july 2018 clans

Bot Rankings

Clan Rankings

rank clan (id) owner members plats ratio energy energy month
133 <The Assets> Asset 61 [30] 64 1 0.00 5,651,020 91,221 (x0.31)
3 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
61 157 129.27 17,045,766 4,165,265 (x5.53)
8 <Platinium Squad> jezz [365]
59 175 3.63 37,935,923 964,663 (x1.09)
10 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [336]
57 197 7.49 115,885,129 952,480 (x1.07)
4 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [297]
57 2297 43.35 301,612,306 2,120,641 (x2.47)
116 <Krackill> Crackajack Whizbang [65] 44 0.00 3,460,248 200,308 (x0.67)
2 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [255]
43 173 31.91 43,179,640 5,876,054 (x7.35)
12 <Oldz> version50 [225]
41 111 3.21 3,098,169 920,324 (x1.03)
5 <Reaper of souls> diablek [271]
40 107 19.28 46,962,996 1,247,464 (x1.48)
103 <Bird Law Boys> RatSlayer [67] 39 37 0.36 5,162,709 266,569 (x0.69)
1 <Torment> Destruct [226]
39 462 95.53 20,898,398 6,222,849 (x6.97)
96 <Shits an Giggles> tho1 [51] 39 0.00 867,376 292,019 (x0.98)
145 <Mana> Mana XVII [42] 38 0.00 1,003,359 69,387 (x0.24)
129 <The Assets 2> Asset 100 [70] 37 0.00 2,544,652 105,499 (x0.35)
97 <The Ark> Win11 [150]
37 17 0.06 5,216,436 291,894 (x0.98)
7 <Silence is Golden> Bitch Pudding [60] 36 42 8.06 18,576,155 969,128 (x1.14)
130 <The Old Country> Turkey Eye [83] 36 0.00 2,344,388 95,437 (x0.33)
36 <LoT> OldTime [160]
36 129 4.74 3,099,616 892,168 (x1.00)
124 <The Brigade> Mourning Wood [100] 32 8 0.02 2,259,204 127,437 (x0.43)
176 <Epstonia> POfE59 [125]
30 72 0.02 7,804 2,404 (x0.01)
132 <Best Clan Ever> Bite [105] 29 1 0.01 1,979,160 94,007 (x0.32)
105 <Good Times> Trainnnz [134] 29 5 0.16 1,038,795 264,273 (x0.83)
88 <Get Shrekt> BigKuriboh1 [93] 29 5 0.64 1,270,284 342,359 (x0.94)
125 <Easy> neps whore [95] 28 6 0.02 404,851 126,234 (x0.42)
6 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
27 20 6.09 85,503,396 971,538 (x1.09)
22 <The Lonely Island> Nosferatu [281]
26 136 45.76 85,424,515 892,800 (x1.00)
59 <Nakkikeitto> Testdrive16 [114]
26 73 0.57 4,269,862 561,589 (x0.99)
111 <Purity> SoPure [69] 26 7 0.08 2,113,929 218,517 (x0.68)
162 <Dumpers> Windump11 [100]
26 50 0.01 229,549 32,605 (x0.11)
11 <Thunder Storm> Storm01 [100] 26 63 1.81 2,228,990 940,964 (x1.05)
16 <Easy Ones> Captcha50 [100] 26 54 0.55 3,061,142 893,578 (x1.00)
164 <Scarlett Alliance> Scarlett 01 [134] 25 0.01 1,320,314 30,179 (x0.10)
