march 2022 clans

Bot Rankings

Clan Rankings

rank clan (id) owner members plats ratio energy energy month
59 <MiniBOSS> 1MB [120] 32 13 3.64 1,469,119 702,514 (x1.00)
38 <Alone> Aazza [120]
20 34 1.47 1,454,530 891,600 (x1.00)
108 <Abs> Absinthe [60]
20 20 0.10 333,437 216,241 (x0.73)
34 <Hotty7> Adelaide01 [115] 20 53 950.50 3,084,241 891,600 (x1.00)
162 <Clan> AdoniDex [121]
1 2 186.67 61,475 45,498 (x1.02)
16 <Modern WhorefareVIII> AP1 [115]
20 81 3,093.08 990,797 891,608 (x1.00)
94 <B00> Archie [110]
18 3 0.04 401,920 246,270 (x0.97)
18 <asdf movies> asdf20 [111] 21 77 2.32 7,223,142 891,600 (x1.00)
102 <The Assets 2> Asset 100 [76] 39 0.00 16,448,140 238,175 (x0.83)
97 <The Assets> Asset 61 [31] 44 1 0.00 19,729,598 244,650 (x0.82)
89 <The Assets 3> Asset 90 [44] 37 0.00 12,014,794 249,915 (x0.87)
37 <Asylum> AsylumDemon01 [116] 20 59 1,086.64 1,523,255 891,600 (x1.00)
40 <Advanced Whorefare> AW XX [135]
20 54 1.08 1,498,804 891,600 (x1.00)
142 <Wendys ROTB> Baconator [120] 11 2 0.00 5,352,949 127,237 (x0.78)
154 <The Golden Arches> Badabababa [65]
5 1 8.49 83,664 83,664 (x1.00)
1 <Apex> battleminion [359]
56 1499 22.88 52,822,205 6,937,135 (x8.22)
61 <Breaking Bad> BB01 [135] 20 55 1.54 679,674 679,674 (x1.00)
48 <Modern Whorefare X> big20 [67] 20 18 4.68 4,612,135 887,923 (x1.00)
80 <Modern Whorefare XI> big40 [69] 20 20 0.16 1,542,650 297,173 (x1.00)
96 <Best Clan Ever> Bite [108] 32 1 0.00 14,332,816 245,370 (x0.83)
25 <Modern Whorefare IV> blow26 [105]
20 30 1.08 4,430,007 891,600 (x1.00)
107 <Bone Town> bone1 [34] 38 0.00 367,502 218,132 (x0.94)
77 <Booms> boom01 [100]
20 25 0.35 355,067 299,856 (x1.00)
155 <BOKTOT111> BullyTazz [137] 4 3 3.89 83,962 79,854 (x0.93)
109 <Knights Templar> Burger King [82]
20 0.01 2,804,159 215,453 (x0.72)
36 <Hotty9> Candice01 [115] 20 46 119.29 1,600,819 891,600 (x1.00)
93 <Knights Temple> Captain Barfmaster [68]
17 0.15 3,430,037 247,441 (x0.98)
28 <Modern Whorefare VII> CC1 [115]
20 100 465.78 3,235,935 891,600 (x1.00)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
49 1037 331.92 132,632,329 2,475,769 (x2.78)
160 <Bang> Clay Banger [74]
1 5 94.59 7,850,781 60,776 (x1.36)
26 <Modern Whorefare V> clown20 [117]
20 23 1.92 4,629,685 891,600 (x1.00)
103 <Cone> cone3 [32] 37 0.00 595,890 236,066 (x0.80)
74 <Bird Law Boys> Cosby [199]
34 38 0.20 5,145,634 323,061 (x0.97)
68 <Cowboys> cowboys1 [155]
10 48 0.86 749,516 445,800 (x1.00)
72 <Crabby> Crab01 [100] 20 56 5,571.43 390,480 390,480 (x1.07)
87 <Krackill> Crackajack Whizbang [76] 44 0.00 16,641,756 250,769 (x0.84)
164 <Metsu> Creators Creation [250] 1 19 749.75 177,600 44,580 (x1.00)
78 <ROFLCOPTER> Curtain Rail [150] 22 10 0.72 15,537,479 297,220 (x1.00)
20 <DAS> Das02 [111]
20 75 2.77 4,168,080 891,600 (x1.00)
163 <Oh Its Dax> Daxamoon [104] 1 1.23 55,511 44,856 (x1.01)
17 <Dinks> Dinks10 [120]
20 18 0.91 1,415,400 891,600 (x1.00)
83 <DKM> DKM20 [125]
20 59 1.14 294,009 294,009 (x1.00)
57 <No Clan> Dragon Summoner [130]
