
This page contains all game announcements from after July 10, 2012. The legacy announcements page contains all older updates.

Congrats to Esvrainzas [352] for leading <Lusitania> to victory in the January 2025 clan competition and securing a 15th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Lusitania> Esvrainzas [352]
8,208,859 (x9.30)
2 <Tarnished> God Malachorn [29] 3,959,640 (x5.45)
3 <Mount Wario> Mr Poo [200]
2,707,473 (x3.17)
4 <Black Bulls> Asta [75] 2,318,814 (x2.68)
5 <Strung Out> Chriseps [370]
1,956,964 (x2.27)
6 <Solo Act> Malachi [150] 1,871,718 (x2.10)
7 <In Sequence> ziaodix [299] 1,700,623 (x2.74)
8 <Apex> PeeT [150]
1,322,802 (x1.50)
9 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 1,237,013 (x1.39)
10 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
1,165,454 (x1.41)

Also see:

Congrats to Esvrainzas [346] for leading <Lusitania> to victory in the December 2024 clan competition and securing a 14th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Lusitania> Esvrainzas [346]
6,493,419 (x7.39)
2 <Tarnished> Lord Malachorn [20] 4,059,755 (x5.17)
3 <Apex> PeeT [150]
3,679,192 (x4.12)
4 <Strung Out> Chriseps [368]
2,131,922 (x2.44)
5 <No Clan> Dragon Summoner [139]
1,772,813 (x2.03)
6 <Solo Act> Malachi [150] 1,718,839 (x1.93)
7 <Mount Wario> Mr Poo [200]
1,620,368 (x2.02)
8 <Murloc Cartel> Smeagol [403]
1,452,612 (x2.55)
9 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
1,299,873 (x1.54)
10 <Sin> Singin [69]
1,260,848 (x2.09)

Also see:

It's been exactly 6 months since my last patch notes post, so I figured it's about time for me to comb through my code commits to the game's repository and piece together a collection of the player-facing changes.


  • [August] Remaining energy in battle log: The remaining energy of the bot that lost energy is now shown in the battle log (from suggestion).
  • [October] Expanded showroom settings: There are now 3 showroom filtering options instead of 1: (a) Hide "too strong" (renamed from "Show only equippable"), (b) Hide "too weak", and (c) Always show uniques (from suggestion).
  • [November] Tarnished label: Introduced the tarnished label, which is retroactively applied to a clan's win if it's later discovered that a significant portion of that clan's energy was gained through cheating (see details and discussion).
  • [December] Emoji reactions: Added emoji reactions to the forum (from suggestion).
  • [December] Global buffs: Introduced a global buff system. These are time-based (as opposed to the existing quantity-based) buffs affecting all bots. To kick things off, I've enabled global double exp through New Year's Day (you can disable it like a regular buff if you want to minimize exp gain). After that, there will be a rotating global buff every weekend.


  • [December] NaN ratio sorting: Fixed an issue that caused incorrect ordering when sorting clan profiles by ratio when there are NaN bots.


  • [August] Trophy display order: Trophies awarded at the same time now tie-break sort order in a more intelligent and visually appealing way (from suggestion in IRC, I think).
  • [October] Unicode support: Emojis, etc. are now supported in forum/clan posts, bmails, and bot/clan profiles 💃 (from bug).
  • [November] Buff bar order: This now matches the shop order. Buffs that can't be bought are placed first (from suggestion).
  • [November] Buff colors: Names of buffs are now colored based on "rarity".
  • [November] Already-owned buffs: The purchase button is disabled for buffs you already own (from suggestion).
  • [November] Workshop save button: Moved the save button on the workshop page (and clan ranks page) to the left (from suggestion).
  • [November] Improved simultaneous page request performance: I eliminated a long-standing problem known as session blocking. This was particularly noticeable if you triggered a long-running page request like a documentation page load that triggers a cache refresh; while that request is running, your other windows would get stuck.
  • [November] Anti-cheat: Invested substantially into the game's anti-cheat system as a result of the November cheating in order to keep competitive aspects of the game fair.
  • [November] Locked/reset bots in HoF: After having removed these bots from the HoF in 2018 (context), they're now back (context).
  • [November] Bad word filter: To help keep the game fun, friendly, and welcoming for new players, there is now a "bad word" filter (it's fairly light, see motivation).
  • [December] HTTPS: The game now runs on HTTPS instead of HTTP (see discussion).
  • [December] Headings in bot/clan profiles: These are now allowed in formatting (from suggestion).
  • [December] Forum post links: Individual forum posts can now be linked to. Use the link icon next to the post timestamp to get the link for that post.

Finally, there was a request last month for me to share more about what's coming up. I typically don't do this because I start and stop a lot of ideas depending on how complicated they turn out to be, time, motivation, and so on, so this helps me avoid making commitments that I can't keep to. That said, as an online game player myself, I understand it's fun to get glimpses into what might be coming next. My request is to treat all of this as directional ideas, rather than committed features. I may not end up exploring them further anytime soon for many reasons. In no particular order:

  • Counting you!: It occurred to me recently that I have very poor analytics on how the game is doing day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month, retention, and so on. The online history page takes a stab at that, but in general is kind of useless given how many players often create and play and share many bots. This is still preliminary, but I did some work on clustering bots to try to get a sense of how many actual "people" are playing the game each day. I ultimately want to be able to set specific metric goals for myself to grow the game. Depending on how this turns out, I'll probably end up sharing this data and using it to get a sense of how the game is trending, growing, reacting to updates, and so on.
  • New player experience: I've talked about this one for awhile in various places, but I'd like to make the game more welcoming for new players. This covers a lot of topics, e.g. I've seen "still on HTTP" mentioned as something that was potentially scaring off new players. Other aspects include reducing barriers for entry like the need to create an account before playing (imagine a "play as guest" option). Analyzing dropoff of new players could be interesting to explore too. After improving all this, I plan to look into ways to promote the game, both paid and unpaid, with the ultimate goal of growing the size of the game's playerbase.
  • Bot management: Earlier this month, I began soliciting feedback on managing many bots. Many players have more than one bot, with some players having many, many bots. See that thread for all the fun details, but I ultimately want to make your game account here more like an MMO account from which you can manage many bots (rather than each bot having its own separate login). This would unlock a bunch of fun possibilities, but is made complicated by (a) needing to do some sort of migration from the existing system and (b) the many bot sharing use cases that don't exist for something like an MMO account. I'm thinking of this project as "big risk, big reward" - if you have ideas or feedback, please share on the thread I linked.
  • Discord server: IRC is super outdated and it's time to move to Discord. I have a basic server setup, but I've been holding off on opening it up to everyone until I (a) port over the Jane functionality to a Discord bot instead of IRC bot (need a carrot!) and (b) decide whether to block this on the bot management stuff mentioned above. I'd like the Discord server to have a deep integration with the game where you can link your bot (hopefully "account") with your Discord account. If the game's account structure is going to change, I should probably get that done first. But if that's going to take awhile, then maybe it's not worth waiting for. This is what I'm figuring out.
  • High-level content: A couple aspects about high-level bots have been discussed on the forums recently. I believe the main ones were (a) new exp drop(s) which would retroactively apply to bots above a certain level and (b) new equipment. Both of these require carefully running a bunch of numbers to ensure balance, so it's a bit of a slow process. It's a bit of a niche feature since most players are lower level, but I still think having high-level content is important and fun (I did, after all, build Project X in the bots2 days). This is something I'll keep poking at.
  • Clan competition: I've noticed the game is at it's best and most active when the clan competition heats up. I want to help facilitate more ways to make this happen, whether that's lowering the barriers to compete, having more ways to compete, or making competitions more interesting or even rewarding (being careful with balance to avoid a cycle where the top clan can too easily hold its position). I have some rough ideas for this that I need to kick around more, but for now I just wanted to share that this is something I'm thinking about and recognize it as something that's important for the lifeblood of the game.

Finally, if you have ideas for the game, there's never been a better time than today to post about them in the suggestions sub-forum. I read every post there (though I may not reply, see my recent post about what to expect when posting a suggestion). Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Congrats to Myriad [428] for leading <Lusitania> to victory in the November 2024 clan competition and securing a 10th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Lusitania> Myriad [428]
12,975,159 (x15.76)
2 <Apex> PeeT [150]
12,357,771 (x14.74)
3 <The Third Way> The Third Way [99] 1,824,892 (x3.00)
4 <Mount Wario> Mr Poo [200]
1,735,770 (x2.13)
5 <Solo Act> Malachi [150] 1,633,531 (x1.91)
6 <Taekwondo> TkD00 [100]
1,007,976 (x1.22)
7 <House of Batiatus> Seppius [162]
1,007,324 (x1.18)
8 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
965,327 (x1.13)
9 <The drunken Clam> PeeT2 [358]
955,773 (x2.54)
10 <Endone> Endone21 [100]
950,253 (x1.10)

Also see:

Update: This win is TARNISHED (see details).

Congrats to Storm of Memories [150] for leading <Lusitania> to victory in the October 2024 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Lusitania> Storm of Memories [150] 17,477,342 (x21.87)
2 <Mount Wario> Mr Poo [200]
2,587,222 (x3.67)
3 <Apex> Gpof [100]
2,432,225 (x2.81)
4 <Taekwondo> TkD00 [100]
1,040,692 (x1.17)
5 <Msps 02> msp00 [125]
1,028,217 (x1.15)
6 <House of Batiatus> Seppius [162]
1,025,871 (x1.15)
7 <The Third Way> The Third Way [55] 1,005,600 (x9.75)
8 <Endone> Endone21 [100]
1,004,800 (x1.13)
9 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
990,287 (x1.22)
10 <The North> Oxyk [78]
978,066 (x1.15)

Also see:

Congrats to Gpof [100] for leading <Apex> to victory in the September 2024 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Gpof [100]
15,206,586 (x18.23)
2 <Lusitania> Storm of Memories [150] 7,590,139 (x8.85)
3 <The North> Oxyk [78]
1,174,846 (x1.43)
4 <Mount Wario> LOMU [296]
1,164,159 (x1.41)
5 <Taekwondo> TkD00 [100]
1,057,225 (x1.27)
6 <Solo Act> Malachi [150] 978,345 (x1.13)
7 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
973,728 (x1.16)
8 <Endone> Endone21 [100]
971,848 (x1.12)
9 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [350] 955,591 (x1.11)
10 <Keysmash> asdf01 [111] 897,871 (x1.04)

Also see:

Congrats to Scabara [80] for leading <Lusitania> to victory in the August 2024 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Lusitania> Scabara [80]
13,247,739 (x15.66)
2 <Apex> Zach01 [382]
10,443,754 (x11.96)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [350] 1,246,955 (x1.40)
4 <Solo Act> Nosferatu [337] 1,073,194 (x1.20)
5 <Insane inda Membrane> winmau15 [110]
1,061,839 (x1.19)
6 <The North> Oxyk [77]
1,044,168 (x1.24)
7 <Alternate History> Grave [61] 1,017,764 (x1.14)
8 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,010,614 (x1.14)
9 <Mount Wario> LOMU [290]
988,505 (x1.11)
10 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
980,888 (x1.20)