47 <Shadows Of Death> Thedima [50] 25 27 39.63 6,054,542 802,376 (x1.00)
108 <Shits an Giggles2> Th01 [51] 25 0.02 575,243 254,844 (x0.86)
40 <Reservoir Dogs> Mr Green [80] 24 24 4.05 42,284,864 849,676 (x1.00)
106 <Ephemeral> Ephemeral [100] 24 11 0.60 1,392,702 258,065 (x0.70)
104 <Keep> eee706 [100] 23 34 0.62 1,805,448 266,182 (x0.36)
13 <Waste> weep [100]
23 56 8.54 2,421,955 895,398 (x1.00)
85 <EnergySluts> EnergySlut [58]
22 7 0.05 15,633,538 353,790 (x0.91)
64 <Gears> sully2 [81]
22 25 0.55 4,251,094 495,405 (x1.00)
91 <Robbery> Rob100 [91]
22 8 0.08 1,713,552 326,718 (x0.65)
28 <Zero> Nil [100] 21 41 1.24 3,688,704 892,800 (x1.00)
53 <No Clan> Dragon Summoner [130]
21 7 1.53 1,798,379 616,948 (x1.00)
9 <Mordor> Eee683 [100] 21 24 5.38 9,083,084 964,620 (x1.08)
56 <Arks Mead> FarmAlot [117] 21 20 1.12 2,033,420 587,758 (x1.00)
173 <12 Drunkeys> POfE06 [125]
21 70 0.02 15,500 15,380 (x0.06)
37 <Take> Take10 [62]
20 31 9.11 67,815,744 891,382 (x1.01)
90 <Bear Boys> Jaziran [255]
20 30 3.20 22,447,110 327,557 (x1.00)
23 <Ophidian> Oph2 [100] 20 40 1.34 75,136,196 892,800 (x1.00)
24 <Standard Model> Stm1 [100] 20 56 0.96 68,459,200 892,800 (x1.00)
25 <Bacteria> Bac13 [100] 20 59 1.45 74,063,162 892,800 (x1.00)
89 <Smashed Bots> Energypot [48] 20 5 0.11 21,713,690 334,073 (x0.87)
19 <In Extremis> Rigor Mortis [250] 20 145 3.51 50,712,912 892,964 (x1.00)
50 <Wodanaz> Odin1 [106] 20 37 1.01 29,107,218 767,064 (x1.00)
26 <Portugal> Portugal01 [100]
20 60 0.92 26,702,288 892,800 (x1.00)
27 <Coagulation Cascade> CC1 [100] 20 60 2.93 46,039,381 892,800 (x1.00)
54 <Runners> Run20 [100]
20 58 1.16 3,849,110 614,689 (x0.88)
48 <duk> rix39 [100]
20 20 0.93 812,144 776,481 (x0.97)
49 <Catch and release> Catch1 [115] 20 53 1.44 6,187,139 771,027 (x0.94)
29 <Mental Remedy> AP1 [100] 20 45 1.67 4,918,330 892,800 (x1.00)
38 <Celestial Sphere> Ces5 [135] 20 60 0.87 3,755,095 881,640 (x1.00)
143 <good swede> good swede17 [77] 20 0.00 697,612 72,934 (x0.25)
71 <Hat> weep04 [100]
20 19 0.55 2,621,187 422,592 (x1.00)
43 <Knights Templar> Hillary R Clinton [101]
20 7 2.03 9,307,198 838,886 (x0.99)
87 <Boom> boom20 [100] 20 25 0.78 1,211,829 346,189 (x0.49)
140 <good swede2> good swede24 [83] 20 0.00 470,247 75,338 (x0.25)
42 <Muscles> Mm1 [100] 20 60 0.86 5,796,988 841,464 (x1.00)
66 <Hamm DS9> Hammerfall01 [100]
20 59 0.56 5,553,549 459,792 (x1.00)
79 <Blowtorch> BlowTorch1 [101]
20 59 0.45 4,422,901 372,614 (x1.00)
