
Forum > Suggestions > Automatic treasury donations
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Myriad [367]
2016-08-03 04:39:33 🔗
[8 years, 205 days ago]

I can't remember if this has been suggested before or not, but I think it would be a nice QoL change to have a tick box in the workshop settings to enable 100% donations to the treasury when you reach max kudos. A lot of the time I disable donations to get enough kudos to buy/order gear, and then forget to re-enable it afterwards.

Fishwick [134]
2016-08-03 13:26:02 🔗
[8 years, 205 days ago]

Maybe even just let it be default? Instead of kudos disappearing into the nether, send them to your clan (if it isn't full) if you're at the 5m limit.

Luthrin [101]
2016-08-03 16:48:43 🔗
[8 years, 204 days ago]

Good idea fish.

Ender [1]
2016-08-04 19:50:07 🔗
[8 years, 203 days ago]

I like the idea of this being automatic too. Sounds like an easy change and a nice little improvement for kudos-heavy bots in clans. I'll see if I can do this soon.

Myriad [379]
2016-12-12 21:24:01 🔗
[8 years, 73 days ago]


Ender [1]
2016-12-12 21:34:44 🔗
[8 years, 73 days ago]

Hmm strange, I could have sworn I'd replied to this thread at some point. Sorry for letting this sit after I said I would look into it.

Anyway, what I recall is that I did end up looking into this because I thought it would be a nice little easy QoL change that people would like, but it actually turned out that the code for deciding how much kudos comes from where (attacker, defender, union) and goes where (opponent, auto-repairs, existing auto-donate) after a battle is pretty twisty and has grown quite hairy over the years. I'd need to clean it up a bit to make this change feasible/safe, so I put it on the back burner.

So I'll try to come back to it at some point, but for now it's not a simple change unfortunately.

Ender [1]
2023-07-05 23:35:08 🔗
[1 year, 232 days ago]

Better late than never. This is done now:

Forum > Suggestions > Automatic treasury donations
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