Also see:

Congrats to Mojo [130] for leading <Lusitania> to victory in the July 2024 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Lusitania> Mojo [130]
8,573,375 (x10.63)
2 <Apex> Off [41]
6,186,400 (x7.17)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [350] 1,500,597 (x1.68)
4 <Sin> slater2 [121] 1,202,824 (x2.19)
5 <Mount Wario> LOMU [288]
1,136,446 (x1.27)
6 <Solo Act> Nosferatu [332] 1,101,355 (x1.23)
7 <The North> Oxyk [77]
1,083,824 (x1.29)
8 <Periodic Table> Evaporating [32] 1,073,593 (x1.20)
9 <Vulpes> Vulpes [32] 1,071,716 (x1.20)
10 <Alternate History> Judgement [34] 1,059,203 (x1.20)

Also see:

Congrats to Off [41] for leading <Apex> to victory in the June 2024 clan competition and securing a 4th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Off [41]
9,370,091 (x11.39)
2 <Lusitania> Esvrainzas [301]
5,152,326 (x6.29)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [350] 1,481,492 (x1.73)
4 <Modern Family> MF20 [100]
1,198,197 (x1.39)
5 <Mount Wario> LOMU [280]
1,127,517 (x1.30)
6 <Manchester Orchestra> Simple Math [28] 1,106,289 (x2.81)
7 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 965,853 (x1.12)
8 <Endone> Endone22 [100]
947,199 (x1.10)
9 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
893,672 (x1.03)
10 <Solo Act> Nosferatu [326] 889,492 (x1.03)

Also see:

If you've been reading the Bugs subforum over the past couple weeks, you're probably already aware of a good number of these changes. Here's a complete list of everything that's changed since June 14:

Quality-of-life improvements:

  • Fight list loading speed: The number of bots shown on the fight list page is now capped to improve loading times. For a given level, the 500 most recently-active bots are shown, as well as any clanned bot. Long-term, I'd like to eventually bring back the full list, but with proper filtering and searching (and perhaps pagination) so that the list size is always manageable.
  • Workshop stat bulk spend: To make it faster to spend higher numbers of stat points in the workshop, +5 and +10 buttons now appear in the workshop if you have at least that many unspent points.
  • Header card stat freshness: Stats in the header card (level, exp, kudos, wins, losses, monthly energy) now reflect the outcome of the current battle, rather than needing to go to another page to see updates.

Bug fixes:

  • Clan name already taken: When trying to create a clan with a name that's already in use, a proper error is now shown (thread).
  • Bot still battling: Fixed an edge case where the game would sometimes mistakenly think your bot is still battling when using speed buffs (Hastened Adventure in particular) (thread).
  • Showroom countdown accuracy: The showroom countdown timer should be more accurate now. Instead of decreasing by 1 every second, it now continuously recalculates the remaining time, which will be accurate even if Javascript execution gets delayed (this was reported to be happening in Safari sometimes).
  • Email links: Email links for email verification, email cancelation, and viewing all bots associated with an email now require a second click on the game website to trigger their action. This is to avoid cases where the action was accidentally being triggered by something else, e.g. Outlook has a preview feature that does this.
  • 136 year club: Bots should no longer end up with a played time of 136+ years (thread).
  • Global played time: The global played time on the documentation page is fixed (thread).

Minor tweaks:

  • Old HoF pages: A warning is now shown on very old (August 2011 and earlier) Hall of Fame pages about bots being capped at level 114 (thread).
  • Header card alignment: The exp and kudos bars in the header are now centered when the header card grows to show more buffs than fit by default (thread).
  • Insurance text: Updated the insurance salesman text slightly. The text no longer implies a question of buying a policy if there are none you can afford.
  • Infinite kudos glitch: Bots will no longer give 1 kudos to the winner when they actually have 0 (thread).

Bots Unauthorized:

  • Safari build calc support: The build calculator should now work properly in Safari (previously, equiping an item in one slot would sometimes mistakenly equip in a different slot).

Congrats to Esvrainzas [300] for leading <Lusitania> to victory in the May 2024 clan competition and securing a 13th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Lusitania> Esvrainzas [300]
22,222,221 (x25.12)
2 <Apex> Tucks I [132] 8,740,228 (x10.17)
3 <Mount Wario> Mr Poo [200]
1,088,099 (x1.22)
4 <Silence is Golden> Maleficent [227]
961,908 (x1.11)
5 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 946,750 (x1.07)
6 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
926,512 (x1.04)
7 <The North> Oxyk [76]
925,551 (x1.10)
8 <Ophidian> Oph1 [100] 906,854 (x1.02)
9 <Zals Castle> MrZal2 [100] 905,186 (x1.01)
10 <OP Bots4> Luthrinator [130]
905,125 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to Zach01 [382] for leading <Apex> to victory in the April 2024 clan competition and securing a 5th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Zach01 [382]
20,215,259 (x23.49)
2 <Lusitania> Esvrainzas [300]
15,317,472 (x17.85)
3 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 1,436,371 (x1.68)
4 <Mount Wario> Mr Poo [200]
1,177,601 (x1.38)
5 <Zals Castle> MrZal2 [100] 1,002,027 (x1.17)
6 <Silence is Golden> Maleficent [227]
945,984 (x1.12)
7 <Liliana> Liliana1 [56] 924,329 (x1.07)
8 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
907,898 (x1.05)
9 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [350] 900,641 (x1.04)
10 <Bacteria> Bac1 [100] 870,077 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to Off [37] for leading <Apex> to victory in the March 2024 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Off [37]
7,015,891 (x8.89)
2 <Lusitania> Esvrainzas [300]
3,942,217 (x4.81)
3 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 1,880,832 (x2.15)
4 <OP Bots4> Luthrin [43]
1,605,666 (x1.80)
5 <Manchester Orchestra> Simple Math [28] 1,543,882 (x2.53)
6 <Anor Londo> Pontiff Sulyvahn [62]
1,516,361 (x2.08)
7 <Mount Wario> Mr Poo [200]
1,310,670 (x1.48)
8 <Strung Out> Chriseps [364]
1,296,807 (x1.51)
9 <Silence is Golden> Maleficent [227]
1,147,412 (x1.32)
10 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
1,072,974 (x1.22)

Also see:

Congrats to Bitch Pudding [45] for leading <Apex> to victory in the February 2024 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Bitch Pudding [45]
7,920,093 (x9.81)
2 <Lusitania> Esvrainzas [300]
4,212,510 (x5.12)
3 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 4,030,119 (x5.06)
4 <Mount Wario> Mr Poo [200]
1,074,804 (x1.30)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
970,473 (x1.19)
6 <OP Bots4> Luthrin [41]
959,686 (x1.20)
7 <Silence is Golden> Maleficent [227]
941,799 (x1.14)
8 <Endone> Endone21 [100]
922,709 (x1.10)
9 <Sosaria> UO21 [115] 882,865 (x1.06)
10 <Solo Act> Nosferatu [296] 874,475 (x1.05)

Also see:

Posted by Ender on Monday, February 5, 2024, 6:07:25 pm (ET)

tl;dr: Custom logo uploads are now fixed. If you have 9+ stars, head to workshop settings where you can upload. Read on for technical details if you're curious, as well as an opportunity to earn free stars.

Until today, the way custom logo uploads worked is that you had to upload them to Imgur, then share the Imgur URL with the game. At that point, the game server would then download the logo from Imgur, save it on the game server, and associate it with your bot. The main reason for this convoluted workflow was security. Allowing file uploads to a server comes with a lot of potential problems, as outlined in this article about Unrestricted File Upload. Steps must be taken to ensure that what gets uploaded doesn't result in a malicious actor being able to do something they shouldn't be able to do. To get the benefit of a major platform's built-in security mechanisms instead of rollling my own, I made the decision back in April 2011 when I added profile photos[*] to outsource upload security to Imgur. This was a bit of a hack, but it worked for awhile.

Fast forward to 2023. For some reason, last year Imgur blocked the game server, so the "game server would then download the logo from Imgur" step described above stopped working. In researching this, my best guess is that this is related to policy changes by Imgur in the kinds of content they allow on their platform. As a result of that announcement, people started building scrapers to save the Imgur content that was soon going to be deleted. And in response to this, Imgur seems to have wholesale blocked entire VPS providers (like Linode, which is what I use) which people would use to host the scrapers. In other words, our tiny use case of downloading a few kilobytes a ~week got mixed into the bigger problem.

To fix this, I decided to make the jump and finally allow direct file uploads for the first time ever in the game's existence. I've put in protections to make this safe, but web security is notoriously tricky, so here is where the bug bounty comes in. Please try to discover vulnerabilities. In accordance with the game's responsible disclosure policy, I will award stars to reporters based on issue severity. If you're reading this and happen to be someone very knowledgable of pentesting but that doesn't have access to a bot with 9+ stars for testing, bmail me your credentials or LinkedIn or something and I'll temp some of my stars to you. And of course, if you do discover a problem, please don't take advantage of it or cause problems for other players. I hope no one finds anything, but I (and I'm sure others) will be very grateful if you do. Happy hunting!

[*] You might notice that bot/clan profile photos still go through an Imgur workflow. It's always been slightly different than the custom logo workflow though in that the file doesn't get downloaded to the game server, it gets read live from Imgur everytime you visit a bot/clan profile (well, not counting browser caching). I did logos differently because there'd be potentially many of them rendering on a single page and I didn't want that many requests from players going to Imgur in case it led to problems. Whether that was a real issue to be worried about or not is unclear, but that's why it is the way it is. Now that custom logo direct uploads are supported, I plan to eventually do the same with bot/clan profile photos, but that will be more work because I'll need to do a one-time download of a bunch of all the existing Imgur files the game points at, so it's low priority.

