trophies leaderboard

logo rank level botname username (id) clan points total bronze silver gold plats
1 [300] Ouroboros Serpentine <Zero> 108,609 498 85 42 35 336
2 [430] Nebulus Fayde Myriad
<Lusitania> 34,389 465 72 35 30 328
3 [133] Aetatum Singularis 78,719 402 84 40 30 248
4 [372] Eddie Hitler Chriseps
<Strung Out> 45,348 379 76 36 24 243
5 [353] Esvrainzas Esvrainzas
<Lusitania> 61,931 354 80 39 30 205
6 [413] Radylyt Lyrad <Escapism> 41,360 349 75 37 32 205
7 [83] Scabara Scabara
<Lusitania> 13,303 340 80 37 29 194
8 [150] crap PeeT
<Apex> 18,119 328 75 33 29 191
9 [385] Boo Bazza <In Sequence> 29,418 315 80 42 31 162
10 [41] Off Off
<Apex> 31,009 315 79 36 30 170
11 [418] Execute Execute <In Sequence> 2,944 302 79 37 30 156
12 [405] TheCause TheCause
32,852 298 74 35 26 163
13 [387] Arkuden Arkuden <In Sequence> 26,934 293 85 39 31 138
14 [34] Saint Saint <Valhalla> 12,927 273 75 34 27 137
15 [175] crown clown shoyuken
56,715 271 72 32 22 145
16 [1] Zizu Zizu
14,609 262 76 34 27 125
17 [66] Vegas Vegas <Valhalla> 17,821 258 73 32 26 127
18 [41] Little Neps little neps
<Lusitania> 32,755 257 77 32 26 122
19 [377] notneps neps
<1234> 53,279 253 76 37 29 111
20 [134] Redshift Apex <Lusitania> 44,917 253 76 37 31 109
21 [365] freakster battleminion <In Sequence> 19,901 249 76 37 27 109
22 [247] Experimental Experimental
34,595 242 70 33 27 112
23 [200] Dolor Dolor 32,069 241 72 29 22 118
24 [355] Destruct Destruct
16,450 240 79 34 25 102
25 [402] Godfather The Doggett <Tarnished> 19,751 238 78 34 28 98
26 [138] Gpof2 Gpof2
<Lusitania> 23,478 234 72 28 16 118
27 [384] Talisker Samuli
1,151 233 82 34 25 92
28 [175] Calor Calor 30,375 233 72 31 22 108
29 [298] CogitoErgoSum ReneDescartes
37,203 232 72 35 22 103
30 [250] Rubor Rubor 31,221 231 75 33 22 101
31 [30] Torn Pride Tucks
23,521 230 73 35 26 96
32 [382] Zach01 Zach01
<Apex> 9,861 228 77 33 24 94
33 [373] PeeTBoT2 PeeT2
<Lusitania> 17,836 228 69 32 26 101
34 [150] Sir Chimpus Sir Chimpus
<Apex> 16,064 226 79 39 28 80
35 [52] Final SideZ SideZ
<Lusitania> 19,300 215 73 32 24 86
36 [319] bluei bluei <Zero> 18,334 214 77 36 23 78
37 [100] Gpof Gpof
25,508 214 78 32 20 84
38 [103] Avant Garde Shoegazer
28,561 213 58 20 12 123
39 [271] ziaodix ziaodix 19,942 212 75 32 22 83
40 [376] Own You Own You 18,695 210 75 36 26 73
41 [318] Endgame Stratagem <Zero> 18,287 210 76 37 25 72
42 [130] OldTime v2 OldTime v2
<Apex> 17,592 209 66 30 23 90
43 [319] Perishing Cold Perishing Cold <Zero> 19,331 209 73 34 24 78
44 [400] Sinister Shadows Sinister Shadows <In Sequence> 15,607 207 74 35 25 73
45 [135] Exsequor Primoris 20,168 207 71 24 20 92
46 [135] Fishwick Fishwick <Lusitania> 28,506 207 73 32 14 88
47 [150] Fervour Fervour 27,387 205 55 27 18 105
48 [345] Vanquisher Vanquisher <iPrint3D Company> 13,207 205 70 27 24 84