30 <Monday Pills> Endone22 [100]
20 53 1.04 10,537,752 892,800 (x1.00)
14 <Loop> Loop01 [67] 20 19 4.59 8,730,294 893,782 (x1.00)
31 <Final Fantasy VI> FFVI1 [100] 20 60 1.88 7,262,607 892,800 (x1.00)
77 <Dreads> insane10 [135] 20 37 0.77 391,263 391,263 (x0.59)
94 <Carbs> Carbohydrate1 [78] 20 20 0.31 2,082,100 297,582 (x1.00)
17 <RIP> rip01 [69] 20 19 31.32 7,198,419 893,567 (x1.00)
32 <Ready> Ready01 [100]
20 35 483.84 6,821,415 892,800 (x1.00)
57 <Throwaways> gby1 [101] 20 20 0.76 4,032,216 568,440 (x1.00)
63 <Antibiotics> Abx1 [100] 20 60 0.66 3,635,651 499,968 (x1.00)
52 <Electrocardiogram> ECG1 [100] 20 60 0.79 4,510,476 630,912 (x1.00)
21 <Dinks> Dinks14 [120] 20 18 0.96 4,733,488 892,850 (x1.00)
15 <Big Ones> big02 [67] 20 18 10.59 5,381,281 893,662 (x1.00)
44 <Clowns> clown18 [117] 20 23 1.10 3,529,098 811,184 (x0.92)
139 <Boondox Saints> Executable [30]
20 67 0.10 222,574 77,660 (x0.91)
75 <Modern Whorefare I> MW XL [105]
20 45 0.84 953,749 394,569 (x0.53)
33 <Modern Whorefare II> MW LX [105]
20 55 2.38 1,675,236 892,800 (x1.00)
142 <Eps go Murphys> DKM01 [125]
20 59 1.25 73,272 73,272 (x1.01)
161 <Pirate Hideout> Commodore Fishwhick [80]
20 1 0.01 90,858 35,104 (x0.12)
92 <Pirates Cove> John Wick [124]
20 7 0.23 897,357 316,712 (x0.95)
80 <Pirates Isle> Killary Killer [59]
20 4 0.29 1,310,241 370,832 (x0.90)
18 <Sissy> sis02 [100] 20 48 59.78 3,193,114 893,048 (x1.00)
100 <Arks THC> THC1 [57]
20 19 0.60 561,768 281,632 (x0.95)
167 <Sparkles I> Sparks [60] 20 20 0.09 480,489 25,832 (x0.09)
107 <Sparkles II> Sparks21 [45] 20 20 0.37 944,161 257,755 (x0.87)
126 <Sparkles III> Sparks41 [30] 20 0.00 392,985 122,329 (x0.41)
60 <Modern Whorefare III> MW I [105]
20 56 1.02 555,870 555,870 (x1.00)
114 <Advanced Whorefare> AW XX [135]
20 54 0.65 205,226 205,226 (x0.48)
141 <Drunken Lullabies> FM20 [125]
20 59 1.30 74,252 74,252 (x0.99)
101 <Eigendom van Eps> POfE00 [125]
20 60 1.46 272,171 272,171 (x0.68)
39 <Chemistry> chem1 [71]
20 20 1.02 1,872,822 854,718 (x1.00)
41 <For The Leader> FTL2 [55] 20 20 2.24 1,847,763 842,952 (x1.00)
131 <Kill> kill01 [60] 20 20 0.11 392,016 94,452 (x0.32)
35 <Electronics> Electronics01 [90] 20 19 210.49 1,792,596 892,569 (x1.00)
177 <two mutch whicsy> POfE80 [125]
20 57 0.01 5,080 2,400 (x0.01)
34 <Hogwarts> HP01 [90] 20 18 150.08 1,059,600 892,800 (x1.00)
95 <You> You01 [69] 20 2 0.15 332,748 297,548 (x1.00)
20 <Big Ones 2> big21 [68] 20 20 20.12 977,932 892,852 (x1.00)