Congrats to PeeT [150] for leading <Apex> to victory in the January 2024 clan competition and securing a 8th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> PeeT [150]
11,556,724 (x13.25)
2 <Lusitania> Esvrainzas [300]
8,724,888 (x10.07)
3 <OP Bots4> Luthrin [41]
1,224,472 (x1.38)
4 <Mount Wario> LOMU [270]
1,186,124 (x1.37)
5 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 1,173,789 (x1.32)
6 <Silence is Golden> Silence is Golden [44]
1,115,485 (x1.29)
7 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
1,048,201 (x1.17)
8 <Endone> Endone21 [100]
1,003,960 (x1.12)
9 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
991,902 (x1.23)
10 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [349] 966,233 (x1.10)

Also see:

Congrats to NBA XXVII [133] for leading <Apex> to victory in the December 2023 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> NBA XXVII [133] 7,951,833 (x9.61)
2 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
2,088,081 (x2.37)
3 <Mount Wario> LOMU [270]
2,058,669 (x2.34)
4 <Strung Out> Chriseps [355]
1,465,977 (x1.66)
5 <Lusitania> Esvrainzas [300]
1,418,627 (x1.68)
6 <Silence is Golden> Silence is Golden [44]
1,223,612 (x1.41)
7 <OP Bots4> Luthrin [41]
1,172,651 (x1.31)
8 <Manchester Orchestra> Simple Math [26] 1,119,644 (x2.89)
9 <Torment> Samulii [38]
1,097,430 (x1.41)
10 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
1,059,016 (x1.19)

Also see:

Posted by Ender on Wednesday, December 27, 2023, 7:59:40 pm (ET)

A small quality-of-life improvement to close out 2023: When viewing the fight list page, if the bot is at its attack limit for the day, then its row will have a red background. The fight links are also removed for these rows. This is effectively the same way bots in your own clan get treated (except this is red instead of green).

Various flavors of this idea have been suggested over the years (and it came up in the big What do you want to see done for the game? thread earlier this year), but often as part of a larger change to the overall page that would add more robust sorting/filtering options for the table (which is still on the list for the future - I know that page has gotten unwieldy for some levels). Thanks to Asmodeus for the latest and simplest flavor of this suggestion.

Happy new year and see you in 2024!

Hey everyone, I'll be taking off to travel for most of December in a couple days, so I wanted to give an update on game stuff before I head out. I'll still have my laptop in case the server catches fire. :)

I've chatted with some of you on IRC (soon^TM to be Discord) about this, but game activity has spiked way up starting in October and then really taking off in November. Depending on how you measure things (online bots, 1-day actives, pageviews, etc.), I'd estimate the game is anywhere from 4-10x more active in the past couple months than earlier this year. This is really cool to see!

To celebrate the increase activity and the holiday season, I've just enabled 2 things:

  • 500 Hastened Adventure buff - All bots that have been logged into since the start of November have been granted 500 battles worth of the Hastened Adventure buff, which grants 10,000% battle speed.
  • Double showroom chances - The probability of all items appearing has been temporary doubled. So if something had a 25% chance of showing up, it now has a 50% chance each showroom restock. I'll revert this in a month or so.

I also wanted to mention a few things that are on my radar:

  • Custom logo upload bug - I've seen some reports that the Imgur workflow for uploading custom logos isn't working in some cases. I'll dig into this when I'm back.
  • Email verification bug - I've seen some reports that various email-related functions (verification, view all bots, etc.) are sometimes not working. I'll dig into this when I'm back.
  • Bmail backlog - I'm still pretty behind on my inbox. For those of you still waiting for replies, I'm sorry and will try to catch up when I'm back.

Lastly, I wanted to share a brief development update. Earlier this year I asked everyone: What do you want to see done for the game? In typical Ender fashion, progress has been slower than I'm sure anyone has wanted, but I wanted to share that there has been stuff going on behind the scenes. Below is a chart showing the number of "commits" to the game's codebase per month for every month I've worked on the game since I started in August 2010, over 13 years ago. A "commit" isn't a great way of measuring progress (e.g. the original tournament update was a single massive commit), but it does give some indication of general activity. So the part I want to highlight is mid-2023 where I returned to 2010-2015 levels of activity for the first time since then. Not much of this work has been visible to players, but it has modernized some really old stuff and laid the groundwork for what I hope are fun updates in 2024.

Until then, good luck to everyone in the December clan race and happy holidays!

(click chart to expand)

Congrats to Zach01 [354] for leading <Apex> to victory in the November 2023 clan competition and securing a 4th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Zach01 [354]
10,035,930 (x12.44)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [352]
7,523,647 (x8.84)
3 <Mount Wario> LOMU [270]
1,391,333 (x1.61)
4 <The Avengers> Esvrainzas [300]
1,307,786 (x1.51)
5 <Silence is Golden> Silence is Golden [44]
1,028,280 (x1.26)
6 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
982,428 (x1.23)
7 <Halo> Juv0 [130]
964,679 (x1.13)
8 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 938,456 (x1.12)
9 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
936,034 (x1.08)
10 <Endone> Endone21 [100]
924,190 (x1.07)

Also see:

Congrats to Zach01 [315] for leading <Apex> to victory in the October 2023 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Zach01 [315]
5,829,127 (x7.43)
2 <Chainsaw Man> Silencio [28]
3,418,758 (x3.92)
3 <Mount Wario> LOMU [267]
1,618,809 (x1.88)
4 <Halo> Juv0 [130]
1,399,229 (x1.63)
5 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,003,731 (x1.12)
6 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
963,261 (x1.08)
7 <Silence is Golden> Maleficent [227]
955,335 (x1.10)
8 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
953,221 (x1.12)
9 <No Clan> Dragon Summoner [130]
944,532 (x1.06)
10 <The North> Oxyk [76]
913,412 (x1.02)

Also see:

Congrats to Off [30] for leading <Apex> to victory in the September 2023 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Off [30]
3,048,853 (x3.66)
2 <Mount Wario> LOMU [266]
1,584,690 (x1.84)
3 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 1,522,193 (x3.56)
4 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,263,741 (x1.52)
5 <The North> Oxyk [76]
1,238,086 (x1.45)
6 <Silence is Golden> Avrelivs Caesar [44] 1,161,100 (x1.42)
7 <Halo> Juv0 [115]
1,026,858 (x1.19)
8 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
922,100 (x1.07)
9 <No Clan> Dragon Summoner [130]
916,429 (x1.06)
10 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [345] 898,524 (x1.04)

Also see:

Congrats to Anna Villani [34] for leading <Apex> to victory in the August 2023 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Anna Villani [34]
2,830,145 (x3.34)
2 <Mount Wario> LOMU [265]
1,360,701 (x1.61)
3 <The North> Oxyk [75]
1,182,287 (x1.37)
4 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
1,050,387 (x1.18)
5 <No Clan> Dragon Summoner [130]
1,037,364 (x1.16)
6 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
1,001,817 (x1.15)
7 <Calibration> Bandit [203]
928,175 (x1.05)
8 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 922,893 (x1.03)
9 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [345] 911,265 (x1.02)
10 <Silence is Golden> Grotteska [243]
909,167 (x1.07)

Also see:

Congrats to Zizu [382] for leading <Apex> to victory in the July 2023 clan competition and securing a 6th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Zizu [382]
3,341,205 (x4.12)
2 <No Clan> Dragon Summoner [130]
2,736,987 (x4.20)
3 <Mount Wario> Mr Poo [90]
1,924,145 (x2.31)
4 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,838,895 (x2.08)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
984,790 (x1.11)
6 <Silence is Golden> Grotteska [243]
944,051 (x1.10)
7 <Strung Out> Chriseps [350]
907,910 (x1.02)
8 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [344] 892,561 (x1.01)
9 <Hotty8> Lily01 [100] 891,607 (x1.00)
10 <Hotty6> Emily01 [115] 891,600 (x1.00)

Also see:

Posted by Ender on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, 1:04:46 am (ET)

At long last, clan rank colors can be customized!

There's not much more to say about this one. The same picker that appears in the workshop now appears on the clan permission matrix page, which clan owners can use to modify clan rank colors.

"Fun" fact: This has been a TODO ever since clans first launched during closed beta. Looking back at the legacy announcements page, that was 2011-02-25. Better 4,520 days late than never...? :\

In addition to the main change, a few other small things changed:

  • Color picker upgrade: The buttons for changing colors are bigger and easier to see, as is the selected color. Buttons get disabled when you reach the top/bottom ends of allowed colors. Rapid clicking will no longer trigger double-click browser text selection. This applies to both the workshop color picker and clan ranks color pickers.
  • Clan owner permission clarity: It's always been the case that the permission matrix row for the clan owner rank cannot be modified (other than the name, and now the color). For instance, you couldn't remove "kick" permission for the clan owner. However, the form didn't make this clear - the fields were modifiable (which maybe even looked a little scary). These checkboxes are now disabled on the clientside to match the serverside behavior.
  • Clan non-owner permission clarity: Non-owner clan members now see a warning popup on the permission matrix page informing them they have read-only access, just to make things a little more clear.
  • Allowed colors bugfix: Speaking of serverside and clientside differences, I noticed while working on these changes that the serverside was more permissive (allows down to #222222) than clientside (allows down to #444444). This means that a clever player could actually get their username to basically disappear if they were to bypass the clientside check. I didn't query the database to determine whether anyone has actually done this, but in any case, #444444 is now enforced serverside too.
  • Default clan rank color changes: I debated whether to even include this one, but in the interest of being complete, I changed the default clan rank colors to be within the color pickers bounds (i.e. greater than #444444). In practice, the changes are impercetible (e.g. #00ff00 -> #44ff44 ...see? you can't tell!)

P.S. Repeating disclaimer: There are more updates to come, so if this one doesn't excite you, hang tight. I know a bunch of different ideas have been brought up in the What do you want to see done for the game? thread (if you haven't shared your own perspective there yet and want to help shape the game's future, go ahead and do so!) and I know that everyone has different opinions on what order they should be worked on in. Rather than try to bundle up changes into larger updates, I'm currently planning to post user-facing ones as they're completed so that new stuff goes out sooner.

Posted by Ender on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, 11:34:51 pm (ET)

Previously, automatic clan treasury donations only activated if your bot had explicitly enabled a >0% donation percentage in the workshop.

Now, regardless of this setting, any excess kudos (i.e. kudos beyond the game cap of 5,000,000) will be automatically donated to your clan if you are in one and there is room in the treasury for more kudos.

Note that just like before, this calculation all happens before auto-repairs. Let me know if this now results in any oddities or even just annoyances that come up as a result of this. I think ideally auto-repairs should have come before automatic clan donations, but this is slightly non-trivial to rework and I'd rather punt on this for now if it's not a major issue.

Thanks to Myriad for the original suggestion way back when, as well as for bringing it up again last month.

P.S. Disclaimer: There are more updates to come, so if this one doesn't excite you, hang tight. I know a bunch of different ideas have been brought up in the What do you want to see done for the game? thread (if you haven't shared your own perspective there yet and want to help shape the game's future, go ahead and do so!) and I know that everyone has different opinions on what order they should be worked on in. Rather than try to bundle up changes into larger updates, I'm currently planning to post user-facing ones as they're completed so that new stuff goes out sooner.

Congrats to PeeT [150] for leading <Apex> to victory in the June 2023 clan competition and securing a 7th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> PeeT [150]
2,521,970 (x2.98)
2 <Mount Wario> LOMU [264]
2,315,868 (x2.68)
3 <Silence is Golden> Grotteska [243]
1,609,711 (x1.96)
4 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,440,821 (x1.73)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
1,176,982 (x1.36)
6 <Halo> Juv0 [115]
945,203 (x1.09)
7 <Strung Out> Chriseps [349]
903,261 (x1.05)
8 <No Clan> Dragon Summoner [130]
898,151 (x1.08)
9 <Escapism> Myriad [424]
896,928 (x1.04)
10 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [342] 870,237 (x1.01)

Also see:

Posted by Ender on Thursday, June 1, 2023, 7:10:38 pm (ET)

tl;dr: Give me ideas to work on!

