does anyone know any solid number, percentages?
i miss 5 points str for armor - how much more damage i suffer?
what with 10 points, or 25?
how much faster would an armor with 25 points str missing wear down than an armor with 10 points missing or with level stats?
See my 2011-06-12 14:15:03 post here:
I'll let someone else do the number crunching.
so basically, no matter how much stats i lack, maximum amount my armor breaks is 25%, and thats only if i need 60 more points to get it actually :D
Since this is the questions section; why the cap on 25%?
Why is the pope catholic Jans?
But on a serious note, with the current percentage it breaks enough quick as it is if you dont have the requirements. This keeps it playable :) Even though it requires a lot of camping.
Why is the pope catholic Jans?
It's entirely possible that he's not.
Can't believe Wikipedia......
25% was chosen kind somewhat arbitrarily. I could potentially revisit it later.
dont, jans is just mad :P
25% was chosen kind somewhat arbitrarily. I could potentially revisit it later.
Do it once you start looking at armor/weapon/shield stuff and blocking and such. Part of the "alignment" phase you promised.:)