From/To: Conquer 65 [91]
Re: Hey
Conquer 65 [90]
2014-07-30 09:37:36
[23 hours ago]
Yo this rith, i need the password to sesshomaru forgot xo
Number 1 you little piece of scum. I have never even gave this bot's pass to Rith. Number 2, that is not how Rith talks. Number 3, you can just go fuck yourself.
*Imagines being able to fuck himself*
That's funny because that's the guy that played off as zal and all that shit when everything went down. Seems he is still at it.
and just to throw out there he is also the one that claims to have bought my stolen stars even though he had the password.
Prolly just trying to taunt you at this point
Your mother still loves me.
Conquer 65 is now confirmed to be either Nos, neps or Jans. They love their mother jokes. Even though mother jokes died out in the Great War of the Memes in 2008.
gets the pitchforks and torches
Good idea Benny, we must hunt down every last mother joke user and kill them off. It is the only way to advance this world further. ALL HAIL THE MEME OVERLORDS!
I only use them on Nos, because he has mother issues :)
I have no issues with your mom, she's a dynamite gal.