public forums.
bronze TX-Guard
Beat TX-Guard.
bronze Minor STR
100 base strength.
bronze Private Socializer
Make a post on your clan forum.
bronze Dickhead
Attack another bot while it is online.
bronze Unique Helmet
Equipped a unique helmet.
bronze Six Figures
Amassed a fortune of 100,000 kudos.
bronze Terminatrix
Beat Terminatrix.
bronze Skin Of Your Teeth
Win a fight with less than 5 HP remaining.
bronze 10 Losses (x1)
Lost 10 battles.
bronze Follower
Join a clan.
bronze Unique Body
Equipped a unique body armor.
bronze Unique Boots
Equipped unique boots.
bronze Five Figures
Amassed a fortune of 10,000 kudos.
bronze Messenger
Send a botmail.
bronze Unique Gloves
Equipped unique gloves.
bronze Terminator 2002
Beat Terminator 2002.
bronze Level 25 (x1)
Reached level 25.
bronze Suit Up
Equipped an item in every slot.
bronze 100 Trains (x1)
Trained 100 times.
bronze Four Figures
Amassed a fortune of 1,000 kudos.
bronze Terminator 2000
Beat Terminator 2000.
bronze 2.0 Ratio
Have a 2.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.
bronze 1.0 Ratio
Have a 1.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.
bronze T202
Beat T202.
bronze T101
Beat T101.
bronze Level 10 NaN (x1)
Make it to level 10 without losing a fight.
bronze Double Digits (x1)
Reached level 10.
bronze 100 Wins (x1)
Won 100 battles.
bronze Three Figures
Amassed a fortune of 100 kudos.
bronze T50.5
Beat T50.5.
bronze Double-Digit Damage
Did a 10+ damage hit in battle.
bronze 10 Wins (x1)
Won 10 battles.
bronze Trainmate
Beat Trainmate.
bronze Changed Your Mind
Spent a redistribution point.
bronze On The Offense
Equipped two weapons.
bronze 10 Trains (x1)
Trained 10 times.
bronze Flexibility
Bought a redistribution point.
bronze Infant
Beat Infant.
bronze Beautiful Color
Change your bot's color


Shadows are faded memories of what once was. Demonic Slammer has never been reset.