22 8 0.81 34,232,407 746,463 (x1.00)
150 <Windump> EC02 [300]
26 108 0.01 172,717 96,691 (x0.33)
10 <Eco> Eco13 [72]
20 20 40.01 1,160,599 907,399 (x1.02)
45 <Eels> Eel01 [100]
20 58 2.48 1,054,800 891,600 (x1.00)
121 <Fowl Play> El Pollo Loco [136] 14 2 0.01 6,141,022 159,336 (x0.77)
75 <Emerald> Emerald I [300] 7 172 1.42 693,805 312,060 (x1.00)
47 <Hotty6> Emily01 [115] 20 60 68.98 6,161,410 890,271 (x1.00)
30 <Hotty2> Emma01 [111]
20 60 1.92 1,675,830 891,600 (x1.00)
21 <Endone> Endone21 [100]
21 54 0.92 9,073,396 891,600 (x1.00)
111 <Edge of Glory> EOG 1 [45] 20 0.00 5,543,188 210,433 (x0.71)
76 <Ephemeral> Ephemeral [100] 23 11 0.11 15,132,759 306,103 (x0.86)
159 <Nova> Erinaki [86] 2 1.81 82,984 63,344 (x1.00)
158 <Fallen> Fallen 01 [47] 7 0.00 1,208,958 63,766 (x0.61)
58 <Final fantasy> FFVI1 [100] 20 60 1.13 702,705 702,705 (x1.00)
60 <Frost> Frost01 [100] 16 33 1.06 984,481 683,971 (x1.00)
88 <Build a Snowman> Frozen01 [43]
20 0.18 250,149 250,149 (x0.93)
120 <Snowman> Frozen21 [44]
15 0.00 159,830 159,830 (x0.89)
64 <Game Of Thrones> GOH20 [135]
20 55 0.86 651,987 486,136 (x0.77)
113 <Templar Knights> Got Spanked [80] 17 11 0.02 2,804,287 200,672 (x0.79)
54 <Game 0f Thrones> GoT01 [100]
20 58 1.17 844,320 844,320 (x1.00)
62 <Peace> hope1 [304]
16 213 3.20 2,646,684 655,266 (x1.00)
112 <Lonely> Horatio [130]
2 1 21.69 209,622 209,622 (x11.52)
161 <Crapbots> Huj1 [84] 20 0.01 60,752 60,752 (x0.29)
151 <Ice> Ice01 [100]
20 58 514.00 90,170 90,170 (x1.00)
55 <IDK> IDK20 [111]
18 54 3.33 1,226,602 802,440 (x1.00)
123 <Snip3r86> Jaijai1986 [137] 3 3 18.04 151,949 151,949 (x1.58)
143 <Jerky Boys> Jerky 1 [51]
10 0.01 1,877,853 122,175 (x0.82)
128 <Joker> Joker05 [100]
5 12 0.84 227,313 145,166 (x1.00)
46 <Hotty10> Kaley01 [100] 20 60 2,016.00 1,600,840 891,575 (x1.00)
32 <Hotty4> Karen01 [111]
20 59 581.44 4,402,851 891,600 (x1.00)
6 <Silence is Golden> Kate Beckinsale [48] 44 87 20.82 87,745,333 958,720 (x1.09)
8 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 30 37 8.04 17,283,379 913,939 (x1.03)
169 <KVS> KVS 1 [62] 13 0.00 2,405,865 36,112 (x0.61)
50 <Lick> lick01 [100]
30 90 1.31 1,288,860 860,280 (x1.00)
35 <Hotty8> Lily01 [100] 20 50 241.70 2,528,178 891,600 (x1.00)
82 <Wayward Sons> Little Wayward [31] 15 10 0.30 10,108,411 296,421 (x0.86)
9 <Loafers> Loaf19 [54]
20 16 2.86 1,554,175 907,534 (x1.02)
114 <looking at others> looking at others [64]
18 3 0.01 8,229,283 198,174 (x0.74)
42 <LOTR> LoTR01 [100]
20 59 1.37 1,460,400 891,600 (x1.00)
152 <Brain> Lucster [52]
2 3 44.80 195,132 89,160 (x1.00)
165 <MalOs PalOs> MalO [133] 1 2 6.42 181,508 44,580 (x1.00)
99 <Mana> Mana VIII [79] 43 0.00 17,276,649 242,872 (x0.82)
65 <Mighty> Marratooka [100]
9 8 27.21 602,756 465,859 (x1.53)
168 <meat> Meat 1 [41] 4 0.00 524,981 39,962 (x0.67)
39 <Evap> meep [120]
20 27 1.59 1,500,460 891,600 (x1.00)
41 <Modern Family> MF01 [100]
20 58 1.15 1,366,800 891,600 (x1.00)
29 <Hotty> Mila01 [111]
20 60 1.80 1,685,762 891,600 (x1.00)