84 <ineedadoc> doc01 [100] 20 49 0.62 356,324 356,324 (x0.87)
147 <Star Wars> SW01 [50] 20 1 0.01 63,770 63,770 (x0.27)
158 <Negan> Negan [78] 19 0.00 1,282,871 44,233 (x0.16)
45 <Peace> Boo20 [55]
19 28 9.02 10,120,532 808,050 (x0.96)
122 <Makithmanrs> calibar [99] 19 4 0.05 967,819 144,631 (x0.51)
174 <clan> Cr01 [80] 19 46 0.00 20,033 7,620 (x0.03)
146 <Version> Version One [187]
19 39 0.00 217,322 68,662 (x0.29)
163 <Fish Heads> Burgler [83]
19 11 0.07 80,341 32,203 (x0.15)
180 <The Summit> Cr29 [200] 18 228 0.01 30,000 760 (x0.01)
144 <good swede 1> strandbod [119]
18 1 0.00 493,801 69,734 (x0.26)
82 <Trainees> Hammerz [108] 18 18 2.35 1,531,457 362,964 (x0.93)
46 <Evaporate> ws01 [100]
18 21 1.13 2,146,798 803,520 (x1.00)
178 <Shanghai Noon> Cr46 [260] 18 132 0.01 7,380 1,620 (x0.01)
51 <ScrapHeap> blow20 [105]
16 15 1.16 2,152,514 714,240 (x1.00)
55 <Metsu> teacup [100]
16 59 56.23 4,370,542 603,953 (x1.23)
99 <Bourbon> Bourbon1 [100]
15 37 0.48 3,134,619 283,464 (x1.00)
159 <Rize> Rize1 [126]
15 4 0.14 471,705 41,629 (x0.20)
113 <New Generation> Ng02 [54] 15 2 0.16 397,749 205,357 (x0.98)
62 <As One> Crab [110] 15 26 13.30 1,037,763 508,851 (x1.00)
148 <Fowl Play> El Pollo Loco [134] 14 2 0.02 1,226,968 59,577 (x0.29)
61 <The Warriors> Juv0 [72]
14 15 10.10 1,920,792 519,921 (x0.99)
65 <Storage> Lopes [225] 13 309 3.60 10,340,826 493,683 (x0.90)
58 <The Unified State> God Emperor Trump [134]
13 15 6.62 2,859,458 563,120 (x0.97)
70 <smoke n mirrors> Scaphism [81]
13 16 2.17 589,818 440,164 (x1.00)
168 <Take the money> Brains [164]
12 4 0.06 944,481 25,715 (x0.14)
120 <MMMMBBBAAAPPPP> Ewers [150] 12 28 1.99 249,589 159,774 (x0.98)
72 <Spectemur Agendo> Obscurus [54] 11 339 52.54 5,799,403 410,709 (x1.00)
171 <Wendys ROTB> Baconator [119] 11 2 0.01 224,790 17,868 (x0.11)
127 <Free Energy> Sm11 [42] 11 1 0.01 451,223 115,996 (x0.71)
78 <Terranigma> Terranigma1 [114] 10 29 0.78 28,927,042 390,600 (x1.00)
81 <Nimbus> Nim1 [135] 10 29 0.72 19,861,646 369,784 (x1.00)
67 <Streptococcus> Strep10 [135] 10 28 0.86 1,776,744 446,400 (x1.00)
165 <McBootay> McBootay 06 [72] 10 0.01 357,126 29,031 (x0.20)
68 <Immunisations> Imm1 [135] 10 30 0.94 3,068,878 446,400 (x1.00)
76 <Bowling Alley> Evap06 [119]
10 30 0.89 1,084,046 391,928 (x0.91)
86 <Seventh Circle> Seventh Circle [70] 10 70 21.57 1,051,181 347,490 (x1.00)
74 <Haters> Hate01 [132] 10 20 1.11 1,609,588 399,595 (x1.00)
69 <Uplink> Uplink1 [135]
10 15 1.04 1,725,974 446,400 (x1.00)
