One question, will there be any trophies associated with these rankings?
No immediate plans, no. The challenge here is that they could be a bit redundant in that all the bots already getting trophies for energy/tournament accomplishments would just end up getting more. Then again, it would be cool to "officially" recognize longevity accomplishments. It would probably have to be based off a yearly ranking though, otherwise it would be too hard for newer clans to ever catch up.
On a related note, maybe this would deserve a trophy grade above platinum. It could be neat to have some super exclusive grade for truly exceptional accomplishments. As many players are probably aware, not all platinum trophies are created equal - some aren't too special once you know the "trick".
I noticed that the data from the beta time wasn't added to these rankings.
Sorry if this restriction seemed arbitrary, that's not the intention. I added it right at the end of development because it seemed like noise to have the ~5 dead beta clans listed on the monthly energy winners page. Plus Eternal was listed twice, which probably would have confused people. If a lot of people really want these added, I don't see the harm.
What does matter is trying to get new and more players here before Bots is gone forever
Definitely agreed, attracting and retaining new players is still a top priority for me. I built this new feature just as a mini side project because I thought it was a fun idea that people would like. I guess I share Jans' obsession in ranking things with Formula One points. :)
The tourney clan rankings are a start but hopefully we will get direct links to see the previous tournament results one day.
Ah yeah, I still need to add that. I think I had a patch started for this and it shouldn't be too hard to finish. Let me see if I can get to it soon. In the meantime, in case it's not obvious, you can get to old tournament results by modifying the URL. For example, here's today's results:
If you change the number at the end, you can navigate to older editions.