Hello! As some of you may have noticed, I've been around a bit these past few weeks, chatting with some of you on IRC, etc. That's a result of me having (finally) taken care of a few small problems that were preventing me from working on the game.

In case you're curious/interested about the background: It started when I relocated for ~8 months during Covid. I didn't bring my desktop, but I bought a cheap laptop and did some small game development things on that. Not a lot though (obviously). Then I returned home, but I was still working remotely and got tired of swapping cables to switch between my work computer and personal desktop, so my desktop (which is my main development machine) stayed offline for a long time. Fast forward to a month or two ago. I bought a KVM (these devices are amazing if you have multiple computers), dusted off my desktop, applied new thermal paste to its CPU, updated its very-outdated operating system, and started finally poking at the game again. My first order of business was to do various infrastructure upgrades. We're now on PHP 8.2 and many of the various libraries/utilities that the game depends on have been upgraded to latest versions as well so that the game remains stable and fast (brag: I find the speed of everything in the game remarkable compared to the sluggish bloat I feel on many other more "modern" sites). The upshot is that all this behind-the-scenes modernization makes it much easier to do future development work.

That brings us to today. Now for the fun part! I'm looking to get back into actual feature development a bit. My track record isn't great and I know things have been slower in recent years, so I'm hesitant to make any big promises, but...hear me out:

What do you want done? I have some time off from work next week and want to spend a chunk of it on the game. I don't play this game and am not plugged into the day-to-day anymore, so I want to hear from all of you. Feel free to suggest stuff or +1 other people's ideas. You're the best people to know what's going to make you enjoy the game more, what you find annoying, what you always wish had been done, etc. And don't worry too much about whether something is going to be hard to build - I'd like to understand what people really want first. After that, I can think about the cost tradeoffs of building stuff. Of course though, smaller stuff is more likely to get done sooner.

I'll kick this thread off with my own ideas, but treat these as just a starting point for you to suggest your own:

  • Move the game onto HTTPS so that you stop getting browser warnings
  • Fix PayPal integration so that you don't have to wait for me to give purchased stars
  • Revamp the designed-in-2010 UI to take advantage of typical monitor resolutions in 2023 (probably wider UI + bigger font...I find myself using 125% browser zoom on here)
  • Move chat from IRC to Discord
  • Change account structure so that you can manage a fleet of bots from a single login
  • Daily quests, weekly events, etc.
  • Promote the game more and optimize for new player stickiness/retention
  • Train an LLM (a la ChatGPT/Bard) using forum data and do something fun with it
  • Anything that was never implemented that you'd like done?
  • Anything that's broken that you'd like fixed?
  • Anything to improve mobile support? (maybe even an app one day?)
  • Anything else at all?

Congrats to PeeT [150] for leading <Apex> to victory in the May 2023 clan competition and securing a 6th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> PeeT [150]
3,132,289 (x3.69)
2 <Mount Wario> LOMU [253]
1,707,374 (x1.99)
3 <Halo> Juv0 [115]
1,475,278 (x1.80)
4 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
1,241,834 (x1.39)
5 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,126,882 (x1.26)
6 <Strung Out> Chriseps [349]
988,811 (x1.11)
7 <Escapism> Myriad [423]
910,471 (x1.02)
8 <Silence is Golden> Kate Beckinsale [49] 903,471 (x1.08)
9 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [341] 902,730 (x1.02)
10 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
900,658 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to Sinister Shadows [392] for leading <Apex> to victory in the April 2023 clan competition and securing a 4th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Sinister Shadows [392]
2,870,420 (x3.36)
2 <Mount Wario> LOMU [250]
1,263,965 (x1.56)
3 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,223,658 (x1.42)
4 <Halo> Juv0 [115]
1,083,375 (x1.30)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
1,042,857 (x1.21)
6 <Strung Out> Chriseps [349]
974,094 (x1.13)
7 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
943,157 (x1.09)
8 <Escapism> Myriad [423]
880,247 (x1.02)
9 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 868,959 (x1.01)
10 <Trump World> Protester [100] 866,280 (x1.00)

Also see:

Congrats to Sinister Shadows [392] for leading <Apex> to victory in the March 2023 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Sinister Shadows [392]
3,611,765 (x4.36)
2 <Mount Wario> LOMU [236]
3,500,015 (x3.98)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
1,407,802 (x1.58)
4 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [338] 1,370,133 (x1.54)
5 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,349,424 (x1.51)
6 <Real Fighters> Kyle100 [125] 1,076,942 (x1.79)
7 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 912,762 (x1.03)
8 <Trump World> Protester [100] 911,743 (x1.02)
9 <Escapism> Myriad [423]
909,057 (x1.02)
10 <Strung Out> Chriseps [346]
903,476 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to PeeT [150] for leading <Apex> to victory in the February 2023 clan competition and securing a 5th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> PeeT [150]
2,929,923 (x3.76)
2 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,552,576 (x2.01)
3 <Mount Wario> LOMU [195]
1,181,975 (x1.47)
4 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
1,149,141 (x1.43)
5 <Strung Out> Chriseps [346]
972,147 (x1.21)
6 <Real Fighters> Kyle100 [125] 852,031 (x3.88)
7 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [335] 833,327 (x1.03)
8 <Best RW Clan> farmalot3 [65]
830,845 (x1.03)
9 <Escapism> Myriad [423]
826,234 (x1.02)
10 <Trump World> Protester [100] 824,346 (x1.02)

Also see:

Congrats to Zizu [361] for leading <Apex> to victory in the January 2023 clan competition and securing a 5th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Zizu [361]
3,539,189 (x3.99)
2 <Mount Wario> LOMU [190]
1,840,740 (x2.28)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [331] 1,543,932 (x1.74)
4 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 1,309,167 (x1.47)
5 <Strung Out> Chriseps [345]
1,152,584 (x1.30)
6 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
994,102 (x1.12)
7 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 960,395 (x1.08)
8 <Escapism> Myriad [423]
904,611 (x1.02)
9 <The Lonely Island> Nosferatu [281]
893,040 (x1.00)
10 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 890,966 (x1.00)

Also see:

Congrats to Sinister Shadows [392] for leading <Apex> to victory in the December 2022 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Sinister Shadows [392]
3,695,939 (x4.24)
2 <Mount Wario> RUPENI [50] 2,760,851 (x3.33)
3 <Chainsaw Man> Chainsaw Man [75] 1,674,418 (x1.89)
4 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [331] 1,449,894 (x1.64)
5 <Strung Out> Chriseps [342]
1,093,158 (x1.22)
6 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
1,027,296 (x1.15)
7 <Silence is Golden> Goddess Ana [20]
932,352 (x1.11)
8 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 932,297 (x1.05)
9 <Escapism> Myriad [422]
903,252 (x1.01)
10 <Halo> Juv0 [115]
902,017 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to PeeT [150] for leading <Apex> to victory in the November 2022 clan competition and securing a 4th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> PeeT [150]
9,236,523 (x10.88)
2 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [325] 2,849,124 (x3.30)
3 <Strung Out> Chriseps [333]
1,513,007 (x1.75)
4 <Mount Wario> LOMU [126] 1,227,801 (x2.75)
5 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
1,208,837 (x1.51)
6 <Silence is Golden> Joi [175] 1,134,918 (x1.48)
7 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [342]
1,118,984 (x1.29)
8 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,071,448 (x1.25)
9 <Escapism> Myriad [422]
933,807 (x1.08)
10 <Chainsaw Man> Splatoon1 [75] 920,516 (x1.07)

Also see:

Congrats to Sinister Shadows [391] for leading <Apex> to victory in the October 2022 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Sinister Shadows [391]
4,833,165 (x5.89)
2 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [320] 2,257,832 (x2.55)
3 <Strung Out> Chriseps [293]
1,991,940 (x2.31)
4 <Halo> Juv0 [115]
1,264,490 (x1.42)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
1,209,895 (x1.36)
6 <Silence is Golden> Kate Beckinsale [48] 1,010,859 (x1.18)
7 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
1,006,632 (x1.19)
8 <The North> Oxyk [74]
924,063 (x1.04)
9 <Escapism> Myriad [422]
913,775 (x1.02)
10 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 894,618 (x1.00)

Also see:

Congrats to Zizu [130] for leading <Apex> to victory in the September 2022 clan competition and securing a 4th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Zizu [130]
3,949,031 (x4.57)
2 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [316] 1,759,048 (x2.04)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
1,166,763 (x1.35)
4 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
1,038,856 (x1.20)
5 <Dwarf Gang> Smeagol [296]
1,007,012 (x2.62)
6 <Silence is Golden> Kate Beckinsale [48] 921,006 (x1.09)
7 <Halo> Juv0 [72]
917,692 (x1.08)
8 <Escapism> Myriad [421]
873,367 (x1.01)
9 <The North> Oxyk [74]
868,975 (x1.03)
10 <The Hunger Games> THG19 [100] 864,956 (x1.00)

Also see:

Congrats to PeeT [150] for leading <Apex> to victory in the August 2022 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> PeeT [150]
4,793,962 (x5.72)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
3,744,588 (x4.43)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
1,621,405 (x1.82)
4 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [312] 1,379,996 (x1.56)
5 <Halo> Juv0 [72]
962,988 (x1.12)
6 <The North> Oxyk [74]
921,694 (x1.06)
7 <Hotty5> Sophie01 [111]
911,064 (x1.02)
8 <Escapism> Myriad [421]
905,600 (x1.01)
9 <Silence is Golden> Kate Beckinsale [48] 902,145 (x1.03)
10 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 893,781 (x1.00)

Also see:

Congrats to Zizu [130] for leading <Apex> to victory in the July 2022 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Zizu [130]
7,085,714 (x8.69)
2 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [311] 1,781,161 (x2.00)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
1,764,854 (x2.01)
4 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
1,371,233 (x1.55)
5 <Halo> Juv0 [72]
1,370,142 (x1.60)
6 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
1,296,682 (x1.53)
7 <Escapism> Myriad [421]
906,772 (x1.02)
8 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 898,628 (x1.01)
9 <Silence is Golden> Kate Beckinsale [48] 897,151 (x1.02)
10 <Hotty5> Sophie01 [111]
894,836 (x1.00)

Also see:

