
Forum > Suggestions > New buff
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hypthehyperion [35]
2024-12-16 02:21:06 πŸ”—
[80 days ago]

Hello Ender Christmas is coming soon how about a new buff increase damage by 100% or block chance or maybe total con. Some intrigue to the game :) XO XO XO

Smeagol [402]
2024-12-16 02:34:51 πŸ”—
[80 days ago]

I recall him saying a long time ago that event/buffs should be more frequent.. dunno what happend to that.

Smeagol [402]
2024-12-17 00:11:58 πŸ”—
[79 days ago]

Would have been so cool if we had rotating weekend buffs, like xp, speed, kudos, energy etc, no battle limit, just make them last from Friday-Sunday.

Golden Retriever [29]
2024-12-17 06:21:42 πŸ”—
[79 days ago]

Thought experiment: If, say, that first buff mentioned that would increase damage by 100% was introduced... would people really like all their "real bots" being fought by others for either leveling or energy?

What else would it be used for? You wouldn't waste it in normal fights against whored bots...

The game wouldn't be encouraging "real fights" or anything. It wouldn't be about who has a better build... it would just be a buff that lets your potentially much crappier bot beat up someone's potentially much better bot... or for your very comparable bot to completely destroy someone else's.

Is that REALLY even what anyone wants?

AlanTheTarnished [25]
2024-12-17 07:39:27 πŸ”—
[79 days ago]

I think a damage type buff should be around 10-20%

Maybe some simple percent buffs on different weekends that automatically get applied and you could "opt" out of them.

-Training Exp
-Fight Delay
-Trophy Point Increase on new achievements
-Buff reduction
-Showroom Chance

What about chests during a weekend type deal?

-Random Chance for free redis point(s)?
-Random Chests with one free Unique item
-Chest with trophy points
-Chest with Exp, etc.

Ender [1]
2024-12-19 21:10:39 πŸ”—
[77 days ago]

Teasing apart the two separate ideas in here...

  • Outcome-affecting buffs: The "increase damage by 100% or block chance or maybe total con" examples aren't something I foresee being added anytime soon. All of the existing buffs do not affect battle outcomes, just their speed or outputs. I designed it this way because buffs that affect battle outcomes open up a whole can of worms that I think would be tricky to navigate. Maybe I'll come up with some way of balancing this in the future, but it's not a priority.

  • Event/holiday buffs: I'm more open to this (and have done some of these in the past).

Ender [1]
2024-12-23 22:32:18 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

Event/holiday buffs: I'm more open to this (and have done some of these in the past).

This is now done. I've added a global buff system that lets me set time-based (as opposed to the existing quantity-based) buffs affecting all bots. To kick things off, I've enabled global double exp through New Year's Day (you can disable it like a regular buff if you want to minimize exp gain).

Happy holidays! I'll be posting a broader announcement covering this (and other changes) soon-ish. In the meantime, let me know if anything looks off.

Smeagol [402]
2024-12-23 22:33:44 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

This is awesome, thanks Ender :)

Esvrainzas [343]
2024-12-23 22:35:51 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

I assume it works like a normal buff, like, if we use a 250% xp buff, the global 200% doesn't do nothing right?

Ender [1]
2024-12-23 22:37:54 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

I assume it works like a normal buff, like, if we use a 250% xp buff, the global 200% doesn't do nothing right?

Correct. Global buffs behave exactly the same as regular buffs for stacking purposes (and pretty much everything else I think, except they can't be canceled - just paused). The "highest" buff wins, so yeah if you have 250% exp enabled, you'll get 250% exp (not something like 450%).

hypthehyperion [35]
2024-12-24 00:17:56 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

Can we have the same buff for scoring please Ender :)

Smeagol [402]
2024-12-24 00:26:32 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

Imagine if all bots had 60 EPH, even clanless bots.. that would have been so awesome :)

hypthehyperion [35]
2024-12-24 00:29:34 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

I wish Santa could enable unlimited speed+DE that would be awesome ;)

Gpof2 [138]
2024-12-24 05:03:58 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

time-based (as opposed to the existing quantity-based) buffs

great call

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-24 09:30:12 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

Not gonna lie, 200% is worthless even if it is infinite for a time limited period. Plus this is annoying to have on scorers since now I have to pause it on every one on them. So between 250% being the far better buff + the annoyance factor this to me seems completely pointless.

Also, please, for the love of God, destroy the Hastened Adventure buffs. It's how last month went from a few million energy to 20 million over 2 clans in 4 days. That's ridiculous -_- Many people who scored in the first 26 days of the month got screwed over by this. Just like this month I/others will probably be screwed over by Lusitania dumping low ratio bots when we've played the game normally (no dumpers, just regular scoring).

Mind you at this point the only people playing are ones that use all the tricks and cheapest ways of playing the game. Makes playing the game the way it's meant to (attack bots and gain score/xp etc., not just dump 10 million energy with hastened adventure buffs or dump 1 hit low ratio bots/dumpers on other bots to beat bots not using them etc.) not fun at all. Or maybe it's just the asshats that are left playing.

Just pointing out what's wrong with your game overall Ender. And that's not even covering all the cheating stuff.

Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-24 09:53:17 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

Not gonna lie, 200% is worthless even if it is infinite for a time limited period. ... So between 250% being the far better buff ...

Entitled attitude much?

Plus this is annoying to have on scorers since now I have to pause it on every one on them. ... + the annoyance factor this to me seems completely pointless.

Will say this part makes sense a bit. Very few bots will want most of these buffs active.

Also, please, for the love of God, destroy the Hastened Adventure buffs. It's how last month went from a few million energy to 20 million over 2 clans in 4 days. That's ridiculous -_- Many people who scored in the first 26 days of the month got screwed over by this. Just like this month I/others will probably be screwed over by Lusitania dumping low ratio bots when we've played the game normally (no dumpers, just regular scoring).

If he doesn't add anymore, it'll eventually go away.

Mind you at this point the only people playing are ones that use all the tricks and cheapest ways of playing the game. Makes playing the game the way it's meant to (attack bots and gain score/xp etc., not just dump 10 million energy with hastened adventure buffs or dump 1 hit low ratio bots/dumpers on other bots to beat bots not using them etc.) not fun at all. Or maybe it's just the asshats that are left playing.

You are still playing, just saying. Pot meet Kettle.

Just pointing out what's wrong with your game overall Ender. And that's not even covering all the cheating stuff.

"Just pointing your opinion of what you believe is wrong with this game." Not everyone shares your views.

Esvrainzas [344]
2024-12-24 10:19:49 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

With this time limited buffs, it would be cool to have the 250% energy buff during a whole month. Imagine unlimited fights with 250% energy without wasting tps during one month. I think this would greatly benefit Tarnish that still doesn't have many resources.

I also think that Ender should have chosen the 250% speed buff instead of 200% XP, it would have been good for every bots and a real Christmas gift for everyone :)

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-24 11:01:44 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]
Entitled attitude much?

Just saying that 250% would be better. I mean, it's only 8 days of buff and one buff cancels out the other so may as well make it the maximum buff. Mind you the only people that will likely take advantage of it are high levels/those with ratio bots since the early level 50s and before go by pretty fast with the 300% buff. Might be good for a few people who want to make level 50-100s or so.

If he doesn't add anymore, it'll eventually go away.

Yeah I know but I was just showcasing the problem with it in hopes he doesn't add anymore of it, even temporarily.

You are still playing, just saying. Pot meet Kettle.

You make me not want to play ;) And you talk about being entitled when you/Myriad/Esv (not as much) and others have spent thousands of dollars on this dumb game and shoot down all my/others ideas so you can keep it all to yourselves in hopes Ender won't change anything and you can keep your investments forever. At this point probably 90% of the current clanned bots are owned by 20 or less people and some of them don't even want to play anymore.

"Just pointing your opinion of what you believe is wrong with this game." Not everyone shares your views.

Nos is a prick. Pretty sure 100% of everyone agrees with this statement, even you ;) If I said I believe car crashes killing children are bad you'd find a way to make it my fault too so how about you take your self righteousness and go jump off a cliff while smelling your own arsehole eh? Oh wait, that's just my opinion, you don't have to share it.

Smeagol [402]
2024-12-24 11:15:31 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

Agree, speedbuff would have been nicer.. but xp isn't to bad, unless you only score :)

Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-24 12:07:30 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

You make me not want to play ;) And you talk about being entitled when you/Myriad/Esv (not as much) and others have spent thousands of dollars on this dumb game and shoot down all my/others ideas so you can keep it all to yourselves in hopes Ender won't change anything and you can keep your investments forever. At this point probably 90% of the current clanned bots are owned by 20 or less people and some of them don't even want to play anymore.

This statement alone makes it clear you don't know what entitled means, and that's not surprising. So no point going further...moving on...