157 <Monk> Monk01 [74] 12 5 0.02 74,054 74,054 (x0.59)
92 <The Brigade> Mourning Wood [100] 28 10 0.01 11,571,197 248,392 (x0.84)
3 <dogs> Mr Green [81]
21 65 8.44 9,819,935 1,230,563 (x1.42)
104 <Roboto Industries> MrRoboto [63]
27 1 0.00 11,351,116 228,939 (x0.72)
24 <Modern Whorefare III> MW LX [105]
20 55 1.04 4,629,668 891,600 (x1.00)
23 <Modern Whorefare II> MW XL [105]
20 45 1.01 4,629,490 891,600 (x1.00)
22 <Modern Whorefare I> MW XX [105]
20 56 1.74 4,630,769 891,600 (x1.00)
5 <Escapism> Myriad [419]
37 2124 90.34 303,128,135 1,005,244 (x1.13)
98 <The Roaring 20s> Naps2 [35] 48 0.00 19,107,778 244,364 (x0.82)
106 <Negan> Negan [83] 21 0.00 9,185,765 220,071 (x0.74)
31 <Hotty3> Nina01 [111]
20 60 1.92 1,909,571 891,600 (x1.00)
11 <The Lonely Island> Nosferatu [281]
26 136 45.52 135,551,248 900,635 (x1.01)
176 <Geneva Project X> nvader8 [78]
1 2.79 20,941 20,941 (x0.96)
179 <oldie> oldie1 [101]
20 47 0.55 3,175 3,175 (x1.00)
180 <oldie2> oldie21 [101]
20 57 0.51 2,308 2,308 (x1.00)
133 <ots1> ot 1 [25]
20 0.00 135,592 135,592 (x0.58)
137 <ots6> ot 101 [25]
20 0.00 132,730 132,730 (x0.51)
138 <ots7> ot 121 [25]
20 0.00 132,120 132,120 (x0.52)
136 <ots8> ot 141 [25]
20 0.00 133,234 133,234 (x0.56)
134 <ots9> ot 161 [24]
20 0.00 135,533 135,533 (x0.58)
135 <ots10> ot 181 [25]
20 0.00 135,006 135,006 (x0.60)
129 <ots 11> ot 201 [24]
20 0.00 143,599 143,599 (x0.85)
140 <ots2> ot 21 [31] 20 0.00 186,618 131,418 (x0.44)
127 <ots 12> ot 221 [24]
19 0.00 146,315 146,315 (x0.92)
119 <ots 14> ot 241 [24]
20 0.00 161,580 161,580 (x0.98)
124 <ots15> ot 261 [24]
20 0.00 151,162 151,162 (x0.92)
126 <ots 16> ot 281 [24]
20 0.00 149,221 149,221 (x0.93)
130 <ots3> ot 41 [28] 20 0.00 196,306 141,106 (x0.47)
132 <ots4> ot 61 [27] 20 0.00 194,307 139,525 (x0.47)
131 <ots5> ot 81 [27] 20 0.00 195,186 140,406 (x0.47)
7 <Best RW Clan> OTv1 [200]
25 581 4.19 1,066,382 931,546 (x1.04)
52 <The North> Oxyk [73]
37 20 14.73 8,526,723 848,779 (x1.03)
139 <Pears> Pear01 [24] 20 0.00 131,755 131,755 (x0.83)
175 <Miraculous> PED01 [83] 18 34 0.00 678,304 22,680 (x0.08)
174 <Marvelous> PED20 [133] 10 40 0.02 113,755 23,709 (x0.16)
177 <Fabulous> PED41 [170] 6 29 0.06 46,847 15,383 (x0.17)
178 <Glorious> PED61 [225] 3 33 0.04 156,222 10,400 (x0.23)
182 <Tremendous> PED91 [300] 3 60 0.18 89,047 380 (x0.01)
95 <da best> Pirmas [106] 13 0.43 1,553,431 246,105 (x1.00)
105 <pizeland> pize [54] 21 0.04 1,238,784 223,764 (x0.75)
15 <Plans> Plan01 [101] 20 60 1.61 1,054,855 891,646 (x1.00)
44 <Potcs> PotC01 [100] 20 60 1.33 1,054,800 891,600 (x1.00)
118 <Tech Shinobi> Project Apocalypse [69]
4 1 11.83 684,780 178,320 (x1.00)
19 <Trump World> Protester [100] 20 3 1.33 9,923,417 891,600 (x1.00)
86 <B00B00> Pure One [70]
24 1 0.01 527,075 257,191 (x0.87)
81 <putkaland> putka [65]
28 0.06 652,357 296,588 (x1.00)
156 <RiggsonWHORES> RiggsonINT [142]
8 2 0.07 198,074 77,031 (x0.65)
70 <RIP> rip20 [100]
20 38 1.25 421,750 421,750 (x0.90)
53 <rix> rix21 [100]
20 20 1.01 845,520 845,520 (x1.00)