Congrats to PeeT [150] for leading <Apex> to victory in the June 2022 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> PeeT [150]
4,151,206 (x5.09)
2 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [309] 2,030,877 (x2.36)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
1,870,846 (x2.17)
4 <Halo> Juv0 [72]
1,614,033 (x1.90)
5 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
1,294,132 (x1.51)
6 <dogs> Mr Green [81]
979,611 (x1.16)
7 <Escapism> Myriad [420]
929,908 (x1.08)
8 <The North> Oxyk [74]
889,715 (x1.07)
9 <Hotty5> Sophie01 [111]
877,403 (x1.02)
10 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 868,510 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to Off [290] for leading <Apex> to victory in the May 2022 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Off [290]
4,938,397 (x5.88)
2 <Halo> Juv0 [72]
1,831,118 (x2.27)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
1,602,784 (x1.80)
4 <The North> Oxyk [74]
1,246,647 (x1.46)
5 <Escapism> Myriad [420]
1,180,856 (x1.32)
6 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
1,127,859 (x1.26)
7 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,076,740 (x1.21)
8 <Best RW Clan> OTv1 [200]
951,079 (x1.07)
9 <dogs> Mr Green [81]
937,244 (x1.09)
10 <Hotty5> Sophie01 [111]
932,459 (x1.04)

Also see:

Congrats to Execute [405] for leading <Apex> to victory in the April 2022 clan competition and securing a 4th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Execute [405]
4,580,019 (x5.54)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
1,615,482 (x1.90)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
1,375,788 (x1.60)
4 <Escapism> Myriad [420]
1,137,501 (x1.32)
5 <The North> Oxyk [73]
925,410 (x1.11)
6 <dogs> Mr Green [81]
903,385 (x1.14)
7 <Crabby> Crab01 [100] 899,320 (x1.04)
8 <Best RW Clan> OTv1 [200]
895,853 (x1.04)
9 <Silence is Golden> JBS [64] 894,092 (x1.03)
10 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 893,496 (x1.03)

Also see:

Congrats to battleminion [359] for leading <Apex> to victory in the March 2022 clan competition and securing a 4th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> battleminion [359]
6,937,135 (x8.22)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
2,475,769 (x2.78)
3 <dogs> Mr Green [81]
1,230,563 (x1.42)
4 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
1,012,146 (x1.16)
5 <Escapism> Myriad [419]
1,005,244 (x1.13)
6 <Silence is Golden> Kate Beckinsale [48] 958,720 (x1.09)
7 <Best RW Clan> OTv1 [200]
931,546 (x1.04)
8 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 913,939 (x1.03)
9 <Loafers> Loaf19 [54]
907,534 (x1.02)
10 <Eco> Eco13 [72]
907,399 (x1.02)

Also see:

Congrats to PeeT [303] for leading <Apex> to victory in the February 2022 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> PeeT [303]
4,648,555 (x6.13)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
3,521,638 (x4.57)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
1,058,265 (x1.33)
4 <dogs> Mr Green [81]
999,918 (x1.26)
5 <DAS> Das02 [111]
875,618 (x1.09)
6 <Reaper of souls> diablek [399]
851,308 (x1.07)
7 <Escapism> Myriad [419]
835,685 (x1.04)
8 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 827,859 (x1.03)
9 <Silence is Golden> Kate Beckinsale [48] 824,880 (x1.04)
10 <Hotty4> Karen01 [111]
822,603 (x1.02)

Also see:

Posted by Ender on Sunday, February 13, 2022, 3:37:05 pm (ET)

As noted would be happening in last week's announcement, up to 500 duration of the Hastened Adventure buff (10,000% battle speed) has been given out to all bots active since the start of 2020 (including new ones created since last week's announcement). As also noted previously, the catch is that this round won't put you higher than 500 total duration. In other words, if your bots had any Hastened Adventure duration remaining, it was wasted. :\

If you liked this mini-event and want to see more similar ones in the future, please reply to this thread saying so to help me gauge interest. I personally like the idea of mini-events like this with fixed time windows to utilize because I think it could help promote retention and it just seems like a fun thing to periodically do. The specifics of the type of benefit (buffs, showroom chances, etc.) and the exact mechanism are flexible as long as it fits the general idea of being a time-bound "use it or lose it" sort of thing.

Posted by Ender on Sunday, February 6, 2022, 2:28:39 am (ET)

At long last, the game is once again capable of sending emails.

Since I know this problem led to many people taking a break from the game, as a one-time special incentive to get everyone excited (and hopefully back to the game), I'm giving out (up to) 1,000 duration of the Hastened Adventure buff (10,000% battle speed) to each and every bot. There's a bit of fine print to this though:

  • Buff incentive #1 - Just before posting this announcement, I gave 500 duration of Hasted Adventure to all bots active since the start of 2020 (yes, emails were broken for about that long...). This either gave you a 500 duration buff or added to your existing buff.
  • Buff incentive #2 - No sooner than 7 days after this announcement, I will give an additional 500 duration buff to all bots active since the start of 2020. However, unlike with incentive #1, duration will only be added to existing buffs as long as it does not cause you to exceed 500 total duration. Some examples: 0 -> 500, 400 -> 500, 500 -> 500, 800 -> 500. In other words, any Hasted Adventure duration that isn't used before incentive #2 activates will be wasted, so make sure to log into all your bots (and tell your friends that had taken a break to too) this week and use it up if you want to maximize your usage!

Finally, I'm really sorry for how long this took to do. The original game server became too outdated to do the authentication that modern day email requires, so a full server migration was needed. I'd procrastinated on doing that for a long time because of the number of moving parts it involves, but I finally bit the bullet and finished the migration last weekend. Since then, I've also fixed a number of small migration-related issues. With the migration fully completed, the path was at last clear for fixing emails - and so here we are.

Congrats to Maniac [34] for leading <Apex> to victory in the January 2022 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Maniac [34]
3,344,138 (x3.76)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
2,735,062 (x3.07)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [341]
1,286,882 (x1.47)
4 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,019,683 (x1.15)
5 <Reaper of souls> diablek [398]
953,502 (x1.12)
6 <asdf movies> asdf20 [111] 945,145 (x1.06)
7 <DAS> Das02 [111]
942,924 (x1.06)
8 <Hotty7> Adelaide01 [115] 942,856 (x1.06)
9 <Escapism> Myriad [418]
942,220 (x1.06)
10 <dogs> Mr Green [81]
933,929 (x1.12)

Also see:

Over the past 24 hours, I've migrated the entire game to a new server. This is a completely fresh install with a new database, new web server, new everything. Although I've done some basic spot-checks for game functionality, because of how much has changed, there's a high chance of subtle breakages that I missed. If you see anything unusual, please report it in the Bugs subforum.

Known issues:

  • Custom logos: These aren't appearing yet. Edit (Feb 5, 1:35pm ET): Logos are back.
  • Clan rankings: The ordering on the page is correct, but the rank labels (1, 2, 3, etc.) are wrong. Edit (Jan 30, 11:22pm ET): Clan rankings are working now.
  • Jane: Not really a "breakage", but I just haven't gotten to setting up the game's IRC bot yet. Edit (Jan 30, 10:27pm ET): Jane is working now.
  • Trophies: Unclear on the scope of the issue so far, but something likely involving to trophy counts and trophy points. Edit (Feb 5, 4:38pm ET): False alarm, there was no bug.
  • End-of-month script: This went haywire the first time it ran. Edit: (Feb 1, 1:32am ET): This should be fixed now and has been re-run.

And since I know it's what many of you are wondering about: This migration was the main chunk of work needed to fix emails. Once the new server is up and completely stable, I'll work next on the final steps for restoring email functionality.

Congrats to Chriseps [168] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the December 2021 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
1,733,774 (x1.96)
2 <Apex> Maniac [34]
1,682,675 (x1.91)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [340]
1,122,941 (x1.30)
4 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,033,539 (x1.18)
5 <Hotty6> Emily01 [115] 958,386 (x1.08)
6 <dogs> Mr Green [81]
945,363 (x1.13)
7 <Reaper of souls> diablek [396]
942,430 (x1.06)
8 <IDK> Melkor [306]
929,932 (x1.11)
9 <asdf movies> asdf20 [111] 905,680 (x1.02)
10 <Escapism> Myriad [418]
897,662 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to battleminion [357] for leading <Apex> to victory in the November 2021 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month

Also see:

Congrats to battleminion [357] for leading <Apex> to victory in the October 2021 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> battleminion [357]
2,929,259 (x3.58)
2 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [339]
2,471,102 (x3.01)
3 <Escapism> Myriad [418]
1,153,368 (x1.30)
4 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
992,593 (x1.11)
5 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 943,758 (x1.06)
6 <Reaper of souls> diablek [393]
936,339 (x1.05)
7 <LOT> OTv1 [200]
935,488 (x1.05)
8 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [306] 932,236 (x1.05)
9 <DAS> Melkor [305]
906,001 (x1.01)
10 <Hotty6> Emily01 [115] 902,666 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to battleminion [357] for leading <Apex> to victory in the September 2021 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> battleminion [357]
3,242,284 (x4.16)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [418]
1,687,885 (x2.03)
3 <Reaper of souls> diablek [392]
1,202,524 (x1.45)
4 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [306] 1,079,624 (x1.30)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [339]
1,046,751 (x1.26)
6 <Silence is Golden> Kate Beckinsale [47] 1,027,919 (x1.24)
7 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
890,250 (x1.07)
8 <DAS> Das20 [111]
854,600 (x1.03)
9 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 837,080 (x1.00)
10 <The Lonely Island> Nosferatu [281]
834,000 (x1.00)

Also see:

Congrats to Zizu [150] for leading <Apex> to victory in the August 2021 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Zizu [150]
2,877,484 (x3.27)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [418]
2,315,302 (x2.79)
3 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
1,138,137 (x1.28)
4 <Reaper of souls> diablek [390]
1,120,496 (x1.26)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [339]
1,063,902 (x1.19)
6 <Hotty4> Karen01 [111]
914,784 (x1.02)
7 <Vampires> TVD20 [100] 903,806 (x1.01)
8 <Platinium Squad> Own You [375]
899,994 (x1.01)
9 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 894,928 (x1.00)
10 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [306] 894,652 (x1.00)

Also see:

Congrats to Zizu [150] for leading <Apex> to victory in the July 2021 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Zizu [150]
2,909,616 (x3.33)
2 <Reaper of souls> diablek [387]
1,360,673 (x1.52)
3 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
1,237,386 (x1.40)
4 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [339]
1,071,018 (x1.20)
5 <Escapism> Myriad [417]
937,770 (x1.05)
6 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 907,328 (x1.02)
7 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [306] 905,980 (x1.02)
8 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 903,456 (x1.02)
9 <Hotty4> Karen01 [111]
901,097 (x1.01)
10 <Hotty5> Sophie01 [111]
898,584 (x1.01)

Also see:

Posted by Ender on Thursday, July 1, 2021, 7:27:44 am (ET)

From the legacy announcements page on July 1, 2011:

bots4 has officially moved out of beta! All bots have been reset to level 1. In celebration of the release, an achievements system has been added. It's still in its early stages, so expect to see more to it as we go forward.