Nos is a prick. Pretty sure 100% of everyone agrees with this statement, even you ;) If I said I believe car crashes killing children are bad you'd find a way to make it my fault too so how about you take your self righteousness and go jump off a cliff while smelling your own arsehole eh? Oh wait, that's just my opinion, you don't have to share it.

Occasionally I do play devil's advocate and give an alternate point of view just for the sake of it. That said though most of your ideas I do think are self serving and don't look at the game as a whole but rather you believe each person playing this game wants the exact same thing you do (though ironically your ideas generally attempt to take the game backwards to the good ol' days of Bots2).

Pretty sure I've never attacked your personal character (other than possibly calling you whiny) so not sure why you went that direction or maybe I am. That's generally the case for people who have no further argument, so they resort to name calling because they failed at discussing the topic so they now have to attack the person. Believe it's referred to as the ad hominem fallacy.

Have a wonderful day. :)

Fishwick [135]
2024-12-24 13:33:38 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

200% exp won't do anything for most players/bots, agree that speed would be better as it lets all types of bots benefit, though I'm not sure scorers will massively care about a speed buff on the first day too much. 200% exp seems to only really benefit the level 300+ bots that just train and need to skimp on trophy point spending.

Time-based is interesting and a nice way to handle it, though if 200% exp wasn't so trash it would feel like people had to play on a certain day which isn't great.

Zal, you've played this game for like 10+ years now, it's really time you learn that what everyone does is "the normal way" of playing. Just because you don't want people to dump energy to beat you doesn't mean they're playing "the cheap way". It's really wild how you find something new to complain about consistently. It used to be proper dumpers that upset you for years, then Lusi made a ton of "low ratio bots" that everyone can hit, and now its "low ratio bots" that upset you, you're going to run out of bot types to complain about!

Fishwick [135]
2024-12-24 14:08:54 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

Just realized the 200% is active now haha, I read "through new years day" as "throughout new years day", rather than "through to new years day" so assumed it was a one day thing.

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-24 19:09:37 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

The most consistent reason people have for not playing this game is three people generally (ok Zach, me, SJ and Luth sometimes), and those people are Nos, Fish, and Myriad. They shoot down every idea people come up with, generally have a "don't change anything" attitude to the game, and reply to things they don't have to reply to just to piss off people. Nos always thinks we're retards walling around like we don't know anything or how to speak, Fish uses his moderator powers to spy on IPs to see who does what/who applies to what and messages people when they attack his low ratio bots thinking you have a personal vendetta against him, and Myriad just generally hates every idea anyone ever has.

I use low ratio bots now btw because I can't use the wh o r e word anymore.

As far as what else you guys said, I don't give two shits/didn't read it. You guys just argue with me on everything and make me out to be the bad guy when most of my ideas are good. No, you can't just leave it at "200% is ok, leave it as is" vs. my 200% is pointless, 250% would be better idea", but no, whatever.

Honestly if you three just would shut the hell up and never talk again this game would've advanced by light years with everyone else's good ideas encouraging Ender and everyone would be generally much happier. Sure it might've been broken and stupid in places but at least it'd be more fun than the current game.

So yeah, you are/have always been the problem. No 3 people have ruined the fun/motivation out of a game more for multiple people than you 3 have. Ender may be blind to or ignore this fact but it's the god damn truth. I just wish I could swear more :/


I truly hate all 3 of you.

Scabara [82]
2024-12-24 19:22:01 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

Just to put this into context Zal, this is a suggestion where a player asked for a change, Ender came forward and added that change, and then you decided to derail the thread with negativity, unrelated complaints and subsequently weird personal attacks because you don't like other people responding to said derailments.

If you could read properly, you'd notice I actually kinda agreed with you (on the value of 200% exp at least, not with your usual complaints raised for the 137th time), but you're too busy taking anything anyone says as a reason to go into an essay about how much you hate them.

Also it's kinda hard to say you don't have motivation for a game when you're currently 3 of the top 10 scorers. You'll have to use a different threat than "I'll quit the game I swear it" for the 10th year running when you're more active than you've ever been.

Laurence [82]
2024-12-24 19:24:06 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

I don’t think anyone needs to take anything personally or attack someone’s character (if anyone feels like that has happened). We all come from different walks of life and different parts of the world. We are truly a unique player base and we should just accept that we will all have different opinions. Obviously, the forums are here so we can discuss those opinions. It’s inevitable that certain people will disagree with others. As long as most of us reach a consensus with certain ideas and brainstorm together, everything will be gravy 😁

Myriad [429]
2024-12-24 20:50:00 πŸ”—
[72 days ago]

Zal, I don't know who hurt you in your life but trust me, it wasn't me lol

I don't hate every suggestion ever, only the bad ones. I also hardly post on the forums. The next time you want to try drag my name through the mud please add some citations. Ta

Nosferatu [358]
2024-12-25 00:35:04 πŸ”—
[71 days ago]

At least he's entertaining (like a cancer.)

The most consistent reason people have for not playing this game is three people generally (ok Zach, me, SJ and Luth sometimes), and those people are Nos, Fish, and Myriad. They shoot down every idea people come up with, generally have a "don't change anything" attitude to the game, and reply to things they don't have to reply to just to piss off people. Nos always thinks we're retards walling around like we don't know anything or how to speak, Fish uses his moderator powers to spy on IPs to see who does what/who applies to what and messages people when they attack his low ratio bots thinking you have a personal vendetta against him, and Myriad just generally hates every idea anyone ever has.

So yeah, you are/have always been the problem. No 3 people have ruined the fun/motivation out of a game more for multiple people than you 3 have. Ender may be blind to or ignore this fact but it's the god damn truth. I just wish I could swear more :/

I find it hilarious that I took a break from this game for near 10 years (I literally logged on and kept my treasury full before life hit and I lost my clan). I've been back playing fully for a year. Yet somehow I've completely ruined Zal's entire existence in that time frame (uncertain if he just means this game or his life).

As far as what else you guys said, I don't give two shits/didn't read it. You guys just argue with me on everything and make me out to be the bad guy when most of my ideas are good. No, you can't just leave it at "200% is ok, leave it as is" vs. my 200% is pointless, 250% would be better idea", but no, whatever.

Not arguing. Stating my opinion (which just happens to consistently conflict with yours). I don't take offense when my ideas are shit on (they are occasionally, usually because like I stated with yours they are self serving and don't really push the game forward or help people in a meaningful way). Learn to take constructive criticism and have a meaningful debate/conversation rather than immediately resort to throwing shade and mud when people don't agree with you.

Honestly if you three just would shut the hell up and never talk again this game would've advanced by light years with everyone else's good ideas encouraging Ender and everyone would be generally much happier. Sure it might've been broken and stupid in places but at least it'd be more fun than the current game.

Makes complete sense. Silence people that have conflicting views so that everything you say gets implemented... That's how things are done. Wonderful notion. (Honestly people would likely think the same about you, just fewer and fewer people post ont he forums these days, and no it's not due to us 3 regardless of what you might attempt to suggest).

And yes, I complain a lot, I could complain about stuff all damn day long.

You do...

I truly hate all 3 of you.

I personally am not interested in people liking me. So you enjoy your hate, I'll lose no sleep. I've already forgotten who you are.

Guillermo del Toro [8]
2024-12-25 11:40:44 πŸ”—
[71 days ago]
I don't hate every suggestion ever, only the bad ones.

That's cool... but... ummm... are there any actual changes to the game that you would ever support?

If you never support any changes and only ever discourage any suggestion for change... you ARE kinda just a consistent force fighting for status quo, no?

Smeagol [402]
2024-12-25 11:50:00 πŸ”—
[71 days ago]

Ender, in the future could make it a speedbuff instead so more bots have use for it? Also a heads up a week or so before, to build some hype :)

Guillermo del Toro [12]
2024-12-25 11:58:09 πŸ”—
[71 days ago]

Ender, I think the XP buff was a brilliant choice.

If you wanted to mix it up... I'd possibly suggest showroom with all items available for that limited time or something.

Not as "sexy" as speed or straight bonus energy... but better.

Any speed or energy bonus buff should at least be limited to a single day, imo.

Zach01 [382]
2024-12-25 17:31:37 πŸ”—
[71 days ago]

200 Exp is pretty cool and more OP than some might think especially for the hardcore players that have used all their 250 exp buff in one day and would ususally train buffless or ofcourse for those that are low on tp, you could just buy speed buff too and make some quick exp from it.

(ok Zach, me, SJ and Luth sometimes)

Not sure what you are implying here Zal but since it's with Luth and SJ I'm guessing it's not good, I have always got on with Myriad and Nos and found them to be fair and friendly not so much Fish and his personal policing of the game etc but even then I wouldn't say I "hate" him or that I don't play the game because he does. This is a crucial time you should be rallying people to help your new clan win maybe you could get them 3 to score for you instead of making enemies :D

Also Merry Christmas everyone

Lord Malachorn [19]
2024-12-25 18:58:56 πŸ”—
[71 days ago]

Clan Tarnished isn't about that.

