
Ender [1]
2013-06-26 02:13:31 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

I've received notification from PayPal that 10 transactions ranging from 5/20-6/18 for $1,300 worth of stars are under review. This same situation recently occurred and it was decided that should it happen again, I would immediately revoke all the stars and only reissue them once the investigation was complete.

I'm holding off on revoking the stars for now. This spreadsheet lists what bots the stars started on and what bots the stars are currently on. 101 of the 130 stars have already changed hands (many probably more than once), so this would affect more than just the purchaser of the stars. I may end up having to revoke them anyway, but for now I'm going to just halt permanent transfers.

This is a bit of a clusterfuck and you're probably as annoyed as I am if you're affected, but let's focus on the 130 stars in this thread; I'll start a separate one for how to avoid this in the future.

If you are the owner of one of the affected stars and you received it via trade, I strongly advise trying to reverse your trade.

Leader [93]
2013-06-26 02:33:39 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

What a whore

Anychance you could involve the bot names that stars was bought from? Then we know who to avoid trading with

Ender [1]
2013-06-26 02:36:37 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

That information is available in the spreadsheet.

Also note that the person is not necessarily guilty of anything. PayPal flagged the transactions as suspicious; they're not chargebacks.

Ender [1]
2013-06-26 02:38:49 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

let's focus on the 130 stars in this thread; I'll start a separate one for how to avoid this in the future

As promised:

Ender [1]
2013-06-26 02:43:59 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

Port Royal (id 30090) wanted me to clarify that the stars purchased from his bot were not purchased by him, but rather the person purchasing all the other stars. I confirmed this by comparing the buyer information available to me from PayPal.

Ender [1]
2013-06-26 03:08:45 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

Well that didn't take long. I just entered in the information I had for all the open cases with PayPal. All 10 transactions were immediately reverted, so for all intents and purposes, these stars should not exist.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-26 03:10:41 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]


Leader [93]
2013-06-26 03:11:31 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

So what now your taking them all back?

Ender [1]
2013-06-26 03:35:21 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

My only real option is to delete the stars. I hear the purchaser of the stars is being cooperative in returning bots, but a couple of you have bmailed me asking whether I can restore bots stats/equipment to the condition they were in at the time of trade. I cannot do this because I simply don't have the time to wade through each and every transaction. 130 stars need to disappear and many of those have been traded multiple times.

I wish I had better news, but all I can really say is that I am working on ways to prevent this in the future.

Leader2 [136]
2013-06-26 04:07:04 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

come on though ender if he has trashed someones dumpers completely like yoloyo did with fishwicks dumpers I can understand while they are annoyed and asking for you to return them to the condition they bought them in

Leader2 [136]
2013-06-26 04:10:59 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

in my opinion anything that happens like this their bots should be locked and reset possibly even banned

its unfair on you ender especially when it leaves you in debt like this you need to be a little stricter and do something about these scammers

Ender [1]
2013-06-26 09:29:12 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

come on though ender if he has trashed someones dumpers completely like yoloyo did with fishwicks dumpers I can understand while they are annoyed and asking for you to return them to the condition they bought them in

I can understand it too and that's why I'm trying to prevent this in the future, but reversing all of the transactions is way too big and complicated of a task because of the number of stars involved.

in my opinion anything that happens like this their bots should be locked and reset possibly even banned

There's no evidence of wrongdoing here and I only act on ironclad evidence.

Shoegazer [93]
2013-06-26 10:34:21 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

927 =

25570 =

30424 =

946 =

30090 =

30693 =

Crab Whistler [64]
2013-06-26 10:52:27 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

Lots of people. Guessing some will be more pissed then others.

Fishwick [131]
2013-06-26 10:55:26 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

Where did you get your star from Benny? Can you remember? Whoever is the source sure has been busy

Crab Whistler [64]
2013-06-26 11:03:29 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

I got them from Port Royal. The stars where permed in advance tho. So I never got around to start.

Fishwick [131]
2013-06-26 11:22:19 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

Lucky you, I'm assuming lopes and small neps have lost out big time

Port Royal [239]
2013-06-26 11:28:21 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

Indeed they would have in these unforeseen circumstances

Crab Whistler [64]
2013-06-26 11:30:50 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

unforeseen circumstances

Made me remember Half-Life :)

Gpof2 [130]
2013-06-26 11:56:09 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

RIP one star for me, and it was for a logo or something so I get nothing back. Meh, at least I didn't get fucked over hard like some.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-26 19:21:54 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

Yeah I got fucked over hardcore!!!