It's been a pretty wild ride. I didn't know how this little side project would turn out when I set off on the project sometime in 2010, but as previously noted, bots4 has been running longer than bots2, which ran for ~8 years. Here we are now 79,484 accounts, 96,207 forum posts, 408,321 bmail messages, 30,838,550 trains, 107,958,379 fights, 2,284,760,551,124,539 experience points, and 5,145 playtime years (!) later.

I'm sincerely thankful to everyone that's dedicated their time to play the game. Having players that enjoy the game and have stuck around for so long (whether continuously or after a hiatus) is the biggest compliment I could receive, so thank you. bots4, like bots2, has always been a very social game, so the community is the game's lifeblood; it'd be nothing without you. Here's to another 10 years of adventure together!

Congrats to Execute [399] for leading <Apex> to victory in the June 2021 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Execute [399]
2,860,926 (x3.50)
2 <BRAZIL BOTS> faelspo1 [39]
1,609,599 (x3.80)
3 <Escapism> Myriad [417]
1,075,650 (x1.24)
4 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
1,012,149 (x1.19)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [339]
996,551 (x1.15)
6 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 982,260 (x1.15)
7 <dogs> Rox [130]
931,092 (x1.19)
8 <Reaper of souls> diablek [384]
881,622 (x1.03)
9 <Vampires> TVD20 [100] 867,267 (x1.00)
10 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 867,211 (x1.00)

Also see:

Congrats to Execute [399] for leading <Apex> to victory in the May 2021 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Execute [399]
4,206,984 (x5.01)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
2,916,375 (x3.27)
3 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,562,796 (x1.75)
4 <Reaper of souls> diablek [381]
1,218,163 (x1.37)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [339]
964,427 (x1.08)
6 <Escapism> Myriad [416]
946,360 (x1.06)
7 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 918,588 (x1.03)
8 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [306] 894,721 (x1.00)
9 <Dinks> Dinks10 [120]
892,955 (x1.00)
10 <LOT> OTv1 [200]
892,888 (x1.00)

Also see:

Congrats to Boondock Saints [131] for leading <Apex> to victory in the April 2021 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Boondock Saints [131]
4,640,564 (x5.56)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
2,175,551 (x2.56)
3 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 1,941,070 (x2.27)
4 <Reaper of souls> diablek [378]
1,259,252 (x1.46)
5 <Escapism> Myriad [416]
934,720 (x1.08)
6 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [339]
931,008 (x1.08)
7 <Silence is Golden> JBS [61] 918,290 (x1.09)
8 <RIP> rip01 [100]
903,737 (x1.05)
9 <Tauri> KevyG [87]
898,679 (x1.05)
10 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [306] 869,336 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to battleminion [340] for leading <Apex> to victory in the March 2021 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> battleminion [340]
9,513,405 (x11.33)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
5,641,430 (x6.59)
3 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [59] 1,885,774 (x2.15)
4 <Silence is Golden> JBS [60] 1,259,697 (x1.48)
5 <Reaper of souls> diablek [374]
1,156,431 (x1.30)
6 <Escapism> Myriad [416]
986,023 (x1.11)
7 <Game of Thrones> GoT01 [100]
955,219 (x1.18)
8 <Fall apart> msp101 [125]
948,483 (x1.06)
9 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [339]
947,546 (x1.06)
10 <Pirate Haven> Mister Fantastic [200]
942,353 (x1.07)

Also see:

Congrats to Chriseps [168] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the February 2021 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
4,213,211 (x5.52)
2 <Sunmoon and Stars> Sunmoon [31]
2,195,003 (x84.85)
3 <Reaper of souls> diablek [370]
1,461,121 (x1.81)
4 <Escapism> Myriad [415]
1,319,035 (x1.64)
5 <Pirate Haven> Mister Fantastic [200]
1,287,820 (x1.60)
6 <Seventh Circle> Seventh Circle [70] 957,511 (x1.20)
7 <RIP> rip01 [100]
926,531 (x1.16)
8 <Hotty3> Nina01 [111]
876,516 (x1.09)
9 <The Hunger Games> THG01 [100] 875,181 (x1.09)
10 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [339]
839,881 (x1.04)

Also see:

Congrats to Execute [391] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the January 2021 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> Execute [391]
4,003,314 (x4.94)
2 <Reaper of souls> diablek [366]
1,988,713 (x2.23)
3 <Escapism> Myriad [415]
1,400,871 (x1.57)
4 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [301]
1,314,573 (x1.48)
5 <asdf movies> asdf01 [111] 1,200,726 (x1.34)
6 <Seventh Circle> Seventh Circle [70] 1,146,434 (x1.28)
7 <Wat doink> IDK01 [111] 1,016,672 (x1.27)
8 <Hotty3> Nina01 [111]
1,015,780 (x1.14)
9 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [338]
965,912 (x1.08)
10 <Tauri> KevyG [82]
940,913 (x1.10)

Also see:

Update: This win is TARNISHED (see details).

Congrats to Zach01 [132] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the December 2020 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> Zach01 [132]
12,530,780 (x14.50)
2 <Reaper of souls> diablek [360]
1,384,975 (x1.55)
3 <asdf movies> smeker [300]
1,272,421 (x1.43)
4 <Escapism> Myriad [414]
1,191,395 (x1.34)
5 <Wat doink> IDK01 [111] 1,168,958 (x1.31)
6 <Platinium Squad> Own You [375]
1,113,993 (x1.29)
7 <Tauri> KevyG [81]
1,104,381 (x1.30)
8 <Pennywise> PW01 [125]
1,098,560 (x1.23)
9 <Bad Religion> BR20 [125]
1,098,553 (x1.23)
10 <Ketamine> Keta01 [111]
1,092,309 (x1.68)

Also see:

Update: This win is TARNISHED (see details).

Congrats to Chriseps [168] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the November 2020 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
8,751,338 (x10.36)
2 <Reaper of souls> diablek [352]
1,980,530 (x2.40)
3 <Platinium Squad> Own You [374]
1,267,708 (x1.52)
4 <Escapism> Myriad [414]
1,225,196 (x1.42)
5 <asdf movies> smeker [300]
1,003,451 (x1.19)
6 <Tauri> KevyG [81]
946,264 (x1.16)
7 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
939,587 (x1.09)
8 <Wij zijn Ajax> AFCA21 [125]
937,505 (x1.08)
9 <Bad Religion> BR20 [125]
937,500 (x1.08)
10 <Pennywise> PW01 [125]
937,490 (x1.08)

Also see:

Update: This win is TARNISHED (see details).

Congrats to Zach04 [130] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the October 2020 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> Zach04 [130]
10,413,717 (x12.00)
2 <Reaper of souls> diablek [343]
2,440,304 (x2.79)
3 <Escapism> Myriad [413]
1,558,265 (x1.75)
4 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
1,347,098 (x1.51)
5 <Silence is Golden> Bitch Pudding [60] 1,152,372 (x1.30)
6 <Tauri> KevyG [81]
1,131,086 (x1.29)
7 <Wij zijn Ajax> AFCA21 [125]
1,047,342 (x1.17)
8 <Platinium Squad> Own You [372]
1,046,638 (x1.19)
9 <Das Echte> smeker [299]
1,043,311 (x1.17)
10 <Amsterdamned> AFCA02 [125]
1,006,847 (x1.13)

Also see:

Update: This win is TARNISHED (see details).

Congrats to Zach03 [130] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the September 2020 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> Zach03 [130]
7,644,830 (x9.15)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [412]
2,724,431 (x3.21)
3 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [373]
1,578,132 (x1.86)
4 <Platinium Squad> Pinoy [80] 1,418,251 (x1.67)
5 <Tauri> KevyG [81]
1,148,494 (x1.34)
6 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
1,128,582 (x1.31)
7 <Take> Take10 [62]
995,704 (x1.16)
8 <Metsu> hadoken [250]
992,608 (x1.18)
9 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
945,487 (x1.09)
10 <Amsterdamned> AFCA02 [125]
936,330 (x1.08)

Also see:

Update: This win is TARNISHED (see details).

Congrats to smeker [314] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the August 2020 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> smeker [314] 5,066,606 (x6.03)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [411]
3,004,723 (x3.71)
3 <Tauri> KevyG [80]
2,452,721 (x2.81)
4 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [373]
1,375,756 (x1.54)
5 <Take> Take10 [62]
1,149,541 (x1.30)
6 <Amsterdamned> AFCA02 [125]
1,004,278 (x1.12)
7 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
979,624 (x1.10)
8 <Drunken Lullabies> FM01 [125]
955,174 (x1.07)
9 <Eigendom van Eps> POfE81 [125]
952,060 (x1.07)
10 <Eps go Murphys> DKM01 [125]
943,120 (x1.06)

Also see:

Posted by Ender on Monday, August 17, 2020, 8:46:40 pm (ET)

Some of you have already noticed these, but I made a handful of small improvements to various parts of the game a little over a month ago. I'd originally been planning to bundle these improvements into a set of even more improvements, after which I'd finally make an announcement post listing them all, but life gets in the way sometimes and so I haven't made progress on the others yet. So stay tuned for a "quality of life v2" announcement at some point in the future, but for now, here's (I think) everything that was changed:

  • Equipment images now appear in the showroom - If you've played Diablo II at any point, you surely recognize that bots4 (via bots2) gets many of its equipment names from Diablo II, especially on the lower end. And if you played bots2, you may remember that it used actual Diablo II in-game images for items. I've now done the same for bots4, adding images to items taken from Diablo II. It was very nostalgic to see them all (both for Diablo II and bots2 reasons), so I hope you enjoy! Thanks to El Hefe for the suggestion.

  • Members list of clan profiles are now sortable - This one has been requested for a long time. The members list can now be sorted by any field (level, rank, wins, ratio, etc.). Thanks to MikeiiiBoy for the suggestion.

  • Star manager now shows a preview of the destination bot's name - When you start typing ids to move your stars to, the corresponding name of the destination bot based on the current id will now appear in the table in real-time. This should help make it harder to accidentally move stars to the wrong bot and get locked out for 5 days. Thanks to Dragon Summoner for the suggestion.

  • Item slot name is now more prominent in showroom - This isn't too big of a deal if you're very familiar with the game's items, but in case you ever forget or don't know, item slot names (body, helmet, etc.) are now listed in both the stash list as well as the item popup itself. Thanks to Zord for the suggestion.

  • Star images/logos now show exact star count on mouseover - Bots with 1-7 stars have distinct logos, but 8+ stars have been ambiguous until this change. You can now mouseover the image/logo to see exactly how many stars are on a bot. Higher numbers of stars may result in a slightly more exciting mouseover!!!

  • Northern Cyprus can now be selected as a country - Thanks to El Hefe for the suggestion.

That should be everything! Let me know if you've spotted anything else that I'm forgetting - I can update the list as needed.