Everyone is free to be exactly who they are and do exactly what they want. No restraints. No phony nonsense.

Everyone is allowed to have their own, and different, opinions.

Besides... Zal wasn't even really personally criticizing anyone - simply stating that he feels some tend to obstruct potential progress instead of try to be agents for that progress - which is fine. If they like the way the game is and Zal dreams of something he thinks could be even better? So what? Differences of opinion. Who cares?

I LOVE clans taking sides and "fighting" with the opposition in the forums... but in discussions about what would be good for the game, there's simply no place for it.

Everyone needs to be on the same side for that. And calls to change the game, or not change it, shouldn't be simple calls for personal benefit either.

Personally, I think the most frustrating aspect of these discussions tend to be... most people do NOT want change of any form versus some fear it could potentially "hurt" their own position in the game.

The game of life isn't zero sum.

Myriad [429]
2024-12-25 19:45:23 πŸ”—
[71 days ago]
That's cool... but... ummm... are there any actual changes to the game that you would ever support?

If you never support any changes and only ever discourage any suggestion for change... you ARE kinda just a consistent force fighting for status quo, no?

Again, citation required that I 'never support any changes'. I have made and supported plenty of suggestions throughout the years, feel free to search the forum to enlighten yourself. Btw, do you know what the last major change in the game was? New armour, and I helped implement it. So please do your research before spouting unfounded statements

Winter Orb [22]
2024-12-25 20:39:45 πŸ”—
[71 days ago]

No citation needed...

...was actually a question of what changes you would support.

A call for you to simply state what changes YOU would like to see is all. Like, if you had a magic genie that could change the way the game currently works in some fashion... what would YOU want from the game

Legitimately curious.

And, sorry, new weapons and armors are great and all... but they really aren't changes to how the game fundamentally works, as much as a progression to the game we very much currently have - they just don't alter the game in any real sense.

And the question isn't meant to be some kinda attack.

I think it would simply be healthy for people to think more about possibilities and open to change and spend much less effort fighting change in some misguided notion that doing so is protecting what they think they have and, thus, constructive (as opposed to being quite destructive).

Myriad [429]
2024-12-25 22:13:04 πŸ”—
[71 days ago]

I think a better question is what changes would Ender support? Seems like you're interested in fundamentally changing the way the game is played. Sorry to tell you but at this stage in the game's life I don't think you're going to be seeing 3 extra free stash spaces or permanent 200% battle speed etc. The biggest change which I have supported repeatedly is a new server that resets periodically. Would be a nice break to the 'status quo' that a lot of people seem to complain about, and would inject more life into the game imo. Aside from that I would also like to see the con rule removed for the purposes of building better tourney bots, changes to the tourney cats, reintroduction of captcha or other cheating measures just to name a few

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-26 03:38:28 πŸ”—
[70 days ago]

You make a lot of really bad assumptions, my friend. Your examples of things I would supposedly be for are two things I very much voiced against even...

But, thanks for sorta-kinda joining in the idea of tweaks that might actually improve gameplay. Cheers.

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-26 03:45:15 πŸ”—
[70 days ago]

And, for the record, Ender is the same person that completely changed the way the game works multiple times now.

The energy system and trophy points and removal of hostile settings against clans make this game completely different from the one that used to exist.

Just because he's not making constant drastic changes absolutely does not mean he's not very open to ideas that do in fact fundamentally alter this game. Let's give him a little credit there...

shin akuma [350]
2024-12-26 09:48:30 πŸ”—
[70 days ago]

The energy system and trophy points and removal of hostile settings against clans make this game completely different from the one that used to exist.

He made those changes when he "recreated" the game. One of which he regrets as they have become a fundamental way of playing the game in a negative manner.

Must be why he named the game BOTS 4 and not BOTS 2.1 ^^ (Also BOTS 3 was taken).

Side Note: One of the others I completely support removing (clan hostility settings where a detriment to the game). And yes, I benefitted greatly from it, before you try to make a statement where I didn't being why I wanted it gone.

Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-26 10:20:49 πŸ”—
[70 days ago]

Besides... Zal wasn't even really personally criticizing anyone - simply stating that he feels some tend to obstruct potential progress instead of try to be agents for that progress - which is fine. If they like the way the game is and Zal dreams of something he thinks could be even better? So what? Differences of opinion. Who cares?

He literally stated myself, Myriad and Fish were actual reasons people "don't" play the game. And based on further conversation it's simply because we argue against the majority of his "ideas". The three of us (along with others who might not be apt to post because it's just a circle jerk at this point where people suggest the same things and we rehash the same arguments against) aren't against change. I won't speak for the others but I'll regurgitate my issue with most of Zal's "suggestions". They're either ones that he wants to revert 4 back to the way things were in 2 (most of which I actually dislike like clan score and clan hostility) or they're ones that change the core fundamentals of the game (which in turn would alter it into something different which I am obviously against because then it wouldn't be this game it would be a different game)

I LOVE clans taking sides and "fighting" with the opposition in the forums... but in discussions about what would be good for the game, there's simply no place for it.

I have no opposition. I don't give a shit about the clan race in that form. My arguments never bring in the person's character, I am only debating the person's idea.

Everyone needs to be on the same side for that. And calls to change the game, or not change it, shouldn't be simple calls for personal benefit either.

Most of my asks recently have been QoL updates that did benefit me though they were mostly part of scripts that people were using and I wasn't wanting to use.

Personally, I think the most frustrating aspect of these discussions tend to be... most people do NOT want change of any form versus some fear it could potentially "hurt" their own position in the game.

The fallacy that because someone dislikes something you suggest is simply because it hurts their status quo is ridiculous. There is the chance that it's just a shit idea and we think so and express that.

Fishwick [135]
2024-12-26 11:16:43 πŸ”—
[70 days ago]

I don't really like getting sucked into doing these essays back and forth but Zal just loves to fling shit constantly and invoke peoples names who live in his head rent-free so here we are again.

Zal has been doing these rants for about 10 years and never seems to learn. People don't hate change (more than would be expected at least), people don't hate him (even if he hates them), his ideas are just generally sucky. He'll never actually debate why they are actually good if someone says they are bad, he'll just immediately throw his toys out of the pram, and instead of defending his stellar ideas, just start throwing insults out. Exhibit A, the exact same rhetoric 7 years ago.

The clan score and diplomacy thing is particularly stupid, its essentially turkeys voting for Christmas, especially right now. Probably 80-90% of all energy scored this month has come from Lusitania "low ratio bots". If you want to go back to clan score, you're basically asking for us to get 2x the "energy" we're currently getting. Diplomacy and hostility puts more power into the owners of bots than the current system does. The clan race winners will always be the people who click the most, pretending the system is the thing holding you back is silly, when really it's how much you click fight again.

As someone that has access to probably 2k "low ratio bots" and would benefit massively from the old diplomacy system, I still think it's a bad idea. Diplomacy/clan score or energy is the exact same result - the people who click most win, but diplomacy DEMANDS that you have access to an army of "low ratio bots" to compete, whereas you can absolutely rely on stealing "other clans" energy using the current energy system.

His arguments just change over time to whats annoying him at that current time and what would benefit him. Less than a year ago, he said making "low ratio bots" was futile and there is no incentive to make them. Since then, Lusitania made a ton of "low ratio bots" and became the dominant clan almost exclusively because of them. His idea to shake up the meta only benefited him (having access to lots of low ratio bots at the time), and absolutely no other player that might want to start competing

On the topic of "not wanting change", I'm fairly certain since I came back I'm the person with the most suggestions that have made it into the game. I'm all for the game changing, but Zals ideas are almost exclusively something that he thinks will benefit him, but is actually harmful to my priority when it comes to changes (people without access to infrastructure). I even advocated (and still do) a War month that would massively benefit people who don't have an army of bots, but Zal was weirdly quiet on that thread.

Also, me being a forum mod has nothing to do with my views on your bad changes. I've never moderated someones suggestions, I barely do any moderation at all, and Ender reviews everything I do. You don't need to remind me I'm a mod every time you complain - you've never had a suggestion or comment deleted, unfairly locked, been muted, or anything, so stop playing the victim.

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-26 20:51:38 πŸ”—
[70 days ago]

I think I have a unique perspective here as kind of an outside observer, having been absent from all the silly drama that everyone else may have surrounded themselves with here.

And I just gotta say: Of course Zal wouldn't like you people. You behave like abhorrent children.

Let's face it: nothing constructive is going to result of anything here. It would be utterly stupid to continue this.

Seriously, what is this?

What is the point of any of this?

It's been over a decade that I took off from this game and somehow the playerbase seems to have gotten less mature. It's just weird.