71 <Kidding> rm1 [71] 19 16 0.78 724,078 416,436 (x1.00)
101 <Temple Knight> Roger Ram Jet [33]
16 1 0.16 3,234,320 238,779 (x0.99)
66 <Torment> Samulii [38]
12 60 25.48 15,220,638 465,222 (x1.00)
4 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
48 255 5.28 199,007,061 1,012,146 (x1.16)
116 <Scarlett Alliance> Scarlett 01 [138] 29 0.00 8,505,712 184,428 (x0.66)
173 <Seckudos> seckudos [36] 3 0.00 239,587 27,206 (x0.61)
166 <LOT> Sesta Kurva [250] 1 15 52.05 114,360 44,580 (x1.00)
13 <Seventh Circle> Seventh Circle [70] 26 266 9.19 1,483,719 892,602 (x1.01)
181 <Zero> Shattered [311]
2 100 0.57 75,320 680 (x0.01)
85 <Shark Tank> sickmyducky [69] 18 12 0.33 2,708,391 267,708 (x0.90)
91 <Os1> Sidology I [107]
18 1 0.07 393,741 248,416 (x0.93)
171 <Sidstyle> Sidology II [101]
2 2 0.12 45,480 29,720 (x1.00)
49 <sis> sis01 [100]
20 50 0.93 1,194,714 878,969 (x1.00)
117 <Wash Yourself> Soap01 [59]
20 20 0.14 298,889 181,889 (x0.61)
33 <Hotty5> Sophie01 [111]
20 59 63.48 3,304,980 891,600 (x1.00)
90 <Purity> SoPure [75] 24 6 0.02 11,070,727 249,759 (x0.84)
51 <South Park> SP01 [100]
20 58 1.33 853,680 853,680 (x1.00)
145 <Outer> Space [54]
13 13 0.05 182,718 120,307 (x0.62)
147 <zone5> stone [109] 26 0.04 197,880 110,888 (x0.36)
115 <STONER TOWN> stone18 [37] 42 0.00 336,101 190,453 (x0.78)
172 <zone6> Stonelvl [246] 33 2 1.47 38,191 27,800 (x1.00)
141 <Taco Bell> Taco Bell [58]
11 10 1.54 130,536 130,536 (x1.00)
27 <Modern Whorefare VI> Testdrive20 [117]
20 91 720.39 4,629,539 891,600 (x1.00)
12 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [307] 33 145 40.92 108,351,334 893,935 (x1.01)
63 <THT> THT01 [100]
20 60 1.39 508,022 508,022 (x0.84)
43 <Thunders> Thunder01 [100] 20 58 1.07 1,273,200 891,600 (x1.00)
183 <Eternal> tifus [139] 1 3 8.61 0 0 (x0.00)
110 <Fucc Bois> Todd Bonzalez [38] 39 0.00 5,088,083 214,475 (x0.72)
14 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [374]
36 90 16.81 76,284,049 892,118 (x1.00)
167 <God Hunters> trekkia [64] 3 2 0.92 128,016 44,520 (x1.00)
100 <The Old Country> Turkey Eye [91] 35 0.00 16,182,323 241,314 (x0.81)
69 <Introvert> turtle starfish [149]
14 39 1.42 11,294,620 436,049 (x0.99)
56 <Vampires> TVD01 [100]
20 58 1.10 790,331 790,331 (x0.94)
84 <Valerious> Valerious 1 [30]
25 25 0.12 9,772,170 293,826 (x0.99)
144 <Verdant> Verdant 1 [73] 10 0.00 3,340,895 120,666 (x0.81)
170 <Winning I> WinBot IV [141]
20 0.01 33,005 31,865 (x0.71)
73 <Winning III> Winbot XLIV [31] 18 21 0.81 354,453 351,413 (x0.92)
122 <Winning II> WinBot XXIV [41] 20 0.00 162,841 155,241 (x0.52)
125 <Pussy Juices> XPX [300]
8 123 0.07 274,835 150,092 (x0.84)
79 <Modern Whorefare IX> You20 [69] 20 2 0.13 1,542,734 297,200 (x1.00)
67 <ChinkInYoChain> Zer0 [285]
16 74 5.13 458,006 458,006 (x1.00)
153 <zone4> zone101 [39] 24 0.00 2,251,515 86,037 (x0.29)
146 <zone1> zone2 [35]
40 2 0.01 326,469 112,721 (x0.34)
149 <zone2> zone46 [38] 30 0.00 1,856,536 98,258 (x0.33)
148 <zone3> zone86 [38] 31 0.00 2,942,227 98,779 (x0.33)