Update: This win is TARNISHED (see details).

Congrats to El Hefe [410] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the July 2020 clan competition and securing a 5th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> El Hefe [410]
6,414,757 (x7.77)
2 <Tauri> KevyG [76]
2,440,690 (x3.07)
3 <Escapism> Myriad [410]
2,100,424 (x2.47)
4 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [373]
1,619,303 (x1.82)
5 <Platinium Squad> Pinoy [80] 1,419,540 (x1.61)
6 <Take> Take10 [62]
1,159,806 (x1.30)
7 <Ketayours> Keta21 [111]
1,012,807 (x1.13)
8 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
984,859 (x1.10)
9 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
983,549 (x1.10)
10 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
973,528 (x1.10)

Also see:

Congrats to El Hefe [409] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the June 2020 clan competition and securing a 4th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> El Hefe [409]
5,544,980 (x6.48)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [410]
3,115,526 (x3.86)
3 <Platinium Squad> Pinoy [80] 1,324,179 (x1.54)
4 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [373]
1,086,756 (x1.27)
5 <Take> Take10 [62]
1,029,109 (x1.19)
6 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
1,005,384 (x1.16)
7 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 993,777 (x1.20)
8 <Ketaours> Keta60 [111]
989,709 (x1.15)
9 <Metsu> hadoken [250]
967,031 (x1.15)
10 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
951,908 (x1.11)

Also see:

Congrats to Zach02 [130] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the May 2020 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> Zach02 [130]
14,571,181 (x16.60)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [409]
7,678,651 (x8.72)
3 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
1,175,247 (x1.32)
4 <Platinium Squad> Pinoy [79] 1,061,447 (x1.19)
5 <LoT> evil ryu [325] 947,483 (x1.08)
6 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
928,567 (x1.04)
7 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
918,733 (x1.03)
8 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 913,366 (x1.02)
9 <In Extremis> Serpentine [300] 911,422 (x1.02)
10 <Eigendom van Eps> POfE81 [125]
900,826 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to El Hefe [406] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the April 2020 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> El Hefe [406]
7,443,500 (x9.20)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [408]
4,069,523 (x4.72)
3 <Platinium Squad> wussy [62] 1,549,377 (x1.80)
4 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
1,179,196 (x1.37)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
987,503 (x1.14)
6 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
964,223 (x1.12)
7 <Metsu> Hammerz [250]
951,594 (x1.12)
8 <Peace> KING 07 [275]
943,547 (x1.09)
9 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 928,630 (x1.09)
10 <Ketayours> Keta21 [111]
927,728 (x1.07)

Also see:

Congrats to trkimrki [349] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the March 2020 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> trkimrki [349]
10,478,629 (x11.94)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [407]
7,356,331 (x8.42)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
1,168,147 (x1.31)
4 <Platinium Squad> wussy [62] 1,135,683 (x1.30)
5 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
1,102,351 (x1.25)
6 <Metsu> hadoken [250]
1,065,807 (x1.20)
7 <Peace> KING 07 [275]
1,008,108 (x1.13)
8 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 1,007,997 (x1.19)
9 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
984,772 (x1.10)
10 <RIP> rip13 [100] 960,408 (x1.08)

Also see:

Congrats to El Hefe [403] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the February 2020 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> El Hefe [403]
15,100,552 (x19.23)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [406]
10,340,403 (x13.35)
3 <Platinium Squad> wussy [62] 981,146 (x1.19)
4 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
976,486 (x1.18)
5 <Silence is Golden> Scarlett Dream [201] 966,863 (x1.19)
6 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
965,472 (x1.16)
7 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
946,945 (x1.14)
8 <Peace> KING 07 [275]
919,875 (x1.10)
9 <Metsu> hadoken [250]
915,143 (x1.10)
10 <RIP> rip13 [100] 893,839 (x1.07)

Also see:

Congrats to Zach01 [130] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the January 2020 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> Zach01 [130]
9,249,830 (x11.96)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [406]
3,524,275 (x4.02)
3 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 1,697,694 (x1.90)
4 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
1,090,512 (x1.22)
5 <Thunder Storm> Thunder01 [100] 1,054,283 (x1.18)
6 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
999,040 (x1.12)
7 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
998,758 (x1.12)
8 <Silence is Golden> Scarlett Dream [201] 995,149 (x1.12)
9 <Platinium Squad> wussy [62] 992,799 (x1.11)
10 <Peace> KING 07 [275]
975,048 (x1.12)

Also see:

Congrats to G0ds wrath [61] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the December 2019 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> G0ds wrath [61]
7,146,386 (x8.49)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [405]
4,446,387 (x5.03)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
1,270,840 (x1.44)
4 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 1,227,996 (x1.41)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
1,087,839 (x1.22)
6 <Unaffected> Hawker [145]
1,083,373 (x1.81)
7 <Sissy> Sis12 [100]
990,418 (x1.11)
8 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
961,299 (x1.08)
9 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [371]
960,773 (x1.08)
10 <Platinium Squad> olli [270]
960,534 (x1.08)

Also see:

Congrats to El Hefe [399] for leading <Strung Out> to victory in the November 2019 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Strung Out> El Hefe [399]
7,348,978 (x8.99)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [405]
4,876,266 (x5.67)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
1,706,693 (x2.01)
4 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 1,493,927 (x1.77)
5 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 1,490,397 (x1.72)
6 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
1,402,828 (x1.62)
7 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
1,023,338 (x1.19)
8 <Platinium Squad> olli [270]
952,977 (x1.12)
9 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [368]
914,059 (x1.06)
10 <Fitch numb3rs> 0nee [125]
910,128 (x1.05)

Also see:

Congrats to Serpentine [300] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the October 2019 clan competition and securing a 2nd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Serpentine [300] 5,896,368 (x7.14)
2 <Strung Out> El Hefe [398]
3,420,563 (x3.90)
3 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 1,784,945 (x2.00)
4 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
1,317,691 (x1.50)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [337]
1,119,917 (x1.25)
6 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
1,077,120 (x1.21)
7 <Fitch numb3rs> 0nee [125]
1,062,505 (x1.19)
8 <Platinium Squad> olli [270]
1,016,189 (x1.14)
9 <Silence is Golden> Bitch Pudding [60] 1,002,979 (x1.20)
10 <Thunder Storm> Thunder01 [100] 978,311 (x1.10)

Also see:

Congrats to Myriad [404] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the September 2019 clan competition and securing a 9th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Myriad [404]
7,574,996 (x8.83)
2 <Strung Out> El Hefe [396]
6,940,522 (x10.59)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
2,245,315 (x2.61)
4 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 1,367,722 (x1.58)
5 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
948,777 (x1.10)
6 <Silence is Golden> Bitch Pudding [60] 933,917 (x1.11)
7 <Platinium Squad> olli [270]
933,540 (x1.08)
8 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [336]
915,167 (x1.06)
9 <Metsu> teacup [100]
914,301 (x1.13)
10 <Thunder Storm> Thunder01 [100] 904,240 (x1.05)

Also see:

Congrats to Myriad [403] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the August 2019 clan competition and securing a 8th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Myriad [403]
4,970,020 (x6.28)
2 <Strung Out> El Hefe [395]
1,467,603 (x1.84)
3 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 1,368,936 (x1.53)
4 <Platinium Squad> olli [270]
1,063,160 (x1.19)
5 <Thunder Storm> Thunder01 [100] 1,023,900 (x1.15)
6 <Game of Thrones> GoT01 [100]
1,001,926 (x1.13)
7 <Metsu> teacup [100]
971,460 (x1.12)
8 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
965,440 (x1.08)
9 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [196] 948,012 (x1.10)
10 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
947,177 (x1.08)

Also see:

Congrats to Storm of Memories [150] for leading <Torment> to victory in the July 2019 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 5,207,870 (x6.22)
2 <Escapism> Myriad [403]
3,438,134 (x3.86)
3 <Strung Out> El Hefe [394]
2,188,907 (x2.79)
4 <The Foundation> LARAMIE [40]
1,694,364 (x1.90)
5 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
1,493,781 (x1.70)
6 <Thunder Storm> Thunder01 [100] 1,054,645 (x1.18)
7 <Platinium Squad> olli [270]
1,000,621 (x1.13)
8 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
995,899 (x1.12)
9 <Metsu> teacup [100]
983,944 (x1.11)
10 <Silence is Golden> Bitch Pudding [60] 980,786 (x1.17)

Also see:

Congrats to Esvrainzas [300] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the June 2019 clan competition and securing a 12th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [300]
5,472,850 (x6.50)
2 <Strung Out> El Hefe [393]
2,781,689 (x3.66)
3 <The Foundation> LARAMIE [40]
2,026,719 (x3.65)
4 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [300]
1,645,061 (x1.96)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [336]
1,447,398 (x1.68)
6 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 1,397,253 (x1.67)
7 <Metsu> teacup [100]
1,026,083 (x1.20)
8 <Platinium Squad> jezz [372]
986,904 (x1.14)
9 <Silence is Golden> Bitch Pudding [60] 952,218 (x1.13)
10 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [360]
868,470 (x1.01)

Also see:

Congrats to Arkuden [130] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the May 2019 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Arkuden [130]
10,580,200 (x12.04)
2 <Strung Out> El Hefe [391]
2,498,862 (x3.36)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [297]
1,709,860 (x1.99)
4 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 1,560,223 (x1.77)
5 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
1,130,621 (x1.27)
6 <Platinium Squad> jezz [372]
1,110,515 (x1.25)
7 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [336]
1,024,921 (x1.15)
8 <Metsu> teacup [100]
1,022,612 (x1.15)
9 <Silence is Golden> HML [25] 974,217 (x1.13)
10 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
974,173 (x1.09)

Also see:

Congrats to Esvrainzas [300] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the April 2019 clan competition and securing a 11th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [300]
7,852,780 (x9.77)
2 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 4,481,353 (x5.32)
3 <Strung Out> El Hefe [389]
2,280,271 (x3.17)
4 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
1,156,983 (x1.34)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [336]
1,131,799 (x1.31)
6 <Platinium Squad> jezz [371]
1,081,818 (x1.26)
7 <Metsu> teacup [100]
982,623 (x1.18)
8 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [296]
967,878 (x1.13)
9 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
951,578 (x1.10)
10 <Loop> Loop04 [67] 940,725 (x1.09)

Also see:

Posted by Ender on Monday, April 1, 2019, 2:29:21 am (ET)

Thank you to Execute for reporting a subtle loophole that allowed instant battles in certain circumstances. I have given 3 stars as a reward in accordance with the game's responsible disclosure policy. Happy hunting to anyone this motivates. :)

In more detail, the game's default time per attempt is 800 milliseconds. This can become even less too with buffs that increase battle speed, such as the Spirit of Wolf line of buffs. Before this update, the calculation of "how long do you have to wait until you battle again?" rounded down as a way to get second-granularity timestamps. This means that, for instance, a 13.2 second battle actually only keeps your bot occupied for 13 seconds. Another example is that a 0.8 second battle keeps your bot occupied for 0 seconds. In other words, sub-second battles are actually registered as being instant by the game, potentially allowing someone to accumulate wins against multiple bots simultaneously and/or in rapid succession.