I miss dragonrose and Jans, I think...

Myriad [429]
2024-12-26 21:16:58 πŸ”—
[70 days ago]
And I just gotta say: Of course Zal wouldn't like you people. You behave like abhorrent children.

Zal replies with emotion and unprovoked personal attacks, whereas others in this thread have responded with logic and reason. And others are acting like children and not Zal? You can't make this shit up.

Good for you Mal if you want to stick up for one of your friends but don't act like he didn't cast the first stone.

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-26 21:32:45 πŸ”—
[70 days ago]

Obviously "the first stone" wasn't thrown in this thread and there's a much longer history here.

And grow up! Seriously, all of you... just GROW UP!

Who cares who started what anyways?

You're not stupid children. Stop acting like you are stupid children.

You control your own actions and no one else's.

And this stupid. This whole thimg is stupid.

You should all feel stupid, because you're all acting stupid.

Myriad [429]
2024-12-26 21:49:48 πŸ”—
[70 days ago]

I was going to write a longer reply to that, but sometimes the less said the better. The irony writes itself.

And for the record I don't hate Zal or you Mal, but I just can't stand hypocrisy or illogical arguments.

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-26 21:59:01 πŸ”—
[70 days ago]

I'd rather someone not talk about how they're an adult and instead... just... act like an adult.

Words are cheap.

ziaodix [267]
2024-12-27 09:41:58 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Trolls will troll.

Andy Kaufman [27]
2024-12-27 10:17:26 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

I don't mind trolling... but most everyone that "trolls" are senselessly trolling.

There's no motive short of destruction and bringing others down. It's stupid and childish bullying of others committed by insecure sods.

I love me a Voltaire or a Swift though.

...or an Andy Kaufman.

ziaodix [267]
2024-12-27 10:26:29 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

I think you actually prefer Limp Bizkit...

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-27 10:28:19 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Alright, I'm here after Christmas now to answer any questions people had over my hateful words. I may or may not bother to too.

My main problem with Nos/Fish/Myriad is that you all tend to overanalyze everything I/others say and whether it's one or 2 or all of you over the past decade or more, it seems like all you do is crap on me/others and our ideas. Anger builds up over time to the point of hate when the same stuff keeps happening over and over again. It doesn't really matter how many changes one person gets implemented. What matters is that we try and work together to make the game better, not worse. What I said originally in my first post was 2/3rds actually about buffs, not sure how I got here other than pure tiredness and fueled by decades of being told there's something wrong with everything I say.

Not sure what you are implying here Zal but since it's with Luth and SJ I'm guessing it's not good

It had nothing to do with Nos/Myriad/Fish there. I was just stating that I'm sure there's been people over time that have been pissed off by you, me, SJ and Luth. We all have strong opinions and emotions :P

Zal has been doing these rants for about 10 years and never seems to learn. People don't hate change (more than would be expected at least), people don't hate him (even if he hates them), his ideas are just generally sucky.

Yep, I've been ranting for years. No, I don't learn. You three do hate change though, any major gameplay changes generally get thrown under the bus by you three. Yes, they may be sucky, other people's ideas may be sucky too, but that doesn't mean we should stop making them. I think generally most of the ideas of this game have been destroyed by just talking about them too much between ourselves vs. just letting Ender do what he wants. So any change gets bogged down by calculations of how much it'll change the overall game and the current status quo.

Also, people don't hate me because I actually have a good personality and am pretty funny and nice when I want to be. If you were to meet me on any other game I'm sure you'd probably like me. But on this game we have had too much bad blood and annoyed each other too much for too long that you just assume I'm a bad person at this point. The only reason I hate you three is because it's obvious none of us get along. You hate my posts, I hate your posts, you don't like my personality, I don't like yours.

On the topic of "not wanting change", I'm fairly certain since I came back I'm the person with the most suggestions that have made it into the game.

They must be pretty boring ones because I don't remember any of them.

I even advocated (and still do) a War month that would massively benefit people who don't have an army of bots, but Zal was weirdly quiet on that thread.

I was quiet on it because it seemed like people wanted theme months/daily quests/other stuff like that but since most of the game has been the same overall monthly structure with no themes, I just didn't think it'd ever be implemented. Other suggestions in a similar vein haven't been either so I just didn't bother adding on to it but for some reason you wanted my opinion on that but everything I have for suggestions is "sucky" so I don't see why you'd care.

This is a crucial time you should be rallying people to help your new clan win maybe you could get them 3 to score for you instead of making enemies :D Also Merry Christmas everyone

I'll end with this because it's semi-more important to me. I was doing so good for the past month, trying to get along with everyone and meet some new people, having a few small suggestions here and there and having fun with Mal and everyone. I have a feeling though that Myriad, Fish, or Nos would've never joined us or helped out much though even before this. Myriad barely plays, Nos does his own thing, and Fish even put a spy bot in our clan, didn't talk all month, and just talked last night just to piss me off more/get a reply out of me. I think at this point everyone on this game has been frustrated by us 4.

Oh and since Fish says I accused him of things/said I lied, I didn't say anything that wasn't true. You do get paranoid over people attacking your bots, I proved it myself one time by attacking your low ratio bots while you were dumping with them once. You get so paranoid about people talking behind your back that you join and spy on other people's clans just because you can't stand anyone talking about you without you there. And you do use your IP powers for dumb stuff like seeing who joins your clans, I have that on authority from multiple people in and out of Lusitania/your other clans over time, including yourself once when you were looking who made those anti-Cosby bots and you told Cosby he was a Croatian guy since we thought it was Pirate (also sorry to Pirate for that if I never said that). So yeah, I'm not sure how I know that unless you told him. So nothing I said about you was wrong.

Oh and I only worried about reposting my reply in the clan forum because I actually thought you'd delete it this time. If you want you can delete everything we all said since it really has jack to do with the buffs and just know that my hate will go on. And just to make it clear to anyone else on this game, I don't hate anyone other than these 3. Luth, Pirate? I made some mistakes and am sorry for what I said over time, hope we're ok now. Zach, I'm sorry for mentioning you at all, I just thought that you've also gotten annoyed over time as I have is all. The rest of you I'm fine with/haven't talked with much. I know it may seem like I'm a bit of a loose canon but I assure you I'm actually much nicer when I'm not being annoyed.

Fiona Apple [108]
2024-12-27 10:30:28 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]
I think you actually prefer Limp Bizkit...

That's the cruelest thing ever said in this game.

ziaodix [267]
2024-12-27 10:32:19 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

That means so much to me coming from you.

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-27 10:40:05 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Don't let them suck you back in here, Zal.

It's what they want. They'll just keep insisting you "asked for it" while they childishly high five each other in their stupid circle-jerk of trying to bring others down.

Honestly, as much as you wanna punch your bullies in the nose... what those insecure children and agents of destruction really need... is a hug and to feel better about themselves.

ziaodix [267]
2024-12-27 10:50:17 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Exactly. So return to your clan and get back into your own circle jerk formation to make yourself feel better.

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-27 11:07:57 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

I'm always available for hugs if need be :) Even if you hate me. I just like hugging.

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-27 11:13:53 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Circle-jerks are for closeted (all) frat boys.

We happily embrace our libertine lifestyle and prefer trains.

Fishwick [135]
2024-12-27 11:19:33 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]
not sure how I got here other than pure tiredness

It's disappointing that someone who makes essays as long as yours isn't actually thinking through what they are posting and won't actually stand by it 24 hours later. That being said, Mals right and this shouldn't just go on indefinitely so I'll try and let most of the trivial and hypocritical stuff drop, but misinformation should still be corrected so I'll just focus on that.

and Fish even put a spy bot in our clan

I didn't "put a spy" in your clan that is proudly open to anyone, I joined Mals clan on day one, along with half the active player base, after he mentioned wanting to start a clan with me multiple times.

you were looking who made those anti-Cosby bots and you told Cosby he was a Croatian guy since we thought it was Pirate

I'm not sure the time I stopped Pirate being unfairly blamed for the misdeeds of a now-banned account from an ex-cheater, that was just looking to cause trouble is painting me in the light you think it is. I investigated who it was (mod powers are a lot less useful than everyone seems to think, it was mostly talking to people that helped), calmed the tensions between innocent active players, and then went to Ender with the information and he got banned. Shocking behaviour from a mod.

I only worried about reposting my reply in the clan forum because I actually thought you'd delete it this time. If you want you can delete everything we all said

You are worrying about something that doesn't, and has never, happened. As much as you whine about it, these forums are relatively unregulated and pretty much nothing reasonable ever gets deleted with very rare exceptions. Pretending you need to be scared of me abusing mod powers to delete your posts is crybullying at best, you know it wont happen (and hasn't), but you're hoping people will think it's something you have to worry about.

Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-27 11:20:02 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Seems a bit closed minded of you to ascertain that only frat boys should be privy to circle-jerks. I feel like someone that claims all avenues are welcomed by all people, a regular non-frat boy should be allowed to participate in a circle jerk without being labeled by what I can only perceive to be a negative one based on your messages tone. Hmm...

Esvrainzas [345]
2024-12-27 11:35:12 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Let's all give a hug and get this settled down. OP suggestion was kinda implemented and it's not been discussed anymore, so let's move on and I hope that Tarnished or Apex give some competition during 2025. Apex non participation in the last tourney was a red flag for me. Please don't give up and let's keep having some battles and continue to make this game interesting and not boring.

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-27 11:42:50 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

I've never cared for tournies and saw them as a distraction and literally never even notice when it's time to sign up.

Here's a suggestion:

Maybe make a bolder notice that it's time to sign up for one?

Maybe it's just me... but seeing the results there is too easy to ignore the entire thing even when the small application link is available there.

If there were flashing neon lights that said "sign up for the tournament" then I'd probably throw some in... even if I don't care to build actually full-on tournament bots.

Also... does there really need to be the fee? I feel that only disincentivizes bots...

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-27 11:47:32 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Also, frat boys are the worst.

I don't care how much you may have loved your time in a frat, Nos. Sorry, you and your fraternity brothers... were just the worst.

I... don't like Nazis either.

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-27 11:49:26 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

I'm fine with Esv's suggestion but I do have one thing to say about your post Fish. Maybe it's just that I'm confused what you think a moderator does. My idea is similar to this from

Moderators are responsible for the facilitation, review, and guidance of a discussion or a debate and its related interactions. Moderators use a standard or guideline to ensure that all the content shared during a discussion or debate is appropriate and adheres to the organization's rules.

Moderators work in forums including social media, community events, and discussion panels or debates. A moderator works online and in-person and ensures the space where the discussion or debate takes place is a positive and safe one that promotes interaction. Moderators use their judgment to decide what information is approved or removed according to standards and guidelines. They also provide discussion topics, encourage participants to share, answer questions and define boundaries and rules for the group or discussion, and remove unrelated or inappropriate content. A moderator acts as a neutral participant during debates and discussion and holds participants to time limits while looking to keep them on the topic to answer questions and topics during their debate or discussion.

Yet you state there are no real guidelines on here on what is inappropriate. You sometimes encourage interaction positively yet other times go out of your way to piss people off on their own clan forums. Nothing is approved or removed on these forums because there's no standards or guidelines to go by it seems. You also don't seem to stay very neutral about anything. So maybe I'm just confused what purpose you even have in being a moderator? If everything is just allowed on these forums, why even have one? Is this just 4chan where nothing ever gets moderated?

Fishwick [135]
2024-12-27 11:59:06 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

That seems to be some sort of definition for in person debates or something, which is obviously very different from a forum for an online game, especially this one.

As far as I'm aware, 99% of what I do as a mod is to delete spam from level 1s and maybe some extreme slurs if it gets bad enough. The rest is just me contributing like any other player and you can safely ignore the little white word

Quentin Tarantino [2]
2024-12-27 12:01:37 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

I will say that I know I never wanted to be a mod.

Like it or not, it means you then represent the game itself in some capacity and should act accordingly. Granted, my experience is most mods don't see it that way and try to insist they should be able to operate in unofficial capacities while also fulfilling their official duties... which is just nonsense.

It's almost like someone showing up at your house in a police uniform and telling you what to do... then arguing they were just wearing the uniform, but was actually not on duty and shouldn't have been expected to act like the police officer they are.

Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-27 12:05:15 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

I don't get the analogy.

Quentin Tarantino [3]
2024-12-27 12:05:33 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

It's, like, sorry Mr. policeman, you SHOULD be held to a higher standard...

Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-27 12:06:43 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Continuing the analogy doesn't actually do anything to explain it. It's like using the word in the definition of the word you are defining.

Quentin Tarantino [3]
2024-12-27 12:13:58 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

You... actually couldn't follow that?

It wasn't very complicated.

Mods are representatives of the game and should be held to a higher standard than "randoms."

Seriously, how is that too hard to understand?

You're not an idiot. Why do you love to pretend to be like a completely obtuse idiot and constantly insist on trying to derail things, Nos?

It's just weird.

Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-27 12:17:19 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

I think you missed the point, and that's okay.

Quentin Tarantino [4]
2024-12-27 12:22:07 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

This isn't the first time you "didn't understand" and then suggested the other person was somehow stupid or whatever.

Again... it's just weird.

It's very obviously one of the tactics you employ to derail things, as well as your other "random" comments. I appreciate the "random" comments... but the "I don't understand" thing is just really freaking weird, dude.

SideZ [51]
2024-12-27 12:29:04 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]


Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-27 12:30:43 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

No one is derailing anything(no more than what has already occured in this suggestion forum).

Odd and strange is your inability to comprehend the fact that perhaps the actual analogy isn't what was lost on me, but rather your attempt to use it and it not being applicable )in that instance in my opinion), which is what resulted in my not understanding. (There I spelt it out for you)

Was not "suggesting" you are stupid (however if the shoe fits...). Odd that somehow when someone tells another person they don't understand what they are trying to say, that that somehow results in the person crying foul and claiming victimization.

Talk about weird...

Fishwick [135]
2024-12-27 12:32:07 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

The policeman thing doesn't really work, or maybe it does in your understanding of the role but it's not really how it works. Knowing I have the title, I do try and be more polite than I would normally, but there's no responsibility for me to let trolls tell lies about me and not comment because of some weird stance on ultimate neutrality.

Mods aren't meant to be "policemen" who's full time job it is to "represent the game" and handle the unwashed masses, it is incredibly inane stuff like deleting spam, yet it always seems to get brought up whenever me or my clan get a lot of energy and the person in 11th spot needs something to reach for.

For what it's worth, I don't like being a mod - it's far more trouble than it's worth because of the crybabies and I've asked Ender to de-mod me multiple times in the past, or at the very least hide the title. Being a normal contributing player that gets to share their views is far more important to me than being a mod.

Troll King [203]
2024-12-27 12:37:12 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Mal and Zal sit down. The real Troll King has arrived. You are no longer needed.

Quentin Tarantino [8]
2024-12-27 12:37:44 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

No, it's freaking weird.

If a normal person understood what someone was trying to say, but didn't agree with it then they wouldn't say "I don't understand."

A normal person would just offer a rebuttal.

YOU, however, like to pretend "you don't understand" for a few posts and then EVENTUALLY try and make some kinda rebuttal after half a dozen pointless and nonsensical posts. It's a thing you do.

And it's freaking weird.

Again, you're not a moron. just seem incapable of ever saying what you actually mean.

Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-27 12:39:25 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

I'm lost. What are you talking about again?

Quentin Tarantino [8]
2024-12-27 12:45:04 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

And you represent the game, as a mod.

Sorry, Fish.

You do.

Your words and actions carry that weight and burden whether you keep trying to insist they don't or not.

Personally, I think too many I know in this game that don't like your behavior are too hard on you (I remember FAR, FAR worse and all!)... but I get it. And I think you do, too... otherwise you wouldn't spend so much energy insisting that your "mod you" is different from the "player you."

Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-27 12:48:57 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]

Fish is a mod? I didn't know that. I better change my entire demeanor now when he's around.

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-27 16:08:17 πŸ”—
[69 days ago]
Mods aren't meant to be "policemen" who's full time job it is to "represent the game" and handle the unwashed masses, it is incredibly inane stuff like deleting spam, yet it always seems to get brought up whenever me or my clan get a lot of energy and the person in 11th spot needs something to reach for.

Nice little ending there. Again, my level 26 is the 11th spot there and it's generally harder to score on it with 2-3 hits needed than your bots 1 hit bots. Even if I did get 800k or more this month on it, you likely would've beaten me even with just buffs, not even using dumpers. The dumpers think was mostly at John Mendez who I had no idea who was dumping onto and the weird super amount of dumping that took place last month at the end. But if you're so scared of a level 26 I find that amusing. Level 26 scoring is easily the worst possible experience next to level 20 scoring. you could easily beat get 2,000+ wins in the time it takes me to do 1,000 lol.

Zach01 [382]
2024-12-27 23:11:50 πŸ”—
[68 days ago]

For what it's worth, I don't like being a mod

Lmfao, just the perks that come with it? I think you spend more time on that bot looking at others/checking IP than doing anything else on it. Thanks for the laugh anyway.

It had nothing to do with Nos/Myriad/Fish there. I was just stating that I'm sure there's been people over time that have been pissed off by you, me, SJ and Luth. We all have strong opinions and emotions :P

Zach, I'm sorry for mentioning you at all, I just thought that you've also gotten annoyed over time as I have is all.