  • MY ratio whores that were in trade with sir Dravidian have taken a hard hit and there ratio's are down and would need at least 30k wins too restore them too how I had them.
  • my Eternalrat dumpers some had all there weapons and armours sold. Have taken at least 20k losses on them. ( also still can't log in one or 2 of them )

See Ender doesn't take our transactions with the offender into consideration! He only thinks of himself, Ender said he had no time too do anything about all the bots in trade.. But he will make sure he has time too take back the stars. It's bull shit I received most of them stars around the start of June. You never expect this stuff too happen after 20+ days. It's fucked!

DarkNinjaMaster [76]
2013-06-26 19:26:53 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

You might be angry, but making Ender out to be a selfish dick won't help. The way this screws up the trading system in bots hurts him as much as anyone else, in future donations not received and time taken to fix this problem, if not more so.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-26 19:31:07 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

Yes I understand that but if he had enough time too take back our stars, he should have enough time too fix our bots as well... I Spend a lot of money on this game and all that seems too happens is me getting fucked over.

Also I just looked and some of the transactions were made on the 20th or so of may. That was over 30 days ago!

Gpof2 [130]
2013-06-26 19:32:16 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

It probably takes him just a few minutes to revoke stars. What you're asking him to do would take much more time.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-26 19:35:41 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

But still Gpof it's not the point. I had 45 stars on my account from him. And 30 tempted just about too be permed until all this happened,

That is 75 stars I got fucked over! Not just one or two.. 75!

Nosferatu [155]
2013-06-26 23:14:22 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

Your anger, although justifiable, is one sided. You're only looking at it from your point of view. And I agree, it sucks ass to have sit like this happen and the faithful players who spend a lot of money and time into this game are the ones who inevitably get fucked in the end.

Like everything else in this world though, it takes something negative in order for preventative actions to be implemented.

godliikekyle [104]
2013-06-26 23:21:59 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

But still Gpof it's not the point. I had 45 stars on my account from him. And 30 tempted just about too be permed until all this happened,

That is 75 stars I got fucked over! Not just one or two.. 75!

You're calling him selfish for deleting unpaid for stars that have put him in a $1300 debt, and not taking the time to personally cater to each individual transaction these stars have been involved in. Ender is the one who loses the most out of this ordeal.

Nobody is gaining from this and pointing fingers won't help nor solve anything. If you want to complain to somebody, do it to the person who originally bought those stars. If anyone, he's the one with your money/goods/whatever.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-26 23:22:36 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

I get what your saying Nos, but if you were in my situation you would see it the exact same way i do.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-26 23:24:26 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

Ender would not have been $1,300 in debt if he hadn't already spent the money... If he is worried about getting into debt maybe he should wait ' x ' amount of days too take it out of his paypal account...

Ender [1]
2013-06-26 23:27:37 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

To give you some perspective on my options...

Deleting the stars will take all of 5 minutes.

Reverting all the trades would require untanging a pretty big mess. Some of the stars have been traded multiple times. There is no audit log. Many trades were conducted privately, some not even on one of the game's mediums (forum/bmail). Some trades were for things that can't be reverted like logo creation. Restoring equipment would involve going through database backups and updating multiple records for each bot. Restoring wins/losses would be a similar endeavor, but what happens with where those wins/losses came from? It would involve going through database backups and looking at fight histories and piecing together who fought who and reverting the appropriate stats. Doing these things for one bot would be a monumental task. Doing these things for 130 stars worth of bots would be a dedicated multi-week project.

If it were a simple matter, I'd be more than happy to oblige. Alas it is not.

godliikekyle [104]
2013-06-26 23:27:57 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

I'm sure there's plenty of paypal fees as well.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-26 23:33:32 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

I understand all of that Ender. But that being said we should at least get too keep the stars that we spent many many hours and days earning.

These transactions have been going on for over a month. It's not like it was only a few days like the Yoloyo transactions.

shoyuken [175]
2013-06-26 23:35:03 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

What if it were possible for the players affected by this issue to present 'audit logs' that would make it easier for Ender to unwind some of the transactions?