To fix this, the minimum battle time is now 1 second. The calculation still rounds down, so a 13.2 second battle will keep your bot occupied for only 13 seconds, but a 0.8 second battle will now occupy your bot for 1 second.

FWIW, I'm not aware of this ever having actually been exploited, but I still awarded stars because this is pretty subtle/sneaky and the behavior is definitely unintended. It's probably pretty hard to exploit this in practice because the battle needs to have exactly 1 attempt[*], meaning the exploiting bot needs decent intelligence to be able to regularly hit first. You also still need to actually initiate battles each time which probably wouldn't be that much faster than just waiting the extra second. A script could certainly abuse this for a lot of quick wins though.

[*] Or maybe even 2 or 3 attempts with the Spirit of Wolf III buff? I didn't test this.

Congrats to Esvrainzas [300] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the March 2019 clan competition and securing a 10th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [300]
6,603,344 (x7.43)
2 <Strung Out> El Hefe [387]
2,698,421 (x3.25)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [293]
2,319,645 (x2.63)
4 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 1,367,038 (x1.62)
5 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [192] 1,250,923 (x1.45)
6 <Peace> Boo14 [275]
1,123,952 (x1.26)
7 <Platinium Squad> jezz [371]
1,097,785 (x1.26)
8 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [354]
1,090,763 (x1.24)
9 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
1,084,736 (x1.22)
10 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
1,072,791 (x1.20)

Also see:

Posted by Ender on Thursday, March 7, 2019, 3:10:07 am (ET)

Dragon Summoner pointed out this surprising fact[*] to me...

[*] It depends a little on how you look at things though.

First step is to find out when bots2 started. The first entry on for is 2002-02-14, which if you then click into the version history, will show the earliest update as:

2002-01-20 -- Everything seems to work, so this will be version 2.0.

So let's conclude that bots2 started on 2002-01-20.

Next step is to find out when bots2 ended. This is doable with my old Bots Unauthorized website which tracked a lot of bots2 stats, including hourly scrapes of hall of fame data. I remembered that it was around the end of January 2010 that the game got hacked for the last time. Looking into BU, I see the 2010-01-25 stats are available, but the 2010-01-26 stats are not, so let's conclude that bots2 ended on 2010-01-25.

From the above, let's then say that bots2 ran for 2,927 days (8 years, 5 days).

Now for bots4. There are 3 possible start dates, depending on how you look at things:

  • Start of closed beta: 2010-09-29
  • Start of open beta: 2011-03-07
  • Official "release": 2011-07-01

And here's how long after each of those dates 2,928 days is (i.e. 1 day longer than bots2 ran):

And so in conclusion:

  • If you see closed beta as the start of bots4, then bots4 surpassed bots2 several months ago.
  • If you see open beta as the start of bots4, then bots4 will surpass bots2 within a week.
  • If you see the official "release" as the start of bots4, then bots4 will suprass bots2 in a few months.

Some closing remarks: It's really pretty surprising that the game is still going relatively strong after all this time. Like many of you, I was originally hooked on bots2 in the early days, drawn in by the niche game mechanics and kept around by the community aspect. It's pretty weird to still be here nearly 2 decades later. I'm thankful for everyone that's stuck around, those that have returned after breaks, and yet more that have rediscovered the game after years away. You all are the lifeblood of the game, without which this would just be a weird little ghost town. Thanks also to floR for so much of the original game design and inspiration for the majority of bots4.

It's been a blast! Here's to the next decade.

Congrats to Esvrainzas [300] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the February 2019 clan competition and securing a 9th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [300]
4,496,506 (x5.62)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
2,737,223 (x3.48)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [287]
1,612,876 (x2.03)
4 <Bang> Clay Banger [74]
1,526,728 (x37.87)
5 <Torment> Storm of Memories [150] 1,475,319 (x1.99)
6 <Metsu> teacup [100]
948,775 (x1.36)
7 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [192] 938,497 (x1.21)
8 <Platinium Squad> jezz [370]
932,199 (x1.17)
9 <Peace> Boo14 [275]
922,098 (x1.14)
10 <Reservoir Dogs> Mr Green [80] 910,945 (x1.14)

Also see:

Congrats to Tomato [58] for leading <Torment> to victory in the January 2019 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Torment> Tomato [58]
5,761,014 (x6.93)
2 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [300]
4,605,916 (x5.35)
3 <Strung Out> El Hefe [382]
2,621,986 (x2.96)
4 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [352]
1,121,904 (x1.26)
5 <ROFLCOPTER> Curtain Rail [146] 1,077,356 (x1.25)
6 <Peace> Boo14 [264]
1,066,567 (x1.19)
7 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [279]
1,062,315 (x1.22)
8 <Platinium Squad> jezz [369]
1,052,839 (x1.18)
9 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
1,040,961 (x1.17)
10 <Waste> Eee687 [100]
1,027,323 (x1.15)

Also see:

Congrats to Esvrainzas [300] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the December 2018 clan competition and securing a 8th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [300]
5,157,468 (x5.78)
2 <Torment> Samuli [237]
3,504,026 (x4.40)
3 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
2,569,548 (x2.88)
4 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [270]
1,532,424 (x1.75)
5 <Viagra> Luthrin [101]
1,067,098 (x1.20)
6 <Peace> Boo14 [241]
1,047,604 (x1.17)
7 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [349]
1,005,936 (x1.17)
8 <Platinium Squad> jezz [369]
997,733 (x1.13)
9 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [336]
967,576 (x1.09)
10 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
947,829 (x1.06)

Also see:

Congrats to Esvrainzas [300] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the November 2018 clan competition and securing a 7th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [300]
5,745,093 (x6.81)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
4,121,056 (x4.83)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [261]
3,202,310 (x3.72)
4 <Torment> Samuli [237]
1,804,724 (x2.09)
5 <Reaper of souls> Tonc [348]
1,050,923 (x1.21)
6 <Metsu> teacup [100]
1,014,341 (x1.43)
7 <Platinium Squad> jezz [368]
989,096 (x1.15)
8 <Silence is Golden> Mitra [117] 978,774 (x1.28)
9 <Peace> Boo14 [231]
976,621 (x1.13)
10 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
932,493 (x1.08)

Also see:

Congrats to Esvrainzas [300] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the October 2018 clan competition and securing a 6th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [300]
9,679,090 (x11.04)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
5,648,371 (x6.84)
3 <Metsu> teacup [100]
1,159,427 (x1.52)
4 <Torment> Samuli [237]
1,131,969 (x1.34)
5 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [336]
1,111,676 (x1.25)
6 <Reaper of souls> diablek [271]
1,065,161 (x1.19)
7 <Platinium Squad> jezz [367]
1,028,501 (x1.15)
8 <Pirate Haven> Mister Stinky [28]
1,001,792 (x1.13)
9 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
994,744 (x1.11)
10 <Peace> Boo14 [225]
990,779 (x1.15)

Also see:

Congrats to Esvrainzas [300] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the September 2018 clan competition and securing a 5th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [300]
9,054,572 (x11.51)
2 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
4,205,633 (x5.02)
3 <Metsu> teacup [100]
2,055,381 (x2.56)
4 <Torment> Samuli [232]
1,694,278 (x1.96)
5 <Pirate Haven> Mister Stinky [28]
981,625 (x1.15)
6 <Platinium Squad> jezz [366]
975,730 (x1.14)
7 <Peace> hope1 [100]
975,052 (x1.13)
8 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [336]
971,268 (x1.16)
9 <Reaper of souls> diablek [271]
932,007 (x1.08)
10 <Silence is Golden> Kate Beckinsale [42] 920,153 (x1.10)

Also see:

Congrats to Bazza [275] for leading <Metsu> to victory in the August 2018 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Metsu> Bazza [275]
8,872,126 (x11.13)
2 <Torment> Samuli [227]
7,891,791 (x10.71)
3 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [300]
2,567,438 (x2.94)
4 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
2,342,802 (x2.62)
5 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [256]
2,198,688 (x2.69)
6 <Silence is Golden> Bitch Pudding [60] 1,118,445 (x1.38)
7 <Platinium Squad> jezz [366]
1,024,691 (x1.16)
8 <Thunder Storm> Storm01 [100] 1,018,315 (x1.14)
9 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
987,338 (x1.11)
10 <Descension> BlaqkRayne [31]
954,612 (x5.62)

Also see:

Congrats to Destruct [226] for leading <Torment> to victory in the July 2018 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Torment> Destruct [226]
6,222,849 (x6.97)
2 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [255]
5,876,054 (x7.35)
3 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
4,165,265 (x5.53)
4 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [297]
2,120,641 (x2.47)
5 <Reaper of souls> diablek [271]
1,247,464 (x1.48)
6 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
971,538 (x1.09)
7 <Silence is Golden> Bitch Pudding [60] 969,128 (x1.14)
8 <Platinium Squad> jezz [365]
964,663 (x1.09)
9 <Mordor> Eee683 [100] 964,620 (x1.08)
10 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [336]
952,480 (x1.07)

Also see:

Posted by Ender on Sunday, July 15, 2018, 6:14:05 pm (ET)

If you frequently find yourself scrolling past a bunch of items in the showroom that aren't equippable for your bot, then head on over to workshop settings page for a new option that only shows equippable items. This option is off by default because part of the fun of the game is seeing and chasing after the next upgrade, but for advanced players for whom it's just noise, feel free to filter them out.

Just a small little quality-of-life update for a lazy Sunday - enjoy!

Congrats to Esvrainzas [295] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the June 2018 clan competition and securing a 4th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [295]
5,558,055 (x6.75)
2 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [252]
3,905,563 (x4.67)
3 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
3,084,785 (x7.65)
4 <Torment> Samulii [35]
2,700,127 (x3.22)
5 <Reaper of souls> diablek [271]
1,450,144 (x1.68)
6 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
953,212 (x1.10)
7 <Reservoir Dogs> Mr Green [80] 907,367 (x1.10)
8 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [336]
906,379 (x1.05)
9 <Platinium Squad> jezz [364]
905,023 (x1.06)
10 <Silence is Golden> Bitch Pudding [60] 899,290 (x1.05)

Also see:

Congrats to Esvrainzas [281] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the May 2018 clan competition and securing a 3rd George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [281]
6,941,807 (x8.13)
2 <Torment> Samuli [150]
3,438,307 (x4.04)
3 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
2,523,125 (x6.52)
4 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [252]
2,509,105 (x2.82)
5 <Reaper of souls> diablek [271]
1,672,369 (x1.92)