level 250


platinum Level 250 (x0)
Reached level 250.


Level 250
Reached level 250.
Number in existence:

Recently collected

logo rank level botname username clan plats unlocked
1 [270] On the bus Busbot
55 2024-11-28 20:28:51
[4 days ago]
2 [269] Hardline Hardline 53 2024-11-22 15:48:40
[10 days ago]
3 [259] Ultra Fiesta Mango Monster1 <The drunken Clam> 12 2024-11-19 10:29:45
[13 days ago]
4 [273] Cokie the Clown Cokie
<Strung Out> 44 2024-11-16 06:06:50
[16 days ago]
5 [250] Oxymoron Oxymoron
<Final awakening> 22 2024-11-11 00:24:24
[22 days ago]
6 [250] Expert Expert <Final awakening> 26 2024-11-09 14:43:49
[23 days ago]
7 [260] acai acai
<Mount Wario> 22 2024-11-08 01:45:56
[24 days ago]
8 [251] Reborn 35 Shadowofdeath 35 <Final awakening> 34 2024-11-07 12:14:26
[25 days ago]
9 [250] Tourney God Tourney God <Final awakening> 41 2024-11-07 06:27:34
[25 days ago]
10 [65] Ideotik God Ideotik God <Solo Act> 18 2024-11-06 12:16:20
[26 days ago]
11 [100] Transform Transform <Final awakening> 32 2024-10-31 06:26:29
[32 days ago]
12 [250] Billabong Billabong 25 2024-10-30 15:53:12
[33 days ago]
13 [13] Jetpilot Jetpilot 26 2024-10-30 10:10:21
[33 days ago]
14 [141] Progeny Shadow of Seath
17 2024-10-29 16:24:56
[34 days ago]
15 [317] Oldsport Oldsport <Lusitania> 17 2024-10-20 05:14:29
[43 days ago]
16 [321] Albinius Albinius 24 2024-10-19 18:03:57
[44 days ago]
17 [275] Mal06 Nos06 <Deviant Class> 15 2024-10-14 14:16:17
[49 days ago]
18 [275] Mal05 Nos05 <Deviant Class> 16 2024-10-13 22:16:18
[50 days ago]
19 [275] Mal04 Nos04 <Deviant Class> 16 2024-10-13 18:35:41
[50 days ago]
20 [1] Doomsayer Doomsayer
16 2024-10-11 09:24:43
[52 days ago]

Most times collected

logo rank level botname username clan plats times
1 [300] Ouroboros Serpentine <Zero> 336 8
2 [358] PeeTBoT2 PeeT2
<The drunken Clam> 101 5
3 [41] Off Off
<Apex> 170 5
4 [150] crap PeeT
<Apex> 191 5
5 [30] Torn Pride Tucks
<Seventh Circle> 96 4
6 [66] Vegas Vegas <Solo Act> 127 4
7 [385] Boo Bazza <In Sequence> 161 4
8 [331] Unyielding Luth
<Tarnished> 39 3
9 [1] Tectonicz Tectonicz
62 3
10 [402] Godfather The Doggett <Tarnished> 98 3
11 [1] Zizu Zizu
125 3
12 [365] freakster battleminion <In Sequence> 109 3
13 [34] Saint Saint <Apex> 137 3
14 [355] Destruct Destruct
<Seventh Circle> 102 3
15 [418] Execute Execute <In Sequence> 155 3
16 [82] Scabara Scabara
<Lusitania> 190 3
17 [270] On the bus Busbot
55 2
18 [269] Hardline Hardline 53 2
19 [291] Demon Of Judgement Asmodeus
<Berserk> 50 2
20 [1] ziaodix ziaodix 48 2