
Ender [1]
2022-02-06 02:28:39 🔗
[3 years, 17 days ago]

At long last, the game is once again capable of sending emails.

Since I know this problem led to many people taking a break from the game, as a one-time special incentive to get everyone excited (and hopefully back to the game), I'm giving out (up to) 1,000 duration of the Hastened Adventure buff (10,000% battle speed) to each and every bot. There's a bit of fine print to this though:

  • Buff incentive #1 - Just before posting this announcement, I gave 500 duration of Hasted Adventure to all bots active since the start of 2020 (yes, emails were broken for about that long...). This either gave you a 500 duration buff or added to your existing buff.
  • Buff incentive #2 - No sooner than 7 days after this announcement, I will give an additional 500 duration buff to all bots active since the start of 2020. However, unlike with incentive #1, duration will only be added to existing buffs as long as it does not cause you to exceed 500 total duration. Some examples: 0 -> 500, 400 -> 500, 500 -> 500, 800 -> 500. In other words, any Hasted Adventure duration that isn't used before incentive #2 activates will be wasted, so make sure to log into all your bots (and tell your friends that had taken a break to too) this week and use it up if you want to maximize your usage!

Finally, I'm really sorry for how long this took to do. The original game server became too outdated to do the authentication that modern day email requires, so a full server migration was needed. I'd procrastinated on doing that for a long time because of the number of moving parts it involves, but I finally bit the bullet and finished the migration last weekend. Since then, I've also fixed a number of small migration-related issues. With the migration fully completed, the path was at last clear for fixing emails - and so here we are.

spud [103]
2022-02-06 02:41:13 🔗
[3 years, 17 days ago]


We can't thankyou enough mate.

Off Tap [70]
2022-02-06 02:42:21 🔗
[3 years, 17 days ago]

Thank you! #OneManBand

PeeT [162]
2022-02-06 10:52:11 🔗
[3 years, 17 days ago]

Very nice ender2 and thank you for fixing!

But whats the duration buff?

Ender [1]
2022-02-06 12:17:41 🔗
[3 years, 17 days ago]

The wording is a little awkward, but "duration" is meant as the "battles remaining" of the buff.

Execute [401]
2022-02-06 12:18:00 🔗
[3 years, 17 days ago]

Incredible news for the health of the game, not so much for the health of my dumpers.

Thanks ed!

Execute [401]
2022-02-06 15:41:26 🔗
[3 years, 16 days ago]

12:00:00 [3 hours ago] - Execute [401] made 539 donations over the past hour, summing to 2,824,078,552 kudos.

Escobar [1]
2022-02-08 17:48:10 🔗
[3 years, 14 days ago]

How about game reset ? Is this ever going to happen ?

1MB [101]
2022-02-08 23:11:01 🔗
[3 years, 14 days ago]

Do a blue server and give us 1000x buff instead of 100x.

1MB [101]
2022-02-09 02:51:58 🔗
[3 years, 14 days ago]

Will newly created bots get the second half of the buffs?

Ender [1]
2022-02-09 09:08:43 🔗
[3 years, 14 days ago]

Will newly created bots get the second half of the buffs?

Yes! New bots will receive incentive #2 as well.

Esvrainzas [300]
2022-02-13 04:07:21 🔗
[3 years, 10 days ago]

Finally! Thank you for fixing emails Ender. Let's hope the game gets some life now.

Ender [1]
2022-02-13 15:37:37 🔗
[3 years, 9 days ago]

Buff incentive #2 has been activated. I made a separate announcement post about it:

Samulii [38]
2022-02-15 04:19:28 🔗
[3 years, 8 days ago]