Not all the issues would be resolvable but some may be able to be fixed with relative ease

Lobster [129]
2013-06-26 23:39:30 🔗
[11 years, 244 days ago]

The only 2 people too actually receive stars from the guy buying them was Me and Port Royal, whoever else has stars either come from Him or myself

KFC [75]
2013-06-26 23:58:00 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

I totally see where everyone's coming from but I dont feel like the current solution is fair. I appreciate Ender that the roll back is totally impractical and therefor not a viable solution, ultimately however 2 players have been fleeced out of their time. I talked to Mike (Port Royal) who's been pretty reasonable about this today and hes going to lose hundreds of hours of work if the star reset goes ahead.

Whilst no bot reset or rollback could be made I feel as if some kind of compensation or compromise would be the least that could be done. Be that through something as novel as a buff, trophy points or another suggestion someone has.

I understand you have to protect yourself Ender, but it seems a shame that 2 players should lose out so heavily because of a mistake (innocent or not) that was made.

Here's hoping people can come to an arrangement that suits everyone and this kind of situation never arises again

ForThePeople [123]
2013-06-27 02:14:05 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

The thing about the reset lobster is

A) Stars the easiest part

Which end will do...

Now your part

B) Return all bot to the way there were initially on the day of the trade, now ender has to try to find every both that hit yours while figuring out which bot got x amount of win so on so fourth, then factor out the leveling of it while also trying to figure out level complications. Well if this bot hit this illegal bot it loses 200 win but it leveled 45 levels out of range so it is fair to suffice that it wouldn't be close to where it is right now. Which means he would have to rest the bot....and everything eat a dick....don't like getting these problems you say you are always in....don't buy from other buy from Ender, when you buy from others you take the risk of never getting your stars or complications.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-27 02:30:21 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

You eat a dick you wanker. Ender already said all that so unless you have something useful too say keep your nose out of it

Leader2 [136]
2013-06-27 02:52:44 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

^ Lobster has put a lot of money into bots and if he can't have his say no one can

Jans [87]
2013-06-27 02:57:17 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

Ender already said all that so unless you have something useful too say keep your nose out of it

FTP summed it up again because you're being stubborn and selfcentered. All you want is to keep the stars and trying to make it Ender's fault 'for taking out the money'.

It's your choice to do trades with stars. There's no need for that. When buying or selling, you can make direct transactions over paypal with whoever's involved.

Someone's bought a shitload of stars, and they were chargedback. Ender has no other option than to delete them.

Leader2 [136]
2013-06-27 03:00:21 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

so ender would have no choice but to let the bot keep the stars if someone had bought 10 stars off the people?

Not only that but people fuck his bots up and then everyone thinks its alright for him too fix them himself because I don't Ender should have to fix them in my opinion

Jans [87]
2013-06-27 03:02:48 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

Why is that Ender's responsibility?

Leader2 [136]
2013-06-27 03:03:00 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

There's no evidence of wrongdoing here and I only act on ironclad evidence.

no wrong doing or not enough evidence the guy has put you in big ass debt with paypal that to me is a good enough reason to lock and reset their bots

Leader2 [136]
2013-06-27 03:05:55 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

why is it not?

I bet that's only happened to Lobster where he has trashed his bots and a lot more too

Lobster [129]
2013-06-27 03:08:01 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

Yeah Jans its not my fault that the transactions were charged back. The first transaction i received was on the 20th of may last month. How was i ment too know this was going too happen?

I don't see it as me being unreasonable. I sent Ender a message explaining everything about all the trades and all the info so hopefully he comes up with some sort of peace settlement.

If anyone is only thinking about themselves its Ender, He gets fucked over so he fucks over another 6 or so players. It's not like Ender pays for the stars there just a click of a button for him too give. Yes the money was revoked but why should we all suffer.

ForThePeople [123]
2013-06-27 03:08:39 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

You seem mad lobster, have a tic tac.

Jans [87]
2013-06-27 03:10:46 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

why is it not?

It is not Ender's responsibility to fix, or even return any bots, because he is not an active party in trades between players.

Leader2 [136]
2013-06-27 03:11:31 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

when Port royal (yoloyo) did it I got about 12 stars revoked which I was pissed off about but im glad I didn't deal with the guy that's done it this time

Fishwick [131]
2013-06-27 03:17:37 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

Lobster, I know it's not what you want to hear but Ender didn't do anything about my trades and that was on a much smaller, more manageable scale. It's just too much work considering trades between players have nothing to do with him.

On another note, this is the second time Port Royal(yoloyo) has charged back a huge amount of money. Surely it's time you block him from "buying" stars. Two times isn't an accident, but it seems he's managed to get away with it

Jans [87]
2013-06-27 03:18:19 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

Yes the money was revoked but why should we all suffer.

