I won't make excuses. 2017 wasn't a great year for the game in terms of my involvement. I burned out on my admin duties pretty hard earlier this year, so very few features/improvements were made to the game during this time. I took a big step back from the game for many months. The hope was that this might rekindle my interest and motivation, but I mostly moved on with my life instead.
I recently took on a management role at my day job, so I'm doing less programming in my day-to-day duties. This in turn means my desire to write code is no longer being satisfied as frequently by my day job, which is good news for the game. A few weeks ago I got my toes wet by going through a bunch of miscellaneous bugs that had accumulated while I was away. It was fun!
I'll be traveling for about a month starting in a couple days, but when I return in 2018, I'm hoping to make it the year of this game's resurgence in popularity and activity. I'm willing to invest my time and a substantial amount of money (read: advertising) to grow it.
Finally, without going into details, I know many of you want action taken regarding certain things that have gone on this year. I'm sorry I haven't replied to any of the bmails about this. It's a lot to sort through and I want to do it right. I promise you'll hear back on this in time and that there will be satisfying resolutions. I appreciate your patience and understanding here.
So here's to 2018 - I hope you have a great holiday season and I'll see you all next year. Thank you, as always, for playing. :)