All good was just unsure what you meant I think I pissed most people off by just playing the game and attacking their bots or leveling them etc for fun(before the fun police arrived) rather than my shitty suggestions lol, I generally try to get on with everyone on a personal level, I guess this gets confused when you attack bots that people dont like you attacking lol.

Asmodeus [291]
2024-12-29 15:07:39 πŸ”—
[67 days ago]

A holiday buff should focus on fight speed first and foremost. As it is usable by everyone and usually the 2nd priority for purchase behind xp/energy/kudos and there would be no reason to disable it.

Asmodeus [291]
2024-12-29 15:39:27 πŸ”—
[67 days ago]

Fish, you know you abuse your mod powers to spy on other players.
The fact you continue to lie about it proves you know it is wrong.
The fact Ender allows you to keep doing it shows he doesn’t care.

Nos, just because something has been a certain way for years doesn’t mean it can’t be changed, and just because Ender might not want to change it doesn’t mean it isn’t a good idea. Devs constantly live inside their own bubbles of what they think is best, and the fact Ender doesn’t even play his own game could very easily point to him being out of touch.
Stash/stars is the clearest example of him being out of touch with reality. The only possible way to increase stash space is to buy stars. In 2024, this is absurd. The icing on the cake is you can buy a lot of indie games for the price of 1 stash space in this game. This absolutely needs to be reworked before you can ever hope to attract more long term players to the game, which is his stated goal.

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-29 15:59:02 πŸ”—
[67 days ago]

Just posting about Asmo's post here for no reason:

1) Ender not playing his game could be both a good thing and a bad thing, good in the sense that it allows him to think outside the box and make new changes and bad in the sense that some things might heavily effect certain players and they'd be mad about it. So if he played some maybe he'd come up with more ideas in line with the community, maybe have it as a solo only clan of his so he isn't seen as helping anyone. That is of course if he wants to but I think he's said he doesn't want to before.

2) The price of stash space is relatively high and yes, you can buy full games for the price of that. I mean, right now on Steam you could buy Stellaris, State of Decay 2, and say, um, Back 4 Blood for the price of 1 star. We could come up with some new ways of monetizing the game but I think a good place to start might be to set up a Patreon for the game. That way people who have the money can support the game on a monthly basis and instead of incentives to play we could use it to entice Ender to update the game more/keep it afloat. I don't think adding gameplay elements this way would be good though and would be better off being sold one by one, like DLC is. Not sure what gameplay elements would be worthwhile for that though without ruining the balance of the game.

Ideotik God [65]
2024-12-30 15:55:39 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

Nos, just because something has been a certain way for years doesn’t mean it can’t be changed, and just because Ender might not want to change it doesn’t mean it isn’t a good idea. Devs constantly live inside their own bubbles of what they think is best, and the fact Ender doesn’t even play his own game could very easily point to him being out of touch.

Altering a game's core mechanic, one that has evolved into what we all have come to play in the past 10 years of this game's history, is what I am referring to. Not small things, like font color. And wanting to alter that core game mechanic is in my opinion a very bad idea.

Stash/stars is the clearest example of him being out of touch with reality. The only possible way to increase stash space is to buy stars. In 2024, this is absurd. The icing on the cake is you can buy a lot of indie games for the price of 1 stash space in this game. This absolutely needs to be reworked before you can ever hope to attract more long term players to the game, which is his stated goal.

I think you misinterpret the intention of "bring new players" to the game with "bringing in new players en masse". Niche games, such as this, is always going to have a small group of dedicated players and many people that are considered fly by-ers.

What people seem to fail to understand where I am coming from when I post here (which is obvious considering I get singled out a lot when others want a scapegoat to point in reference to someone against their ideas) is that myself, and others that play this game long term, do so because the game doesn't alter it's core makeup or identity to fit the new fad or trend. It is what it is, and it doesn't try to be something else, and we enjoy it for what it is.

We suggest ideas that either highlight the current game's design, or try to mold the current standard into other standards that will allow different people to shine. We don't suggest things that drastically alter the way the game is played or the core mechanics of the game's design.

Kelly Reichardt [22]
2024-12-30 16:12:20 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]
Altering a game's core mechanic, one that has evolved into what we all have come to play in the past 10 years of this game's history, is what I am referring to. Not small things, like font color. And wanting to alter that core game mechanic is in my opinion a very bad idea.

By using "that core mechanic" it sounds like you have a particular change in mind, despite the topic here being very non-specific and general.

But... you AREN'T disagreeing with anything in particular.

You're... just arguing against ANY kind of meaningful change.

That would be kinda fine, honestly... if the playerbase was thriving and content.

You're... kinda just watching the game die and insisting everything is for the best.

Professor Pangloss would be proud.

Vegas [66]
2024-12-30 16:17:00 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

Replying to a generalized post with one of my own seemed most apt considering he didn't specifically make a "new change" post. That said, you are welcome to go and look at his suggestion posts (and likely all of yours), and you will locate where I specify why I dislike that particular change, located in that specific post.

In regard to your post here, go troll elsewhere.

Kelly Reichardt [23]
2024-12-30 16:20:46 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

Also... isn't it weird how so, so many that quit just tend to say that they're bored and feel they've done everything there is to do?

Ignoring the how good a suggestion may or may not even be... change for the sake of change and nothing else has real value, whether you want to believe it or not.

Everything is NOT fine.

Vegas [66]
2024-12-30 16:24:24 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

No one is stopping them from suggesting new ideas. You do that yourself with your self pity because "all my ideas get shut down" which is ironic considering we have no power over what Ender actually considers a good idea or not or whether it'll make it in the game.

Suggest your awesome idea. You'll have people give you constructive criticism (regardless of whether you immediately interpret it as us "shitting on it"). People might like it. People might hate it. At the end of the day none of that matters as Ender has final say.

Kelly Reichardt [23]
2024-12-30 16:34:48 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

Oh, Nos, I LOVE arguments and people lobbing personal insults and such.

Such behavior only encourages ME...

But this isn't just my game...

I'm a single person. It really isn't about me then.

And I know PLENTY of other people that most certainly take issue with your comments and how you demean them and dissuade these discussions.

You're a bully, dude. I know, I know... pot, kettle. But at least I recognize my actions and any consequences...

I'm sorry, you are a destructive agent in these discussions and not a constructive one.

...I mean, there's a reason that's been stated over-and-over-and-over again by so many, bud.

Vegas [66]
2024-12-30 16:37:53 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

Ok. Thumbs up. (Also one person commenting on multiple bots isn't many people...)

Kelly Reichardt [23]
2024-12-30 16:55:27 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

I mean, even if someone explicitly tells you how toxic they find you.... then, apparently, you just find it "hilarious" anyways... so, yeah.

Don't exactly have high hopes here that you... even care.

I find it hilarious... I've completely ruined Zal's entire existence in that time frame (uncertain if he just means this game or his life).

So much funny!

Vegas [66]
2024-12-30 17:01:04 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

Nice. Cherry picking my rebuttal to something you stated (which granted sarcasm is lost quite often through text).

That said, I also stated afterwards that I don't care what you (or anyone's) opinion of me is.

Esvrainzas [346]
2024-12-30 17:23:39 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

Isn't Mal on that bot Kelly? Because Nos seems to think he is Zal or it's me that's wrong and is really Zal who is building those bots. Anyway, I think it's Mal :)

Kelly Reichardt [24]
2024-12-30 17:24:26 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

When people say "cherry-picking" then it implies there would be other examples that offer the opposite perspective...

That isn't the case here.

This was just... quoting someone.

Vegas [66]
2024-12-30 17:25:59 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

the action or practice of choosing and taking only the most beneficial or profitable items, opportunities, etc., from what is available.

Kelly Reichardt [24]
2024-12-30 17:27:19 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

...and, yes, it's ALWAYS Mal. :P

I'm always on random bots and could care less about being clear that it's me. :P

Vegas [66]
2024-12-30 17:27:55 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]


Kelly Reichardt [24]
2024-12-30 17:32:36 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

cherΒ·ry-pickΒ·ing /ˈCHerΔ“ΛŒpikiNG/ noun the action or practice of choosing and taking only the most beneficial or profitable items, opportunities, etc., from what is available.

Ummm... yeah.

AGAIN, this implies there were other items that paint a different picture...

There weren't though!

I know what I said. I stand by what I said.

Have no idea what the point of supplying actual definition was...

Unless... you wanna tell us what these other supposed "cherries" are here that I ignored? Oh, you don't... because... there are no other "cherries" here? Right.

Kelly Reichardt [24]
2024-12-30 17:35:08 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

Pfft. I'm sure I COULD.

I can do anything, bud.

Why you always trying to sell someone short?

Chapo [100]
2024-12-30 18:08:56 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

I am Zal and I vote Zal as new Mod since he would not abuse.

Kelly Reichardt [29]
2024-12-30 18:13:01 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

A lot of people think I'm Zal and I second this.