Because who says you don't know the guy involved? Who says you're not in on this?

Dude A buys a shitload of stars, trades bots with dude B, charges back the funds, and dude B screams it isnt fair and he should get to keep all the stars, because boohoo. And if Ender complies, the end result is a bunch of free stars for both of you. No. Of course he has to revoke the stars.

I'm not saying you are. You're probably not. But can't be sure, and can't set a precedent.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-27 03:21:37 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

I have donated well over 80 stars too Ender in the 6 months i have been playing... Why would i want too start trying too scam now?

Jans [87]
2013-06-27 03:23:04 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

Think of the precedent it would set.

Jans [87]
2013-06-27 03:24:38 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

(why do you consistently write 'to' as 'too'? Such a weird thing to do, usually it gets messed up the other way around)

Leader [93]
2013-06-27 03:25:20 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

id actually like a suggestion added it doesn't matter which/what but id like one

Crab Whistler [64]
2013-06-27 10:25:09 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

On another note, this is the second time Port Royal(yoloyo) has charged back a huge amount of money. Surely it's time you block him from "buying" stars. Two times isn't an accident, but it seems he's managed to get away with it

I don´t think he "bought" the stars this time. From what I can see most of the stars involved in this was "bought" by Sir Davidian or bots related to him.

Samuli [130]
2013-06-27 18:05:00 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

Ender even confirms the fact that Port didn't buy the stars. Seems like Leader isn't the only one in Escapism who has problems with reading comprehension. ;)

Port Royal [240]
2013-06-27 21:37:51 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

Ender even confirms the fact that Port didn't buy the stars. Seems like Leader isn't the only one in Escapism who has problems with reading comprehension. ;)


Ender [1]
2013-06-27 23:34:11 🔗
[11 years, 243 days ago]

I understand your frustration, but the option of not deleting the stars isn't on the table because, as pointed out by others, that sets a really bad precedent and opens me up to all sorts of scams. My hands are tied. I will be giving out unique consolation buffs for the trouble, but the decision has been made. I'm sorry.

There will be preventative measures for avoiding players scamming (inadvertently or not) other players in the future. And I want to emphasize that: it's the other player, not me, that scammed you; your anger is misdirected. Have you talked to them? The payment was flagged by PayPal (it wasn't a chargeback), so presumably they might be willing to make amends? And if they're having credit card problems, could they compensate you with equivalent-worth bots? These are questions that you should be asking.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-28 00:43:42 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

A buff? Lol..

Thanks for nothing Ender.

Doduo [104]
2013-06-28 00:49:09 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

I want the last day of open beta buff please.


New Alan [100]
2013-06-28 00:49:12 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Lobster. He is out over a grand for an internet based game in cyber space.

Calm your shit. You'd do the same if you were him.

There is a thing called, buyer beware. If it's to good to be true. Don't do it.

New Alan [100]
2013-06-28 00:49:42 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

+1 to Open beta buff!

Lobster [129]
2013-06-28 00:54:30 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Alan his not out over a grand... He received the money for all the stars spent it. Now his in debt because he spent the money.

So for example: take away all the stars of this situation. It was just like ender ' borrowing ' money from PayPal and now he has too pay a little interest of whatever he lost for PayPal fees that's it.

Port Royal [240]
2013-06-28 00:54:57 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Lobster. He is out over a grand for an internet based game in cyber space.

Calm your shit. You'd do the same if you were him.

There is a thing called, buyer beware. If it's to good to be true. Don't do it.

It really wasn't too good to be true, first off he seemed legit, his bots were made ages ago, he didn't push for his stuff and he didn't push stars at our faces, well at least not at mine.

If he is out over a grand then it really isn't our fault, but the point is I spent hours upon hours of bot building, win dumping, now I have bots back but now I have to fix armours, fix ratios ect ect.. The other thing is, I have bots that I don't even need and that means I have to sell them again or at least try to. This is annoying.

I know I have a history of a star transaction falling through with Ender but I don't think that this should weigh in on my comment, I have been paying back Ender some of what he lost, but because it happened so fast there wasn't much in the red I hope.

Jans [87]
2013-06-28 01:39:32 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

I realise i'm trying to talk sense to a guy with a neck tattoo who wears his hat backwards, but nevertheless; Lobster, do you seriously feel Ender should just 'let it go'? Return $1300 to Paypal and leave the stars in existence?

