
Forum > Hints > freaked blaster maul build
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freakster [91]
2011-09-11 05:29:06 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

hey can anyone link me a freaksed blaster maul build please id b greatful if u could tyty

Made2shred [107]
2011-09-11 05:33:55 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

what level/how much con?

freakster [91]
2011-09-11 05:35:15 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

lvl 140 as much con as possible please

Allotrope IV [99]
2011-09-11 05:37:01 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

Freaked 130 blasters are linked towards the bottom of this thread.

Add con for the next 10 levels.

freakster [91]
2011-09-11 05:37:39 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]


Made2shred [107]
2011-09-11 05:39:00 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]
Level 140 blaster mauls (x2) (Load) ______________________________ This was generated using Ender's build calculator. http://edmazur.com/bots/build_calculator.php
                             STR  CON  DEX  INT  ARMOR
Guardian Angel                     +7  +10   -5    760
Shade Armlet Helmet           +8   +4   +3  -11    272
Shade Armlet Gloves           +7   +3   +4   -9    175
Shade Armlet Boots            +9   +6   -7   -8    150
blaster maul        (60-335)
blaster maul        (60-335)
                             +24  +20  +10  -33   1357

STR :  390 =  366+24         Left-hand  : 294.0-1641.5
CON :  120 =  100+20         Right-hand : 294.0-1641.5
DEX :  130 =  120+10         HP         : 1250
INT :  5 =   10-33         Block      : 6.25%
                             Absorb     : 73.68%

Allotrope IV [99]
2011-09-11 05:40:40 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

The freaked blasters I linked will destroy that build.

number zwei [37]
2011-09-11 05:52:35 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

tbh, normal non freaked build with black hades, kev casq and heraldic feet would piss over that build lol

Off [105]
2011-09-11 05:54:47 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

You sure?

130 freak blasters won 77019 times (77.02%) 130 blaster won 22981 times (22.98%)

freakster [91]
2011-09-11 05:55:41 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

lol kool so the build i sent u off is the best one anyways yes

Made2shred [107]
2011-09-11 05:58:05 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

lol kool so the build i sent u off is the best one anyways yes

what build?

freakster [91]
2011-09-11 05:59:17 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

a blaster build i sent him then add 10 lvls of con

Made2shred [107]
2011-09-11 06:02:36 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

i meant post the build

freakster [91]
2011-09-11 06:08:11 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]
Level 130 blaster mauls (x2) (Load) ______________________________ This was generated using Ender's build calculator. http://edmazur.com/bots/build_calculator.php
                             STR  CON  DEX  INT  ARMOR
Black Hades                  +10   -8  +12  -10    850
Shade Armlet Helmet           +8   +4   +3  -11    272
Shade Armlet Gloves           +7   +3   +4   -9    175
Heraldic Feet                 +7  +14  -10         180
blaster maul        (60-335)
blaster maul        (60-335)
                             +32  +13   +9  -30   1477

STR :  390 =  358+32         Left-hand  : 294.0-1641.5
CON :   80 =   67+13         Right-hand : 294.0-1641.5
DEX :  130 =  121 +9         HP         : 850
INT :  5 =   10-30         Block      : 7.69%
                             Absorb     : 76.86%

Champion [73]
2011-09-11 06:11:43 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

How is that freaked?

freakster [91]
2011-09-11 06:13:06 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

it aint but ill b adding 10 lvls of con after

Saiyan Z [140]
2011-09-11 06:19:02 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

Fight lvl130 SaiyanZ. My finest creation. Build is a secret though.

Myriad [182]
2011-09-11 06:56:48 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

It's this isn't it?


Champion [73]
2011-09-11 07:59:12 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

Probably won't be a secret for too long tbh

Saiyan Z [140]
2011-09-11 09:29:56 πŸ”—
[13 years, 169 days ago]

Nice build you got there Myriad.

Reality Rift [1]
2014-01-11 23:35:11 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

Myriads build is not possible. I've tried to simulate it with maximum STR unique armors and 35 CON re-dissed to STR and it only amounted to 400 STR and 12 STR was still needed for Kevlar fortress.

Fishwick [133]
2014-01-12 00:04:38 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

317 base str, add the 47 (theoretically possible, bit of a pain to do) you can redis gives you 364. 364 str with max str gear gives 412.

shoyuken [175]
2014-01-12 00:07:22 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

47 redis is boring, everyone should make 54 redis bots for tournies

Crab Whistler [130]
2014-01-12 05:00:25 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

<--- This bot isn´t possible?


Reality Rift [1]
2014-01-12 06:12:45 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

wait, so isn't 35 + 5 the max cap for redis? Was the limit changed?