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-30 19:02:42 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]
I am Zal and I vote Zal as new Mod since he would not abuse.

Yeah I've only been replying with this bot or one of my other two. Also, hi Chapo :)

As for me being mod, I mean, I don't think I could do any worse than Fish, I mean, if all my job is is to sit around and not delete anything and have a neat moderator title under me, then sure, anyone could do it lol.

A lot of people think I'm Zal and I second this.

Am I even Zal anymore? WHO AM I?!?!?!!?

Also, for no reason these two posts reminded me of this:


Btw, since you seem to want to continue arguing Nos, I'll write a bit about why I and a few other people probably dislike talking with you about suggestions in another post down below:

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-30 19:16:58 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

Ok, so this is the Nos logic problem on this forum and I'll use examples to showcase it. Mostly what it could boil down to in his perspective is "feeding the trolls".

Number 1: your initial response to my first reply that started this mess. You said one thing made sense and then called me entitled for wanting 250% buff for 8 days instead of 200%. Also pot meets kettle and that everyone has different opinions. These arguments led me to the suggestion that you think we're all idiots and that for some reason we need someone like you to correct us all the time. I know you're a grammar nazi but if you're just going to point out nothingness to piss off people while they make actual suggestions or not actually talking about what's wrong with their ideas specifically vs. just saying random logic arguments it makes you no better than a troll either.

Number 2: You obviously ignore actual suggestions and just point out extra things people put in their replies. I mean, Esv and Smeagol talked about it after me yet ignored their replies to talk about what I said about you. Fish also did this after which is why I talked about how you two + Myriad say you hate trolls and trolling and bad arguments/suggestions but ALL YOU DO IS ARGUE FOR NO REASON AND SUGGEST NOTHING. I mean, Fish pretty much said 200% wasn't that useful either but you didn't crap on his suggestion, NO.

Honestly the only people that have suggested anything properly in this thread have been Smeagol, Esv, hyp, Alan, Fish in a weird way, Asmo who was pretty much ignored except by me, and by me. All you've done Nos is complain about literally everything. If you spend time reading your replies in this thread alone you'll realize you haven't actually suggested anything at all.

Kelly Reichardt [29]
2024-12-30 19:18:28 πŸ”—
[66 days ago]

True story: went to register "Spartacus" just for "I am Spartacus" joke. Name was already taken, ofc. Woulda also made a "Spartacus too" bot to complete joke.

Briefly thought about registering "SparticAss" and "SparticAss too," but decided I wouldn't remember those names and didn't care enough if I couldn't possibly see myself bringing out the bots and getting potential value, if opportunity ever presented itself again.

...could make actual clan full of "SparticAss" bots or something and then I'd remember them... but I already got a pretty long list of themes I'd rather start on before that...

But... one day, maybe.

It was added at bottom of list.

Nosferatu [358]
2024-12-31 01:36:43 πŸ”—
[65 days ago]

I started off by calling you entitled because you whined about him giving your something free and because it wasn't what you thought was useful (less) you wanted something else (more) (ie entitled).

I followed that up with agreeing with you, somewhat, saying it wasn't very useful on scoring bots and a pain to have to pause on every one you login.

People act like being corrected is the worst thing in the world. It's not. And contrary to what seems to be popular opinion, I get corrected quite often. I'm not a genius (no matter what you infer from interacting with me), nor do I have a good complex or think I'm superior. I just have the desire to always improve myself and assume others do to, thus I correct them. When I'm corrected, I research, look up things, discover. If I'm wrong, I concede and move forward.

Again, I can't help you with the way you feel. That's called self esteem, key word is self. If you think I make you feel like an idiot, then shoe fits. Your are in control of you, not me. Don't attempt to make me feel any way about it, it won't work. I will continue being me, and you can either be yourself and interact with me as such or not, but stop whining about the way I interact with you. You get what you get.

As far as making arguments to your tireless post about the same shit? At this point why bother. You make your annual "Bots4 needs to become Bots2" enough that Fish can locate several instances of it and point them out to you. At this point, all I need to say is "Idea sucks" and move on (or keep goading you because that's entertaining also). We've beat that horse enough. We've countered that suggestion enough. Ender has enough evidence from your regurgitation of the same shit with our regurgitation of the same shit.

As far as suggestions go, several of the ones that was in Enders recent update post (even in the one before) were QoL suggestions I made (some of which I've made for over a decade).

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-31 03:18:00 πŸ”—
[65 days ago]
I just have the desire to always improve myself... If I'm wrong, I concede and move forward.

Oh, wow. So... you are just completely delusional then...

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-31 10:04:51 πŸ”—
[65 days ago]
I started off by calling you entitled because you whined about him giving your something free and because it wasn't what you thought was useful (less) you wanted something else (more) (ie entitled).

Not really sure what kind of argument that is. Something useless is still useless. I just suggested a small change to make it useful. For the majority of buffs the 150% option and sometimes 200% buffs are useless. The reason the 250% Kodiak buff is worth the 113/125 trophy points is that by using ratio bots you can get most of the levels of a normal level <110 bot easily with just the 1 buff. It's actually a waste to use the lower buffs because it wastes the ratio of the bot you're attacking faster. In the case of train bots it doesn't matter which one you use though.

That's called self esteem, key word is self. If you think I make you feel like an idiot, then shoe fits.

Self esteem doesn't stop people from calling you things and saying all their ideas are crap. Self esteem only allows me to not get bothered by it and tell myself that I'm super cool and smart and super sexy and that you can't hope to know just how much. Oh wait, that's arrogance lol.

While I do think you try and make people think they're idiots, I never said I was an idiot. We just disagree on a lot of things and I don't care for how you argue about suggestions for the game.

Don't attempt to make me feel any way about it, it won't work.

I WILL CHILL THE ICE IN YOUR HEART IF IT TAKES ME 1,000 YEARS! (ok enough of the anime drama plot lol)

At this point why bother. You make your annual "Bots4 needs to become Bots2" enough that Fish can locate several instances of it and point them out to you. At this point, all I need to say is "Idea sucks" and move on (or keep goading you because that's entertaining also).

I bother because I like to type and hope to make the game better :P And it's inevitable that people will make connections between bots2 and bots2 because one's a sequel to the other and some ideas from it haven't been implemented here. Every game with a sequel has that problem. Oh Diablo 2 isn't as good as 1 because x item is missing or worse, Diablo 3 isn't as good as 2 because they made a stupid auction house and ruined the game, oh Diablo 4 isn't as good because they made it an online MMO and ruined my MFings run, the list goes on. I just happen to make a lot of suggestions and some are similar to bots2. They're just ideas. And you and FIsh say you had a lot of suggestions implemented in the game while pointing out all my bad ones, why not post the ones that you say got implemented?

Also the fact that you goad me for entertainment pretty much is a confession you just like to troll me. So I'm not sure why I shouldn't hate you.

PS: I looked at the quality of life improvements you said and here's the ones I think were yours/Fishs:

[August] Trophy display order: Trophies awarded at the same time now tie-break sort order in a more intelligent and visually appealing way (from suggestion in IRC, I think).

[November] Buff bar order: This now matches the shop order. Buffs that can't be bought are placed first (from suggestion).

[November] Already-owned buffs: The purchase button is disabled for buffs you already own (from suggestion).

Not that useful but visually better stuff.

[October] Expanded showroom settings: There are now 3 showroom filtering options instead of 1: (a) Hide "too strong" (renamed from "Show only equippable"), (b) Hide "too weak", and (c) Always show uniques (from suggestion).

Actually somewhat useful I must admit. I use this a bit now to camp without having to scroll as much but I should state that Ender made it better than your general idea.

That's about all I can find.

Meanwhile here's my ideas that got implemented:

[November] Workshop save button: Moved the save button on the workshop page (and clan ranks page) to the left (from suggestion).

[December] HTTPS: The game now runs on HTTPS instead of HTTP (see discussion).

Not saying this one was my idea but I annoyed Ender the most about it I think.

[December] Headings in bot/clan profiles: These are now allowed in formatting (from suggestion).

Mal's idea but it was from my complaining in our clan forums about it lol.

Finally, there was a request last month for me to share more about what's coming up.

Ender posted Peet's thread from 55 days ago but I suggested it 65 days ago in this thread.. And probably before. I mean, I got years worth of suggestions. It's just that Ender has actually been working on the game this year is all :P

But anyway, I do this in showing that A) yours and Fishs ideas have merit and B) my and others ideas have merit too. It also feels like you two/sometimes three with Myriad like to bash me for having them though. I'm just focused on trying to help the game while you guys seem to just want me to shut up and leave. It's not a very healthy way of going about things on all our parts :/

Nosferatu [358]
2024-12-31 12:56:40 πŸ”—
[65 days ago]

Not really sure what kind of argument that is. Something useless is still useless. I just suggested a small change to make it useful. For the majority of buffs the 150% option and sometimes 200% buffs are useless. The reason the 250% Kodiak buff is worth the 113/125 trophy points is that by using ratio bots you can get most of the levels of a normal level <110 bot easily with just the 1 buff. It's actually a waste to use the lower buffs because it wastes the ratio of the bot you're attacking faster. In the case of train bots it doesn't matter which one you use though.