Lobster [129]
2013-06-28 03:14:54 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

I realise I'm about too say this too a 40 year old virgin who most likely still lives with his mum. But nevertheless, Jans; instead of waisting your time on bots, cause lets face it you do nothing anyhow.. Why don't you try and get laid for once in your life.

Dewgong [104]
2013-06-28 03:22:36 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

sir davidian [116]
2013-06-28 03:26:33 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

ok, since i was the one that started all this crap let me put my say in. I bought a lot of stars over the last month, visa decided to investigate these buys as possible fraud. Despite the fact that i cleared things up with visa, paypal decided to negate the payments. I have NEVER in my many years playing bots of any sort had this issue. I gave lobster every bot of mine that i had, except for those in the blah clan as reparations, and i gave port royal and lobster back everything that had been bought. I am sorry to ender that this happened, i have no idea why it did, but it did. There isnt any reason for people to be at each others throat over this, i evidently didnt handle this in the right way, and everything got fucked up. I will be taking a long break from bots, and at the same time i have been trying to get ahold of anyone at paypal that can help me understand why they went ahead and cancellled the charges when visa ok'd them. Anything i can do that can help make the situation better i will do, until then i am sorry.

DarkNinjaMaster [76]
2013-06-28 03:27:31 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Oh no son, just, no.

Dewgong [104]
2013-06-28 03:29:04 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Sounds like Paypal really dislikes people spending a lot of money here. What's the most people have bought in a short amount of time in the past through Paypal?

Lobster [129]
2013-06-28 05:28:01 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

When i first started playing i bought about 30-50 stars all in different transactions within like 4 days and never heard a thing about it.

Jans [87]
2013-06-28 07:02:08 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Anything i can do that can help make the situation better i will do, until then i am sorry.

Since paypal reversed the transactions, i assume you got your money back? You'd help out a lot of people if you would find another way to pay Ender for the stars, so he won't have to revoke them.

Ender [1]
2013-06-28 07:30:09 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

sir davidian, is rebuying the stars an option or can you build/give Lobster and others different bots to compensate? I would be forever indebted if you could resolve this mess. :)

Others, how could my response to a transaction being reverted be anything other than to revoke the stars? This wouldn't even be a discussion at most other places; they have simple no-tolerance policies that I would probably be wise to adopt. I'm sorry this affected your private transaction between you and another player, but that has nothing to do with me. I repeat: your anger is misdirected. Asking me to foot the $1,300 bill for your private transaction between you and another player is wrong because of the precedent it sets and because I value the time I've invested into building this game - the cost of producing those stars has been amortized over the years (not to mention the opportunity cost of having an additional 130 active stars floating around). I'm doing my best to find a compromise and am working to avoid this sticky situation for you in the future, but that really seems to be falling on deaf ears because this is apparently a simple black and white ordeal for you.

Also, I'm in debt to PayPal because I withdrew the money; I'm not in debt in the general sense of the word because I spent the money. Anyone that receives any significant amount of money through PayPal knows that it's generally considered a best practice to move your funds to a bank soon after receiving them because PayPal can be kind of willy-nilly with things sometimes.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-28 07:36:02 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

At least someone now gets my point... I have been trying too tell these brain dead idiots that you have not received a $1,300 bill/ being down $1,300. Because you received the money in the first place..

Scabara [53]
2013-06-28 07:37:50 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Thats true, but peoples point was that if he left you and whoever else with the stars, he would be down the potential sale of those 130 additional stars that he wasn't paid for. So down $1300.

Ender [1]
2013-06-28 13:03:44 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Lobster, short of me giving out $1,300 worth of free stars (I'm not doing that), what can I do to fix this problem? Specifically, what bots would you like access to and/or what about them do want reverted? Yes, I'm backpedaling from my first position that I would not be doing this. Links to relevant forum threads and/or bmails would be good too. Others that were affected by this, feel free to do the same. And please post here; don't bmail me the info.

I'm not making any promises, but if the requests are reasonable and not too time consuming, I'll see what I can do when I return from vacation (after 7/8). I want to emphasize that I am fixing a problem that you had with another player, not a problem you had with me. Your situation does not involve me outside the fact that the person you dealt with had their transactions with me reverted. I simply have the power and good nature to try to correct your problem, so I am doing this. I strongly advise you to be more cautious, skeptical, and careful in your trading in the future. This is absolutely a one time thing I am doing. In the future, players will likely have to explicitly accept permanent star transfers and check a box acknowledging that I (me, Ender) am not responsible in any way for what happens if the stars you are receiving get revoked because the payment is taken back. I will also probably be adding some terms to the star purchase page to make things very explicit and clear so everyone knows what to expect in the future.

