
Forum > Clans > CLAN WAR!
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Dead Lift [91]
2020-10-30 14:45:07
[3 years, 188 days ago]

If you belong to reaper of souls.. prepare your anus.

diablek [343]
2020-10-30 14:46:20
[3 years, 188 days ago]


Dead Lift [91]
2020-10-30 14:52:39
[3 years, 188 days ago]

Your members are barbarians, they attack each other and act in a preposterous manner. I tried assisting a new player named listan with my ratio whore and sound advice on bot building only to be met with several unwanted attacks on my Rw's by other ROS bots... they even attacked each other like a bunch of hyenas to get at my ratio whore...

diablek [343]
2020-10-30 14:53:26
[3 years, 188 days ago]

Quit whining and play a game.

listan2 [73]
2020-10-30 14:55:54
[3 years, 188 days ago]

i can confirm this. i do want to clarify though that diablek was very friendly and helpful!

Dead Lift [91]
2020-10-30 14:56:08
[3 years, 188 days ago]

yes sir

Ecoueses [383]
2020-10-30 14:58:19
[3 years, 188 days ago]

shut the fuck up luthrin you whining piece of shit, instead of spamming forum go and actually rape them. Your threats are empty, they arent worth time spent reading.

Dead Lift [91]
2020-10-30 14:58:34
[3 years, 188 days ago]

I'm sorry listan, but I will no longer open my ratio whores to you or anybody for that matter. it's hard to trust anyone in this game nowadays.... Even your leader...

listan2 [73]
2020-10-30 15:00:43
[3 years, 188 days ago]

bruh, he can rape them if he wanted to. some members acted like trolls and hes putting a stop to it.

Dead Lift [91]
2020-10-30 15:02:16
[3 years, 188 days ago]

Ecoueses, if im a piece of it, your the rest of it. what's funny is the conviction you show in your replies to what you yourself remark as a waist of time. You foolish fury tune taco!

Ecoueses [383]
2020-10-30 15:03:05
[3 years, 188 days ago]

thats just a long way of saying "no u"

Dead Lift [91]
2020-10-30 15:08:19
[3 years, 188 days ago]

no u

Felix Argyle [74]
2020-10-30 17:59:32
[3 years, 188 days ago]

Oh shit, damn.

diablek [343]
2020-10-30 18:42:11
[3 years, 188 days ago]

15:28:29 [3 hours ago] - Felix Argyle [74] left.


The Mighty Ratslayer [37]
2020-10-30 18:42:53
[3 years, 188 days ago]

Yep I left lol :3

LotusNine [102]
2020-11-02 01:16:15
[3 years, 186 days ago]

Good luck bud haha

Forum > Clans > CLAN WAR!
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