@crab: if that bot would be yours, you would be left without armors/weapons in a blink of an eye, yet you still seem to have a fair amount of fights which leads me to believe you aren't actually a freaked bot.

Two Ten [210]
2014-01-12 06:21:42 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

In one word: Dumpers.


Reality Rift [1]
2014-01-12 06:25:17 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

I see, thanks for the clarification. Can you also make a little light regarding the redis points? Would appreciate greatly

Esvrainzas [134]
2014-01-12 08:04:24 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

I would guess:

At lvl 129 you make your final build while you have 364 str. Then you rediss 7 points and buy the 5 you can buy. You end up with 33 redis + 0 at lvl 129. Then you level up with just 1 Int (this part would be a pain). Then you have 35+5 to rediss. So 47 points. I'm right?

Fishwick [133]
2014-01-12 09:40:32 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

Correct yes Esv, but you don't have to level with 1 int, freaked blasters have 10

shadow_rith [74]
2014-01-12 09:53:19 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

similar to crabs in set up. He actually helped me figure it out, first time making it with redis. http://bots4.net/profile/13242/ClaireFarron

New Alan [79]
2014-01-12 11:52:21 πŸ”—
[11 years, 45 days ago]

This bot is redissed 46 points. Missed one point. haha

Ive got 175 base strength. :p. 7 more to get at level 80.

Nosferatu [203]
2014-01-12 16:36:34 πŸ”—
[11 years, 44 days ago]

At lvl 129 you make your final build while you have 364 str. Then you rediss 7 points and buy the 5 you can buy. You end up with 33 redis + 0 at lvl 129. Then you level up with just 1 Int (this part would be a pain). Then you have 35+5 to rediss. So 47 points. I'm right?

Do this, except stop at lvl 129 and 99% of the next level. :P

New Alan [79]
2014-01-12 16:51:07 πŸ”—
[11 years, 44 days ago]

^ yaa. Thatd be terrible to stop at 0% of 129. Haha

Leader2 [69]
2014-01-12 17:39:03 πŸ”—
[11 years, 44 days ago]

I've enjoyed reading through this thread thanks for bumping it :D

Esvrainzas [134]
2014-01-12 17:50:34 πŸ”—
[11 years, 44 days ago]

I thought if I did it I would stop near 90% of course. But we can't tell everything no? People need to think too :P

Kulku [42]
2014-01-13 03:05:34 πŸ”—
[11 years, 44 days ago]

what did agoy mean with 54 redis? how is it pissible to go beyond 47?

New Alan [79]
2014-01-13 08:25:04 πŸ”—
[11 years, 44 days ago]

level 119 -> Have 35
Level 120 -> 5 More to buy
Level 129 -> Redis 35
Level 129 -> Buy 5
Level 129 -> Redis those 5
Level 130 -> Get 7 more
Level 130 -> Redis those 7

I get 47. Not sure why I ever said 54.

Reality Rift [80]
2014-01-13 08:37:26 πŸ”—
[11 years, 44 days ago]

not you, but Shoy did :p, thanks for clarification anyway

Esvrainzas [134]
2014-01-13 19:06:00 πŸ”—
[11 years, 43 days ago]

47+7 = 54

So it meansyou make your final build of balsters at level 119 and then you redis 7 points. Go to 129 with freaked blasters and then rediss 7 more. You get to lvl 1300 ans then you rediss 40 points. So 54 points in total. If you dont bother, level 30 levels and you will redis 54+7 = 61 points.

Esvrainzas [134]
2014-01-13 19:08:02 πŸ”—
[11 years, 43 days ago]


47+7 = 54

So it means you make your final build of blasters at level 119 and then you redis 7 points. Go to 129 with freaked blasters and then redis 7 more. You get to lvl 130 and then you redis 40 points. So 54 points in total. If you dont bother, level 30 levels and you will redis 54+7 = 61 points.

Alan WinDump100 [100]
2014-01-13 19:08:28 πŸ”—
[11 years, 43 days ago]

Because once you get to 119 and redis 35 points, won't break your armors by 129. That's not practical.

47 is the "easiest"

Wannabe [51]
2014-01-13 19:13:31 πŸ”—
[11 years, 43 days ago]

There's no point doing that, no one is going to attack you anyway

Esvrainzas [134]
2014-01-13 19:17:18 πŸ”—
[11 years, 43 days ago]

I didnt say it was easy. I would guess shoy said people should do 54 redis ironically. But its possible Alan. Just have a ratio whore and fight against your main. You shouldn't fight with your main after redissing.

Rabanus [32]
2014-01-13 19:20:49 πŸ”—
[11 years, 43 days ago]

I'm pretty sure a 119 freaked blaster would hit 130 before fully breaking heraldic feet.

Forum > Hints > freaked blaster maul build
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