Gpof2 [130]
2013-06-28 13:27:26 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

I'm 99% sure mine was a logo thing so idk what you could do about that. The buff thing you mentioned earlier would be plenty good enough for me depending on what it is. Not that'd I'd complain if it was something I wouldn't use.

Tifa Lockhart [57]
2013-06-28 15:29:39 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Enders doing the best he can and cant help if people do this. Thats also why theres this.

Forum > Marketplace > Trade at your own risk

Even a thread about trading at your own risk. I understand people are pissed but be calm. Having a outrage wont fix anything.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-28 16:37:21 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Considering you are going on holidays ender, give me some time too get you all the info necessary because it will take me a very long time too find bmails from a month ago as my Post Office is quite large. Bmails: 1,018 Messages: 9,607

Jans [87]
2013-06-28 18:09:50 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Considering you are going on holidays ender, give me some time too get you all the info necessary because it will take me a very long time too find bmails from a month ago as my Post Office is quite large. Bmails: 1,018 Messages: 9,607.

But thank you for taking the time to try reverse the damage, and taking measures to prevent this in the future, and sorry for acting like a dick earlier, i was extremely annoyed with the whole situation.


Scabara [54]
2013-06-28 18:11:30 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

You didn't even correct his use of 'too'!

MikeiiiBoy [130]
2013-06-28 18:12:34 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

I've just waited for you to post Jans. Kudos and +1

Lobster [129]
2013-06-28 20:30:15 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Me acting like a dick stands. I'm still pissed off with the hole situation, but at least ender is trying too help.

Unlike you Jans your just annoying and put your business where it is not needed, nor does this matter concern you in one little way shape or form.

User Name [301]
2013-06-28 22:22:28 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Me acting like a dick stands. I'm still pissed off with the hole situation, but at least ender is trying too help.

Unlike you Jans your just annoying and put your business where it is not needed, nor does this matter concern you in one little way shape or form

whole, to, you're*

Also Lobster, wah wah wah. :)

Allotrope [160]
2013-06-28 22:26:51 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Imo Ender should have just pointed to the "Trade at your own risk" thread. Admittedly it was for bots made by ac's but the concept still stands.

Yes it sucks, but shit happens.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-28 22:58:36 🔗
[11 years, 242 days ago]

Nos, blow me you bastard :P I thought you were going on holidays? Did you tell your sister I said hey ;) haha

Tifa Lockhart [57]
2013-06-29 00:38:42 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Already said something bout trade at own risk :p moo

Jans [87]
2013-06-29 02:16:21 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]
Unlike you Jans your just annoying and put your business where it is not needed

If being factual is annoying to you, then yea, i guess i am.

But while you were bitching & moaning up the wrong tree (Ender), i addressed sir davidian, the one who's actually involved and responsible and could/should fix the whole thing.

Leader2 [136]
2013-06-29 03:39:01 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

So everyone else who was affected when port royal (yoloyo+voxymaus) did it the 2 last times should also receive a buff if that what it will be?

Ender [1]
2013-06-29 12:40:49 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

I'm having second thoughts on reverting trades. What I didn't foresee is that other people are going to want the same treatment, as you can see above and as I'm being contacted about privately as well. There are complaints that I didn't give this special treatment in the past (with yoloyo's stars) and there will be complaints when I don't give this special treatment in the future. Caving would also set a bad precedent of "squeaky wheel gets the grease" and I don't want Lobster's behavior to be the example of how to get what you want from me. I'd much rather deal with more calm/diplomatic people, so Jans is right in that a simple apology for your behavior would have gone a long way; it's hard to really want to help when you've only given me a hard time about your private transaction between you and another player. This game is my hobby and I know I'd rather spend my limited development time building cool new features, not combing through data and reverting things for a rude, ungrateful person purely as a favor. Others would probably prefer I spend my time that way too.

Adepto [199]
2013-06-29 12:44:39 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]
Others would probably prefer I spend my time that way too.


TimeBandit1 [100]
2013-06-29 12:58:51 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Yes! Fuck lobster and give us tournaments!

DarkNinjaMaster [76]
2013-06-29 14:10:22 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]


Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 18:12:37 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Well fuck you too Ender you dick!!!