83 <Frost Bite> Frost06 [100] 10 28 1.86 358,669 358,669 (x0.91)
154 <Hustle> Hustle 10 [75] 10 1 0.04 109,254 46,662 (x0.31)
98 <Rehab> Detox01 [50] 10 8 51.79 750,813 285,002 (x1.00)
73 <Numbers> NumberOne [110]
9 23 1,217.76 695,896 401,715 (x1.00)
121 <Outback> Dingo [100] 8 22 0.37 1,517,089 148,800 (x1.00)
170 <Wayward Sons> Darquad [146]
8 3 0.83 147,224 20,096 (x0.19)
166 <good swede3> sten [65]
7 1 0.00 60,650 28,212 (x0.27)
93 <Wemaspc> Caliber [120] 7 9 3.54 685,097 312,532 (x1.00)
128 <Retired> TimeBandit1 [100] 7 18 0.36 222,730 115,020 (x1.00)
110 <Monks> Monk01 [74] 6 4 0.39 715,028 228,286 (x0.96)
102 <Eco> Eco01 [72] 6 5 23.39 578,120 267,840 (x1.00)
118 <montreal> montreal1 [150]
6 21 3,260.33 313,780 167,117 (x1.09)
112 <Kuravele> Kurva [100]
6 14 448.40 211,320 211,320 (x1.00)
119 <The Four Horsemen> HeresMackey [61] 5 2.63 817,974 163,612 (x1.00)
169 <The Roaring 20s> Little 1 [26] 5 0.00 89,616 22,135 (x0.30)
115 <Remove Kebab Clan> The Friendly Alien [128] 5 2.21 411,490 202,882 (x1.12)
109 <Splooge Monkeys> TerrorInc [113] 5 6 5.10 365,191 249,928 (x1.15)
138 <Advanced Persistent> APT3 [155] 5 22 1.55 79,292 79,292 (x0.46)
117 <The Wonder> Midnight Toker [140]
4 9 1.49 1,318,123 178,512 (x1.00)
137 <Meta> NaKATPase [150] 3 3 0.46 3,782,496 81,702 (x1.00)
150 <The Kingdom> LordPark [100]
3 8 4.40 189,975 58,870 (x0.99)
135 <Not Interested> Doodeheefver1 [139]
2 5 1.49 1,367,259 89,312 (x1.00)
149 <Escapism Revange> Floyd [63] 2 2 11.96 606,799 59,520 (x1.00)
151 <Discord> Murder321 [87] 2 1.22 236,054 53,661 (x0.90)
136 <Speech is Silver> Robert Maynard [68]
2 2 5.86 170,241 89,280 (x1.00)
134 <Furkyou> Furkyou4 [70] 2 5 6.16 163,715 89,315 (x1.00)
123 <Konala Cops> RayMary [90]
2 3.15 130,620 130,620 (x2.03)
152 <Bang> Clay Banger [74]
1 2 36.54 3,982,991 49,984 (x1.12)
155 <Introvert> bex [70]
1 22 23.00 535,410 44,640 (x1.00)
182 <Eternal> GreenDog [111] 1 0.01 0 0 (x0.00)
153 <North> Oxyk [68]
1 3 87.86 255,279 48,302 (x1.08)
157 <My Band> Moron5 [81] 1 2.08 143,221 44,619 (x1.00)
181 <Spares> Rubick [77]
1 0.00 6,580 600 (x0.04)
183 <America> President Camacho [99]
1 0.29 0 0 (x0.00)
156 <Shake It Off> Shrek4 [100] 1 1 32.00 87,240 44,640 (x1.00)
160 <C60> CA01 [60]
1 1 104.00 45,317 38,517 (x1.00)
172 <Create> Trooper [88] 1 0.98 16,591 16,591 (x1.00)
175 <Dredge> Dredge [55] 1 10.17 3,508 3,508 (x1.84)
179 <Team Overdrive> cljoe35 [52]
1 9.59 1,446 1,446 (x1.10)