49 [292] Ardor Ardor 23,368 204 72 34 20 78
50 [300] Dynamitecop Dynamitecop
21,246 197 74 32 20 71
51 [75] Esv Esv
<Lusitania> 13,602 197 77 32 24 64
52 [416] Xerex Xerex
7,523 193 69 30 20 74
53 [358] Malachi Nosferatu <Valhalla> 6,678 193 77 37 26 53
54 [250] New Age New Age
14,357 192 71 33 27 61
55 [240] Utah Jazz NBA XXIV
10,552 191 66 31 24 70
56 [340] Cali Cali
15,696 190 76 32 19 63
57 [325] Executed Executed 9,013 189 78 33 24 54
58 [336] Hardline Hardline 5,154 188 72 30 24 62
59 [350] Bot Name User Name
<Storage> 36,891 187 77 39 31 40
60 [280] TheEnnd TheEnnd
20,725 187 76 31 26 54
61 [300] Dirt Nap Dirt Nap 18,281 187 72 34 25 56
62 [140] Vigour Vigour 24,322 186 55 25 17 89
63 [134] teh TaterTot Sully
<Lusitania> 5,715 184 69 27 14 74
64 [319] Shattered Shattered
<Zero> 14,545 184 76 32 25 51
65 [1] Tectonicz Tectonicz
13,067 184 70 29 23 62
66 [400] diablek diablek
9,626 183 77 34 25 47
67 [300] Unit Unit
10,148 183 75 30 19 59
68 [319] Hallucinogen Hallucinogen
<Zero> 14,644 183 76 33 25 49
69 [407] Smeagol Smeagol
<Murloc Cartel> 3,356 182 78 34 27 43
70 [200] Draoi Draoi
27,819 182 75 36 28 43
71 [325] Redless Redless 22,378 182 77 36 27 42
72 [300] Croaked Croaked 16,751 180 71 32 21 56
73 [401] Eucliwood Hellscythe Eucliwood Hellscythe
<Rapture> 27,083 178 74 37 24 43
74 [239] On the bus Busbot
<Mount Wario> 14,082 178 69 20 21 68
75 [200] Dinami Cratus 21,276 177 66 28 18 65
76 [291] Demon Of Judgement Asmodeus
11,160 177 74 30 23 50
77 [140] hate me now hater
15,283 176 69 19 14 74
78 [343] hope10 hope10
8,762 176 74 31 18 53
79 [200] Spam Spam
14,045 176 73 30 20 53
80 [367] LibranGuard Trio
26,342 174 77 36 24 37
81 [250] Rigor Mortis Rigor Mortis 21,947 174 72 36 29 37
82 [235] OldTime v3 OldTime v3
11,092 174 70 26 23 55
83 [316] Lord Megatron Vector Alpha <Valhalla> 22,744 173 76 32 23 42
84 [364] Gifted Gifted
10,604 173 74 31 23 45
85 [230] Vengeance Rivan
<Gedankenexperiment> 44,047 172 73 30 21 48
86 [70] bex bex
14,002 172 90 35 25 22
87 [324] Meatball Meatball <In Sequence> 6,847 172 71 30 22 49
88 [150] Fried Fried <Strung Out> 11,241 171 62 29 23 57
89 [370] violent ken violent ken <In Sequence> 9,804 170 75 36 22 37
90 [250] Quicky Quicky
13,716 170 68 31 16 55
91 [215] ladrinho backroom
15,775 170 73 29 17 51
92 [331] Unyielding Luth
23,416 169 73 33 24 39
93 [350] shin akuma shin akuma <In Sequence> 9,802 168 74 33 22 39
94 [41] Esvz Esvz
<Lusitania> 15,460 165 76 30 22 37
95 [270] Small Neps small neps
24,188 164 73 38 24 29
96 [250] Cripple Cripple 15,960 163 56 20 22 65
9,901 163 77 32 23 31
98 [153] FloySage FloySage
<Apex> 8,030 161 66 29 23 43
99 [374] Napoleon Tonc
<Strung Out> 15,685 160 79 34 20 27
100 [200] Rocketfart22 Mr Poo
<Mount Wario> 5,423 160 74 27 20 39