Fake One [182]
2013-06-29 18:21:40 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Lobster, its not Enders problem if you have problems in your trades. Its your problems and your risk. You knew, what you are risking and still took it, so blame yourself, but nobody else. If you think its Enders problem cos you failed, probably you should stop trading or stop playing this game. Obviously its not for you. Now stop fucking crying and grow up.

DarkNinjaMaster [76]
2013-06-29 18:23:40 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Oh yeah, that's going to make him help you for sure.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 18:28:15 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

I don't understand how I ' failed ' here..

How was I ment too know 130 stars were going too be reverted? I didn't you dick. If you were in a situation and lost 75 stars because of it you would be just as pissed as I am. Anyone would be, and you would be talking shit of you said you wouldn't be.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 18:29:32 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Btw DNM he has already clearly stated his not doing shit.

Leader [93]
2013-06-29 18:30:21 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

a buff for the people affected would be cool

Fake One [182]
2013-06-29 18:37:12 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Are you really idiot or you just trying to look like one? You took risk while trading, you could get money not stars. You choose to get stars and make 3 ways transaction instead on 2 ways. Stars was canceled cos of payment issues with Ender. You failed and you lost. Simple. So blame yourself.

Btw... i wont be mad, cos i wouldnt be in your situation in the first place...

New Alan [100]
2013-06-29 18:38:43 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Hehe, this thread makes me happy.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 18:47:46 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

I know what happened you dick, but that still doesn't mean i wouldn't be pissed about it.

And you would never be in my situation because you have nothing worth anything to anyone because you fail at bots. You have been playing for years. I have been playing for months and i have accomplished more then you in such a short time

Fake One [182]
2013-06-29 18:57:27 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

I dont know if i should laugh or cry now. If you really think is so big accomplishment to spend lots of money and time in internet game, you should be really sad and lonely person in your life.

Xj2 [98]
2013-06-29 18:59:07 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

I used to think lobster was cool when I started this, but he's a dick. Good job ender don't help him he took the risk knowing it...and who knows as other have said he may be buddies with the dude who cancelled the stars.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 19:02:20 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Haha yeah its true i do spend alot of money and time on the game, but that's just because i can afford too because im not poor.

Also i am most diffidently not sad and lonley in life haha, at least im not embarrassed of my appearance and put up pics of myself on my bot's account's instead of having a pic of a robotic rat. I have an amazingly beautiful girlfriend, and Nos and Lyrad have my facebook and can agree, Oh sorry they did agree :P , i bet yout just a massive fat nerd with a hard-rive full of porn.

Xj2 [98]
2013-06-29 19:04:49 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

My pic is a robotic cat? Man ur just not mad ur dumb also....let this tool suffer Emder he's proving to everyone what a " insert word here" he is

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 19:07:40 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Xj2 idk who the fuck you are. but that was not ment at you, also learn too read mate you just made a ass of yourself it says robotic ' RAT ' not cat LOL

Xj2 [98]
2013-06-29 19:08:10 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

U mad?

Fake One [182]
2013-06-29 19:12:29 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

He is

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 19:13:38 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

you embarrassed? You thought i was talking too you when i wasn't. Then you called me dumb for something i didn't even say ' Robotic cat ' lmao

Xj2 [98]
2013-06-29 19:14:28 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

U mad?

Shadowfax [132]
2013-06-29 19:15:16 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Let's focus on the issues at hand please. Tempers appear to be running high.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 19:16:01 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Lol Steel Rat, that's all you had too put up because you know its true what i said and had no comeback

Xj2 [98]
2013-06-29 19:17:21 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Sorry shadow your right.... Ender will do what is right...people will get what they deserve everything will be worked and and people will know from now on the risk about trading

Leader [93]
2013-06-29 19:17:30 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Steel rat probably is the angry German kid :P

Fake One [182]
2013-06-29 19:21:31 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

I admit i had no comeback, i just laughing now. Thanks for fun evening lobster.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 19:21:52 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Haha most likley Leader :P

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 19:22:54 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Your welcome Steel Rat, Enjoy your porn ^_^ . I will enjoy my girlfriend :)

User Name [301]
2013-06-29 19:32:10 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

I enjoy both porn and my wife......

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 19:33:21 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

LOL Nos i was awaiting your presence :P

Bulma [104]
2013-06-29 19:34:34 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

I was looking forward to that end-beta buff.

User Name [301]
2013-06-29 21:20:46 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

It's even better when you do both at the same time. Women can enjoy a good porn every now and then. Finding a good one is the tough part.