Regardless of the reason why, or whether usefulness is debatable, the comment itself was still an entitled one. He gave you something free, you felt you deserved more (for whatever reason), and whined about what he gave you. That is literally entitlement. No if, ands, or buts.

While I do think you try and make people think they're idiots, I never said I was an idiot. We just disagree on a lot of things and I don't care for how you argue about suggestions for the game.

Again, I don't attempt to make anyone think they're idiots. If you think that about me, then that is your issue, not mine. And I'm not fond of how you make attempts to drag this game back into the shit hole of Bots2.

I bother because I like to type and hope to make the game better :P And it's inevitable that people will make connections between bots2 and bots2 because one's a sequel to the other and some ideas from it haven't been implemented here. Every game with a sequel has that problem. Oh Diablo 2 isn't as good as 1 because x item is missing or worse, Diablo 3 isn't as good as 2 because they made a stupid auction house and ruined the game, oh Diablo 4 isn't as good because they made it an online MMO and ruined my MFings run, the list goes on. I just happen to make a lot of suggestions and some are similar to bots2. They're just ideas.

And I also bother because I hope to keep you from pushing what I believe were shit ideas in Bots2 and that you seem hell bent on cramming down the throats of the player base here. This game I don't actually view as a sequel. It's more of a reimagining of the original game in Ender's view. One I'm quite happy with.

And you and FIsh say you had a lot of suggestions implemented in the game while pointing out all my bad ones, why not post the ones that you say got implemented?

It's unnecessary to do so. People can click on the links in Ender's thread and go see where the original idea was pulled from.

But anyway, I do this in showing that A) yours and Fishs ideas have merit and B) my and others ideas have merit too. It also feels like you two/sometimes three with Myriad like to bash me for having them though. I'm just focused on trying to help the game while you guys seem to just want me to shut up and leave. It's not a very healthy way of going about things on all our parts :/

Again, Zal, we're not bashing you for having ideas. We're bashing the idea itself because we don't agree with it or like it. If you think it has merit, then defend it more than just saying we're bashing you (we're not, again, we're disliking the idea you're suggesting).

Often times that's why I just take us down the rabbit hole, rather than actually discuss with you or argue with you, as again, you bring up the same ideas over and over and we've already stated our opinions on them, over and over.

I disagree with wanting you to just leave. However, I do want you to stop taking us into long drawn out debates over you making a suggestion (not a new one, but one you just rehashed, again), someone (usually Fish, myself, or Myriad) pointing out to you we've had this talk before, and you immediately throwing a fit about how we always shit all over you and your ideas.

AlanTheTarnished [26]
2025-01-01 01:58:57 πŸ”—
[64 days ago]


nobody cares.

Smeagol [403]
2025-01-04 00:02:23 πŸ”—
[61 days ago]

This is awesome, speedbuff during weekend <3

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2025-01-04 10:24:06 πŸ”—
[61 days ago]

Maybe announce it before you just add buffs willy nilly Ender :P

ziaodix [274]
2025-01-04 18:57:37 πŸ”—
[61 days ago]

I thought he mentioned the buff weekends in the announcement post. He said he would be cycling buffs each weekend moving forward after the start of the new year.

ziaodix [274]
2025-01-04 18:59:09 πŸ”—
[61 days ago]

[December] Global buffs: Introduced a global buff system. These are time-based (as opposed to the existing quantity-based) buffs affecting all bots. To kick things off, I've enabled global double exp through New Year's Day (you can disable it like a regular buff if you want to minimize exp gain). After that, there will be a rotating global buff every weekend.

Though to be fair it didn't exactly "stand out" and could have been missed. I had to look twice to find it again.

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2025-01-05 09:53:02 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

Yeah, it was easy to miss since it was the last part of the December update in his mega thread. Plus it never said what buffs were going to happen. Since it's a new system it would've been nice to have it all in caps or as a separate announcement or maybe a schedule of what buffs will happen when each month or cycle. Like speed>exp>energy>less xp>kudos cycle.

AlanTheTarnished [26]
2025-01-05 10:59:21 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

It would be neat to get a "Next weekend is 200% shop chance" or something on the homepage.

ziaodix [276]
2025-01-05 12:50:11 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

I think giving us an idea of what the next weekend's buff would be nice. Gives us the opportunity to see if we want to utilize it.

God Malachorn [29]
2025-01-05 14:12:21 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

I know I'm often Debbie Downer with this kinda stuff... but... doesn't the FOMO nonsense of every game today kinda... suck?

Like, how does this stuff still even drive engagement?

A little bit can be cool... but WEEKLY?

There's a certain point where FOMO stops even driving engagement and just turns playerbase off completely.

Minus any personal feelings about idea... I just think weekly is a fundamentally horrible idea and would be harmful to game.

Imagine if "r@pe day" had been every Sunday? It isn't even an event, at that point... it's just a game "demanding" you never take a Sunday off from game and making you feel like you're falling too far behind if you can't always do that.

I played NBA 2K's MyTeam for awhile, thanks. FOMO-inspired attempts to increase player engagement... kinda completely sucks.

Everyone wants to feel like it's "free" and they get some benefit... but, c'mon, you know how it goes...

The game keeps giving you these "free" time-limited things via tasks or whatever that "you don't have to do" and... then you hate the game for it.

Seriously... buffs every single weekend would be terrible, imo.

Smeagol [403]
2025-01-05 14:14:28 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

I am on the oppsite side, having something to look forward too is what this game needs, more stuff like this.. yes please.

God Malachorn [29]
2025-01-05 14:32:22 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

I think everyone still tries and thinks that for some reason...

And the worst thing is... it works for awhile...

And then, invariably, you realize the game is entirely FOMO and complain about how it doesn't let you "play how you want."

Games and players actually have competing interests most of the time.

As much as I tend to hate "FOMO," I appreciate that it can be beneficial to a game in the same way that games tend to ask for some kinda revenue that is at a direct cost to its players... but, in a similar vein, you don't automatically double profits by doubling the price of a game. There's a balance that a game wants to maximize things.

So, I accept some amount of FOMO. I do. We're not really "opposites" here.

I just think every weekend is a bad idea.

Sometimes less IS more.

Smeagol [403]
2025-01-05 14:59:58 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

I don't see it as "FOMO" at all, it last for a full weekend every weekend, "FOMO" would be if it only lasted 1 hour every month. If you need to change your daily real life schedule just to play when buff is active then that is a you problem, not a game problem imo. Just play like you normally do, if buff is up.. good for you, if not.. maybe next time.

Endex [95]
2025-01-05 15:40:48 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

I can definitely see the FOMO aspect as it currently sits without us knowing what the buff is and whether or not we'll want to use it. If a heads up was given as to what the buff for the weekend was going to be, it would lessen the FOMO aspect as it might be something that we don't want to use and don't see ourselves missing it (like XP buff for scorers, etc.) But I agree there is a FOMO aspect to this system.

Smeagol [403]
2025-01-05 16:10:13 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

Give it a couple of weeks then we will know what the rotation is like, take note of what buff is this weekend and the following weekends until we are back at battle speed buff.

Endex [95]
2025-01-05 16:14:16 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

You are assuming a set rotation and not rng.

Smeagol [403]
2025-01-05 16:16:06 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

Yes, he said in his announcement that it would be rotating.

For The Brand [27]
2025-01-05 20:14:52 πŸ”—
[60 days ago]

I'm a fan of the endless speed buff for a weekend. I've never scored this much this fast but it's allowed me to do so.

I think buffs/ideas like this are good for the game.

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2025-01-06 08:29:52 πŸ”—
[59 days ago]

I think the only real downside of the weekly weekend buff is that it screws over people who play during weekdays :P Maybe we could have a Wacky Wednesday every once and awhile with some random buff just for weekday people xD

Smeagol [405]
2025-01-23 11:09:16 πŸ”—
[42 days ago]

Could make it last Friday-Monday as well, would feel better imo :)

Azeryk [95]
2025-01-23 17:35:44 πŸ”—
[42 days ago]

Friday to Sunday would be acceptable I think.

Smeagol [405]
2025-01-27 00:01:51 πŸ”—
[38 days ago]

Game feels like slow motion after a weekend with speedbuff xD

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2025-01-27 09:24:25 πŸ”—
[38 days ago]

It's way easier on the wrists though :)

Maybe I should change Tarnished's profile pic to this just because it fits. lol ;)

Forum > Suggestions > New buff
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