Lobster [129]
2013-06-29 21:25:04 🔗
[11 years, 241 days ago]

Don't want too put one on where the male in the porno puts you too shame aye nos ;) , that would put you in abit of an awkward situation haha

Tifa Lockhart [57]
2013-06-30 00:48:14 🔗
[11 years, 240 days ago]

I have been playing for months and i have accomplished more then you in such a short time
yes a text based game that doesnt take much skill. play some games that take skill and then come back and talk.

<3 dont hate da cow. Just Mooing around da forums

Jans [87]
2013-06-30 00:51:58 🔗
[11 years, 240 days ago]

I'd moderate some of this, but don't know where to start. Let's just say this is the line;


Phantasy [157]
2013-06-30 01:00:04 🔗
[11 years, 240 days ago]

I like rainbows and stuff. Seriously though keep the thread on topic and bmail each other if you want a bitching session.

Ender [1]
2013-06-30 19:30:58 🔗
[11 years, 240 days ago]

I still don't understand why your rage is directed solely at me, Lobster, so here's another way of looking at this (and what I think is a pretty conservative statement): the purchaser or the stars that are being revoked either (a) intentionally scammed me (and therefore you) or (b) he didn't.

If this is (a), you should be calling out the scammer on this. He intentionally frauded both of us and is likely enjoying the fact that you've gone on the offensive against the other person that got scammed instead of the person doing the actual scamming.

If this is (b), you should be trying to resolve this with him because he presumably has the money and is willing to pay. If he doesn't come forward and settle this, he scammed you on your trade and the same things I said about (a) apply.

I'm personally inclined to believe this is scenario (b) and that this is just a misunderstanding between him, his credit card company and/or bank, and PayPal because he's purchased stars in the past and it was PayPal that flagged these transactions; they weren't chargebacks. Either way though, I once again repeat: your anger is misdirected.

Tifa Lockhart [57]
2013-06-30 21:41:05 🔗
[11 years, 240 days ago]


Lobster [129]
2013-06-30 23:25:54 🔗
[11 years, 240 days ago]

I understand that my anger is misdirected, but never the less i'm pissed off as you yourself would be about this situation.

I have tried contacting him, my message was polite and too the point he ' opened ' the message and no reply, which made me more pissed off.

I get ware your coming from Ender. But still pissed and just letting out steam

Phantasy [162]
2013-06-30 23:49:53 🔗
[11 years, 239 days ago]

Everyone understands you're pissed lobster and I think anyone in your situation would be. But the manner you've let off steam through the public forums and seemingly blamed Ender whilst not dropping it until now means nobody is going to give you any sympathy.

Had you dealt with this in a far more dignified manner I have a feeling other people and in particular Ender maybe have been more inclined to help resolve this issue. I know Im not the only one thinking this either; that said Im pleased it looks like you're seeing some sense. I still hope for both you and Port especially a solution can be found that you're happy with.

Lobster [129]
2013-07-01 00:03:44 🔗
[11 years, 239 days ago]

Yeah im over it, I know nothing is going too happen and im sick of wasting my time.

If nothing comes from this so be it. If something does goodie. However. I doubt it will.

Jans [87]
2013-07-01 00:08:47 🔗
[11 years, 239 days ago]

It's time sir davidian joins the discussion again. His earlier statement offered some explanation, but no resolution.

Ender [1]
2013-07-10 02:42:55 🔗
[11 years, 230 days ago]

The stars have now been deleted.

Skeith [56]
2013-07-10 08:03:59 🔗
[11 years, 230 days ago]

my message was polite and too the point

Uh? I call shenanigans.

Also, the stars have been deleted, but what is the status on permanent transfers?

Clay Banger [73]
2013-07-10 08:13:38 🔗
[11 years, 230 days ago]
what is the status on permanent transfers?

I believe that was just in reference to the 130 stars that had paypal issues.

shoyuken [175]
2013-07-10 19:33:34 🔗
[11 years, 230 days ago]

so are perm star transfers still halted? i think lobster was selling some stars.

Lobster [129]
2013-07-10 21:11:30 🔗
[11 years, 230 days ago]

Na it's all good now, my stars have all been sold besides 5

Ender [1]
2013-07-11 21:08:23 🔗
[11 years, 229 days ago]

Perm transfers were halted only on the 130 stars that are the subject of this thread; perm transfers are not and were never halted for other stars.